Cuckchan is a real piece of shit

how is witnessing and video taping a crime, and connecting it to someones facebook page, and reporting it online on somewhere, and linking their facebook page, invading their privacy? or some kind of their copyright, facebook page?
or as they put it, calling to raid or doxxing?
arent they calling for doxxing by allowing people to relate to each other on their website?

were can i go to post happenings?
summary, they censored the portland thing, banned tons of people, deleted tons of posts within 20 minutes of people figuring out who he was by searching facebook pages.

now being a detective is illegal according to the newly made up bullshit by cuckchan

and here they censor ur topic within 1 or 5 minutes if you don't agree with what they like. which of course is whatever agenda theyre planning and they do it to attack you in the way they want things to go bad in.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you have to go back..

What the fuck is cuckchan? I keep hearing about that place. Is it like some faggoty version of Zig Forums? Sort of like Zig Forums's little brother whos not allowed to watch violent movies or titties?

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good response, clear and to the point as if tho it has one.
ive been here before and probably before i ever went to there. i never went to their for whatever reason you claim that everyone has to go back to, for.

im just asking what site has a free speech thing, kind of like a chan or any kind of chan, that i can use? to talk about political crap. or whatever else. without having to whore for the jews.

if they would implement speech laws why would you not? thats my point.

they deleted probably near 1000 users the other day over posting about that guy.
it was public images, and the video of the assault was public. it wasnt reposts of doxxes or raids. it was user detective work. and was all censored as to uphold a governments censorship. go raid cuckchan or something is what im saying, about this portlaand guy

whatever ive had this place have the mods intentionally show to me they were following my posts, would try to throw it in my face, then go about censoring me.
this place is 100% fbi honeypot ran. probably by that kike dalalsgoldbug i always try to out and noone talks about.


people still talk about the bikelock guy, but those threads arent censored.
im just .. you nkow asking if you dont have a banned 4chan right now, got there and wake up their userbase as to what the fuck is going on.
and im asking here wtf is this shit? are u all going to also ban any user detective work too?
it was bullshit that they done that becuase it would of died down within a day or two or few, just as it did with the bikelock guy.
they just want to set a precedence to not allow talking.. uu know unless it is something positive to say about the jews, some monopoly they are trying to take over or might be able to. or nothign else.

My ban just expired today from that shitshow. Amazingly, Portland PD still haven't issued an arrest warrant or any other public requests for information on him. Also, Twitter took down all of the videos of the assault which showed his face clearly.

It was a full court press to protect that piece of shit because unlike most of the other teenage retards that were arrested, he had a lengthy list of priors and would have probably been facing serious prison time. There is a no joke conspiracy around Antifa, something which spans chans, corporate platforms, and even local governments.

And they're dragging their filth here as well.

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It's the guy in the corner watching us fuck his wife.

its great to see they jsut decided to censor me when their feds on HERE just got mad at me owning them in this thread about some law they want to make to force u to pay them 5k for every time they claim a censorshipo i mean copyright law was broke
i told them straight up you cant have copyright forced laws on speech without it being hate laws to talk not positive abou tthe jews

and i get censored for post history.

wtf is the point of tlaking if thats what its going to be like? on that site? i dont have to say all of the internets like this but they want to set some precedence. right now on their site its all these fucking all u guys are the same, lets act the same and everythigns yoru fault threads,

just now the everythign is yoru fault yoru to blame threads are more theres just more of them now since they let that crim they did go through.

let me xplain about hwat i was going to post there. that dallasgoldbug guy wants all the presidents to have to show their birth certificate to be president.. i asked him if he meant the long form or short form version. he said, it doenst matter

HE wants the president, the person who is an american, to have to bow to the money changers, to the monopoly people of the currency we have. they print off money on your short form certification of live birth.

how can morons sit around and go i wants that when they dont do shit and are all idiots?

sorry but u fuckign retard feds arent going to be able to do that.
bet me 100% they will want to censor speech before guns. how can they take ur guns without censoring communication.
oh yea reason dallasgoldbug wants to do that, have them show their birth certificate, you woulld think what thats what ocmmon sense? no, its really not. thats why he isnt stating wether short or long form is wht he wants. i explained to him in an email what it was and he said, "oh your falling for their lies". he wants them to have to show a birth certificate cause some might be dressing up and acting as other people.

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There's quite a bit of censorship here too, it's just a bit harder to detect since Zig Forums has no archiving services or compatible browser extensions such as 4chanx for Tampermonkey.

I'm looking into making some kind of an extension to automatically highlight and save deleted posts and threads, but I have concerns about accidentally scooping up CP or other such stuff.

point is here that the chans act like that something will, "get out of hand" when thats never happened and won't. they intentionally have let thigns get ouf of hand and they claim when they censor u that that what you would do. when you clearly dont, and they have no exmaples to show it to you. only outrageous claims and scams they have themselves done.

my other post history? was me talking about another game in a game thread about games that turned to shit online


all internet websites suck

I got a 1 month ban and i don't even know why

wathc them ban me here now without reason and look for a reason and go, "oh look, his post history did you see this other thing?"
on a post that was about mmos that turned bad that you used to play that used to be good, that was completely relevant? and i was posting later about some stupid law they were bitching about claiming to be talking about, and i made relevant posts in it. and of course the cianiggers got to make their shit eating comments to me like no its not durrhurr and when i defend my posts the mods use my defense replies as claims of spam and banned me?

illegit who fucking cares. ive been here before the mods look for reasons to ban speech if you tlak about things they dont like.

fuck you talk in your fucking echo chambers, fucking retards.

i swear to god i have no other place to go and i will use my time to do other things and since all my freedoms if you start with 1 get censored I will find someting to do..
fuckng stupdi niggers

this.jpg whole thing was so ridiculous..
isnt it just "funny" that that happened they start blaming people for things right there, then all of a sudden, wow look so amazing, 4chan starts calling calling out criminals on the streets as doxxing?

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how come on cuckchan you can talk about bike lock guy, but not portland razor smasher guy?

fuck it whatever. what are people supposed to take from that?

(and this)
i dont get it, what dont talk about the jew pushers, the tribes pushers?

Its ok to try to at least understand how the rest of the interest forums are working. The kikes want us to stay on our containment board. I was on reddit last night raising hell and shifting the overton window.

How bad is 4/pol/ these days? I understand that the management there cannot be trusted, and I will never have any faith in them; but I really do feel like the genuine Zig Forumsacks are outnumbered here by shills. Near enough every thread just devolves into stupid shit, and not even high quality stupid shit. The D&C of modernity has no insights or knowledge, its just baseless accusations of 'kike on a stick' or 'cuck' or 'swedistan'. If there was some attempt at actually having an argument about WHY Christianity/ Paganism was bad, why X country is bad and what it needs to do; it would be something, but the quality of conversation here is so embarassingly low that we do not even get that.

I feel that no matter how bad 4/pol/ is, it should at least have a significant number of genuine people there. They might not be as advanced as the cream of 8/pol/, but this place is so overwhelmed with literal jews and shills that it is nearly impossible to actually have a debate, and even if it was possible I imagine many of us cannot be bothered to engage due to the endless amounts of retarded shit that every thread is filled with.

I'd happily take a drop in IQ for some actual REAL Zig Forumsacks. Is 4/pol/ the dumber but genuine sanctuary that I seek? I remember all the old threads about how the commies/atheists/libertarians could come to Zig Forums but that after seeing their arguments BTFO they would be forced to acknowledge that we are right. I never see those arguments here anymore. I never see any genuine arguments being made. Just stupid shitty accusations with no relevant information.

I have literally no idea what you're talking about. Why don't you add context? Why do you complain about one site that won't let you post something then you act all secrety about what it is here?

Karen Straughan does not play Gabby Giffords. (or 'the actress' who plays both).

the other guys sounds like a jew

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Kill yourself.
It's slang for 4chan, which spurred the creation of Zig Forums by censoring GamerGate threads

Bullshit, Zig Forums was formed when pure unadulterated autism formed a hole in the veil of this piss earth.

Nigger those of us who understand how important the kiddie pool is overall to all of this spend as much time there as here. Trying to educate & foster some of these fucking complete newfags, trying to do whatever one can to counterargue the narratives in the sea of fucking slide & shill threads.

I'd help but they IP ban all of my nodes and I don't have my dankweb system active just yet.

Cuckchan censors every Russian thread I started there.

I just double down on everything and post 100x more about Russia and make it very clear the problem are the Jews and the US, not anyone else.

Also I go to other websites and spread the word about Jews and the US.

They have a hard time with real guys.

The sooner we repeal the Blacked 24/7 censored "democracy" the better for everybody.

The frustrations with discussion on this board are amplified offline with practically any topic. It's the way of this age. Cheap, disposable insults and misconceptions thrown at the enemy in an attempt to silence him.

"Cuckchan" is our way of referring to 4chan

cuckchans even worse. Same dumb people but less radical. So instead of having a debate you have to explain why labeling europeans as "white" isn't acceptable to Europeans themselves. They don't understand European nations are unique ethnic groups, cultures and histories so you spend an hour just pointing out why "white" is a globalist term and anti-Zig Forums.

meh, the nose is way off and the chick on right looks half the cripple chicks age


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This happens a lot.

I wonder if it can be construed as "hampering the investigation of a crime" or whatever it was called. It's actually illegal to do that.

The problem is the successive waves of refugees from more normie parts of the Internet. Sure, they all get redpilled eventually, but if some user has to patiently explain why Ancap can't work due to racial differences to a t_d boomer one more time it'd actually kill me. Of course, the problem is the mods there won't pin proper infographic threads (for (((obvious))) reasons), so it ends up being the same shit over and over. Still worth visiting just to drop some info from time to time though.


this place.jpg
btw how do I reuse images ive already posted here in another topic on this board that are sitting as they slowly decay away again?

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Made by a Chanology faggot obviously. Everyone around before then can tell you 2006-2007 was the death of the original 4chan, and everything after was the downhill slide.

I fin hard to believe that anyone who was in 4chan around 2005 is still around imageboards

i found 4chins in 2005 after the jenkem prank


Yeah, fuck off nigger.

Come on… don't be so retarded.
halfchan was the place to be in 2016, but then the media found out where the memes were from and called for a never ending raid on them. They're dead now, more jew posters than people there.
Zig Forums was awesome. You just stood back and took in the quality of the posts. Some of the posts were Controlled Opposition or Poison Well, but by and large, it was far better than it is today.

Kikebook finally made a play to patent shadowbanning. Literally patenting it.

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haha shows what you know

i don't remember what brought me there first
probably wondering what kind of place could scare people on IRC so bad

Fucking summerfags.

Yeah if you mean piss.

Spam thread still up.

i was one of those faggots that unironically played habbo hotel, came to 4/pol/ once and was called a nigger, never came back till 2016

Cuckchan is better than this place.

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4 what? Is that like a slang you kids use for foreskin now?

infinity exists because cuckchan is cucked faggot OP

Use the uncucked 4chan and make it your new home:

Earlier this year I got perma-banned from 4chan out of the blue after 10 years of posting there with no problems, after some faggot mod on /news/ didn't like my politics and simply accused me of posting CP and and when I appealed and pointed out this was a complete lie and never happened, the ban was still retained (as I assume the appeal goes to the same mod who issued the ban, so you can't win).

Seems Hiroshimoot is hell bent on turning the site into some kinda Twitter/Reddit analog and one of the few on-line discussion forums where free speech was formerly allowed, is going down the tubes.

Unfortunately Zig Forums isn’t much of an alternative, as it has nowhere never the amount of traffic and almost all the posts here are retarded shitposting, preventing any kinda normal conversation.

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They even type like a fed. I think feds are the true robots (zogbots.) Overuse of the parenthesis meme, oddly clean syntax, randomly ragging on Putin, "dick," and constantly debriefing. To name a few. Idk just feels like an ayyylmao trying to fit in.

Chanology was bad enough for the site culture as a whole, but the election was the real death sentence.

Almost as deadly as dihydrogen monoxide

I think you meant to post this

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Idiot. Everybody knows what "white" is. It's the people being targeted for extermination while you bitch about labels and splinter whites into smaller groups less willing to work with each other based on their commonalities. Pull your head out of your ass.

i feel like the IRC/ICQ channels the ogfags came from should be represented somehow.

that's prehistoric time period at this point, might as well include 2ch, while we're at it. 2003 was the start for most of us

I gave up entirely on cuckchan. My IP is I guess permanently banned.

I was an Zig Forums native from 2014-18, I've barely been back here in the last year, though. I've gone back to 4/pol/.

The reason is simple, once you're redpilled you don't need to debate anymore. I mean, who is worth debating on a chan in 2019. You know the facts or you don't, if you insist on ignorance there's no point arguing. I've been through the blackpill, the greenpill and back again. It's all so tiresome. No chan has anything to offer anymore for the redpilled user, except for news and passing the time shitposting/pointless arguing. You're better off reading books.

For news and shitposting, 4chan is superior. Here is slower, and is a bit of an echo chamber (the only opposition being shills). On 4chan you can talk to people who aren't redpilled, you get the sense the younger people are there too. There is a good base of redpilled people (although nuance, sophistication and depth of thought is almost nonexistent). 4/fit/ and /out/ are still active too.

4chan is of course extremely retarded, 50% of posters are just there to make thoughtless 'gotcha' shitposts and 40% make one line arguments. The atmosphere is very negative and despairing (all women are evil, but I also need sex, but I also don't have a chance etc) which I think is what the shilling is actually aiming for. You have to steel yourself and ignore idiots.

But it's fast, varied, you get news 30 minutes before the MSM publishes it, people do make funny posts, the general consensus is definitely still pro-Hitler, and you can discuss issues, if you can ignore the 50% of bait threads.

I've come to believe the true redpill is within, how you see the world, your mindset whether it's positive or negative will affect what you actually do in the world. Redpills are the bricks, but most anons don't build anything with them and moan that they don't have a house. Building a temple of truth and purity with them is extremely difficult (because of the negative emotion attached to most of them) but rising above fear is the best thing any user can do for himself. And I can bring positivity and hope to more people through 4pol. Or just shitpost.

Zig Forums definitely has a superiority complex, it's not really any better. It was in 2014-15 but I can't think of anything it really has over 4chan now, except a certain pride in qualityposts. But who cares anymore, the board is set, the pieces are moving. Idk what you still need to be reading on the chans except news.

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I disagree, 8/pol/ is much better for news than 4/pol/, as the moderation team there tends to delete many of the more "extreme" happenings.
research threads are not allowed on 4/pol/, so if you actually take world events seriously, you come here. 4/pol/ is no different than /b/, right before it died due to cancer: too proud to admit it's suffering, and eventually, will fade away while pretending nothing is wrong with it

lol, like 80% of the threads there are all leftist sjw cuck garbage, might as well hang out on reddit.

NYPA, don't care, nigger.

It's all intellectual masturbation though. You have to get on with life at some point. Politics can be a form of escapism. Take the redpills, sure, and use them, but don't think dwelling on them is useful.

Understanding the world is not conquering it. And if it's big enough news to make you change your 5 year plan, it'll be on CNN.

Yes I agree. I try to go there less and less, it's useless entertainment.

There's lots of Christian and pro Hitler threads. I'm not really 'defending' cuckchan I'm saying it's just more entertaining and there's more information shared, and that's all the chans are good for at this point.

I'm fully aware it's controlled, I've just stopped caring.

Yes, they are, so are you Jew.

Ethereum Classic taking a HUGE DIP.

4chan/pol is great.
It has many diverse discussions, and the board moves so much faster than in here.

I'm going to stop making quality threads until (You) go back.

Oh my fucking god. Why the absolute fuck is a 4chan meta thread still up 9 days after creation? This is absolutely off topic, does not belong on this SITE, let alone board.

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I still remember that initial thrill of making my first post on /b/ after lurking for over a year.
Pretty sure I just found 4chan by looking for porn.

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Wait what my forehead?

This site is no better.


I'm fucking proud lads

Why is Zig Forums the newfag central in the entire site? Come on we were supposed to be the first board with activity here.

and this needed its own thread?

dallasgoldjew is still active?

This board is owned by mossad, the FBI owns cuckchan.

Zig Forums kike mods are about as bad as cuckchan's mods

wth is op about