I get physically sick watching tv shows or films with a heavy mixed-race cast

And with mixed-race, I don't just mean that it has blacks, asians, whites on it. But these mesitzo-mutt. It's not just that these shows feature heavy themes of deconstruction of white politically power, but also literal deconstruction of the white people.

Mestizos are going to be the death of the US. They are going to make you into a mutt race, my dear american anons.

I just watched these marvel tv shows. I skip around them to watch their content more quickly. There is really nothing for white people in these shows. There are no white role models.

You have:

I just even skipped over the first episode of "The Gifted" and the kids and his sister were talking about their social studies class.

Maybe this is a good thing. If they make tv and film too disgusting for regular white men to watch, then instead of them wasting their time, they can find their way to us.

Btw does anyone else literally get a feeling of physical sickness, when being confronted by this propganda by jewish writers? I get a queasy feeling in my stomach.

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This isn't really worthy of its own thread but I will polite sage and agree.
I used to watch and listen to stand up comedy, I think it's a real talent to get people to just lose it laughing.
Now that Cheeto Hitler is in power here is how stand up is now

So do something?
Go grief the producers minecraft server and gank him

If you're not gonna do something stop bitching about it

But I am German, user.

You can still find his server IP and give it to American anons
There are probably many producers in Germany too who do this shit

Not really. All of the blockbusters come pretty much from America, except for a comedy about a man addicted to pork tartare on bread.

It is a very good thing. The opiate of the masses has become TV. The more (((people))) push this shit the more people with any "potential" to not be a degenerate piece of shit will slowly be turned away. The left will be kept in bubbles of fantasy and compliance while other people are pushed away from escapism and will slowly be forced to face reality.

No more shrines for TV. Just look at netflix with its witcher adaptation. A story about a strong white male, set in deep European culture now has dindus as the female leads. The core fan base are white kids/men who at least aspire to something heroic even if its just subconscious , a hero's quest for a nigress? Forget it. They are alienating young white men in the last forms of escapism they have.

When white men don't have escapism anymore, they will start too look around in the world. . .

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I don't get physically ill, but I do cringe more than I used to at how ridiculous everything on TV/streaming is today.
Well, there's not much you can do about that unless you pick up a camera and go produce your own content. Or, you could just watch Triumph of the Will on an infinite loop, reminiscing about the good 'ol days.

Fuck you.

The shitskins' subconscious are so easy to reach and that is exactly the point of film. White guys are portrayed as idiots and obnoxious in movies to the point of it effecting the way we are treated by others, including our own race.

The jews are really into us and if you call them out, the other sheep look at you like you are crazy.

This is also why limited accelerationism can work.
If we keep faking interest in these faggot shows, it will keep make (((producers))) continue to produce this trash and make whites even more alienated.
I said limited accelerationism because I'm not one of those faggots who thinks we should support ZOG on literally everything they do simply because they think it might wake people up.


How can we accelerate to the point that the media attacks Asians (high IQ, strong family units), I want to recruit more Roof Koreans to our ranks.

One the post ridiculous shows right now is (((Stranger Things))). This season literally had this abomination dating a smart, mormon white girl and a nigger dating a redhead. (pics attached)

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I consider Mestizos more dangerous to the White race too, because they don't act like blacks , and they can end up on websites like Zig Forums sometimes, which is not good.

I also used to like Varg but i realized, he is the major reason there's so many South Americans nigger trash here, for some reasons his band : "Burzum" attracted a lot of mutts which lurks here now.

For me it’s not sickness it’s just anger and contempt. I’ve also been noticing a lot of mixed race couples in public and feel quite disgusted by that as well. Fucking race traitors and basic bitches with no higher order thoughts beyond the immediate

Take a stand and convince other Germans to boycott these films with diversity. Let these companies know that you will only watch films with German actors, and that including any African, Middle Eastern, French, Russian, Chinese, Polish, Dutch, or Native American actors will result in heavy boycotts from your organized movement.

I don't know. I am fine with the Dutch, user.
We are basically as closely related as any ethnicity can be.

It’s starting to happen but it’s more subtle.
You can read headlines about the Harvard lawsuits over asian admissions as an example where it started to get a bit dicey
Polite Sage for double posting

apparently they sprung it on the actress at the last minute that she was going to have to kiss a nigger, fucking kikes

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Your groups have different names for a reason. As soon as you normalize one type of integration, you normalize another, which normalizes another. If Desi Arnaz and Lucy were never put into the "white" category, then those groups wouldn't be mixing today.

If you want separate races, advocate for separate races.

God damn I didn't even know about that.
Fuck these kikes.

This, one of brothers who is on the fence of outright race awakening was a big bond fan, got to talk to him on the phone yesterday for his bday and he spent at least 10 minutes complaining about a black woman blond. That spearheaded lots of venting on his part, which I then carefully guided towards realpolitic like the analogys of south africa and america, just differing points on the timeline.

Or equally bad making the only admirable white guys in the show be race mixing or homos. I dont watch barely anything hollywood anymore, but I did/do like the expanse. Turned the main character into dating the tensai black engineer and this last season the bad ass mechanic into a queer fucker.

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Can't be stopped, user. White women alone have now statistically fucked and married Latino men in droves more than all others combined because they're too dumb to tell them apart from Italians.

I understand you, OP. Movies all suck. Vidya all sucks. Everything is boring, and the only passion in modern media is leftist propaganda. It's like they don't even care if people enjoy it, they know the stupid cattle will consume it anyways. All they have to do is make everything bad, and suddenly people won't care about quality, since they've been programmed with an urge to consume media no matter what. The only "normie" media I consume these days is on jewtube. And even then, I'll lose interest in channels when they come off as too "reddity." But there's some interesting stuff, like those military history/strategy channels. I remember subscribing to Historia Civilis back before he blew up, and then not watching him after looking at his twitter and seeing that he was a leftist. BazBattles and Strategy Stuff are pretty good. A small channel I like is Asianometry; it's by a Chinese guy, and he's very good at giving a balanced opinion on China/Taiwan because he has family in both countries. There's one called Atlantean Gardens, and the guy is amazing for /x/-tier stuff. I'm convinced that he lurks the more esoteric threads on 8/pol/. I'm also a bit of a sucker for comfy vidya channels, despite not playing video games these days. I recommend Vintage Beef and Reformist. I also listen to music on jewtube.

I should really try to expand my horizons. I should read more, and study the arts. But it's so easy to just sit at the computer and waste an entire day away.

wow, what a phenomenon!

I think the belief that africans are as different as Dutch people to us, got us into the mess into the first place. And jewish trickery of course.

its a shame that more of us dont exploit this formula to become super rich

I was at the beach yesterday here in Michigan on the west side of the state. So many niggers with white women and a few even had nigglets. It’s disgustingly common.

That's true though.
Fuck Zionist scum

I honestly thought that screenshot was from Star Trek: diversity until I read your post.

I usually only watch older films that I can confirm weren't written or directed by a jew. This gets a lot easier with Japanese, Hong Kong, and some European films. Doesn't stop me from watching films from jew infested countries, just have to be more vigilant.

Having long crossed the line between tokenism and blatant agenda pushing with contempt for the white man, this so called entertainment is unworthy of my time or money.

Yes, just chiming in here when I usually just lurk, but stuff like this fills me with an indescribably disgust and anger as I see my people's self preservation tendencies being subverted slowly and surely.

woman detected

Stupid stupid, I meant undescribable.

Why do you say "stupid stupid"? Do you also call yourself fat while looking in the mirror?

I do.

Honesty is a virtue.

so is cleanliness. go take a shower bud

Every TV commercial MUST have at least one black, a mixed race child, mixed race couple and at least one white guy acting like a fool.
This is 'hollywood' today.
What do I win?

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Remember anons, roast all beans.

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Don't watch them then. I switched totally to anime and its great.

And kill jews.

Anime is for faggots and fucking weirdos. Cartoons are for perpetual teenagers with mental issues. Stopping watching cartoons and read books or neck yourself you worthless garbage.

Of course you do because it is natural. Can't be fucked to archive this article but it states that no matter how 'woke' you are, on a subconscious level race mixing disgusts you

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I actually think that mixed race people look evil. Especially dark skin with green eyes. It just looks evil. There was that famous mixed race criminal that women all found attractive; he also looked evil. I've been able to see honest and kind looking people of all the pure races; Mongoloids, Africans and of course Caucasians. Mixed race just look evil every time; those typical dark-skinned Turkroaches, Arabs, Filipinos. They just look evil.

Best thing about this was that they unintentionally reinforced the fact that white girls burn coal to piss off their dads - that girl had father figure issues for days.


They already are in Canada. Free gibs if one parent has a band card, so you have young bucks impregnating all the white girls in high school. It's sick to watch.

So did I. Then I learned that all the successful comics had to fuck babies on film for a kike. Like Robin Williams fucking Whoopi Goldberg's unwanted baby to death. I never saw him the same since.

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Yeah, we know you goons perfer to molest your own white kids and that cartoon CP < real CP.

Just a heads up.. you may not want to watch the second Conan movie.

You didn't like Conan the Destroyer?

There's going to be a big market for entertainment in the future in print or digital, since that's all anyone poor can afford, of settings and stories with just white people. Or at least worlds where subhumans and shitskins are just some gaggle of people known about in some corner no one gives a shit about.

I hope you guys don't actually pay to see movies.

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- Read comics from the 90s (maybe Dealer's Pick)
- Read comics from Comicsgate
- Watch more anime and read manga >>> Anime-Planet.com
- Learn some stuff and/or develop something, DIY, fembots /robowaifu/

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By all means, join the "white" blob that used to be Northern Europeans only. Then Eastern Europeans too. Then Southern Europeans joined. After that Middle Easterners. Then Cubans. Now hapas. When your kids marry "white" East Asians and those hapa grandkids marry nogs, you will wonder: "where did it all go wrong?"

The answer: you were complicit in letting European groups with different names mix. They have different names for a reason. If those groups aren't protected, they will be less inclined to mix further still.

Neck yourself, faggot.

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I have to wonder now if Conan the Barbarian was a documentary much like Eyes Wide Shut. Has no one else thought of this? Thulsa Doom is up to the same cannibal orgy shit as our elites probably are.

The second one was written by some comic book faggot. They stole the soundtrack to make it seem good and added that lithe negro from that Bond movie.

They loo inbred, menacing and violent. Like there is something 'off' about them. You can never fully trust them

I'm not so sure.
Even with everything mainstream being pozzed, there is still a massive depth of media for you to escape into.
You have decades of film and anime, decades of good video games with amazing modern niche titles, centuries of literature worth reading (yes, reading can very easily be escapism), a bottomless well of music, even browsing Zig Forums can be escapism.
If you're looking for bread and circus, you'll find it.
Maybe it's a bit different for normalfags, maybe they only care about the mainstream, but there is no guarantee that they won't turn to something more destructive like opioids (possible link to the current crisis?) or alcoholism.
And if they go the political direction, they're likely to end up in the libertarian/neocon "trigger the libs!" trap. I guess that's where we come in, trying to reach these atomized and disillusioned men.

I agree with your general sentiment, but it isn't that simple.

Wow, you're behind. If it's any help: the white sister in this show who's flirting with a spic basically rejects him for being a criminal, so it's kind of glorious in that regard.

Polaris dating a spic should bother you until you remember she's a mischling so WGAF.

Actually the mom/dad in the gifted are pretty based. Yeah they help nigger/jew mutants but there's also a nigger trying to kill the mutants, so it's a confusing world. Ultimately they are recruiting allies to protect their 2 white children who are homo-superior.

It's oddly a lot more white-friendly than Daredevil/Jessica/Iron fist which pushes hard on the racemixing angle.

Fuck runaways for ruining Molly Hayes.

I can't remember much about Inhumans.

>watching Talmudvision at all
Go monk mode.

Redundant statement. It's amusing that burgers push the "one drop" standard more than anyone, yet to every White outside of NA they're quite plainly just very pale Castizos at most. That's fine, I adhere to the Nuremberg laws myself - but it's more about damage mitigation by letting them get even MORE mutted and winding up as full Mestizos than anything.

Why watch mass media in the first place ? go find another decent hobby instead.
Painting, lifting weights, reading… There are plenty activities which will bring you joy and pleasure.

Every series or movie I watch now if it has a black/white couple, gay or lesbian character I change the channel it hit the back button if it’s streamed. It’s gotten to be too much now.

Anyone who pays for entertainment is retarded, with few exceptions..

spider man is next

You haven't seen the MCU version (Homecoming/Long Way Home) of Spider-Man films yet have you?

That just means your normal, OP. Now that you know this, don't turn the fucking thing on.

Hey /tv/

I can't stand them either, I have to turn them off.
If a series becomes (((diversified))) or a mixed race couple is forced in, I automatically stop watching.
You're right about all the superhero melodrama series, they were some of the first to make it a 100% mixed kettle of shit.
People turn their brains off when watching fantasy/science-fantasy, which leaves the unconscious mind more exposed. Ideal for background brainwashing.
As for physical sickness, I have a disgust reaction where I find my head turning away from it, then have to turn it off if an advert comes on with a white female in a mixed race couple.

it's difficult to have aspirations if you have no role models to aspire to.
it is deliberate.
fathers mocked and ridiculed, or just absent, fictional heroes replaced with shitskin versions, and real life historical heroes memory holed because they were "racist/sexist" 100-200 years ago.
Statues taken down, paintings covered up.
They are creating a state of hopelessness.
The only way forward might to create modern day heroes, like in NZ.

This thread needs to be on blast, its that relevent.
All of the western social media/entertainment has not showen any possitive enforcement for quite a long fucking time. I don't like super weebs and anime has its flaws, but I'd rather people watch non western entertainment. Which is a depressing thing to admitt, but the thing is that there still is new content that is much more relatable. And lets be honest Asain culture with its failures is much more stronger and possitive for the time being than western culture as it stands.
Yes, I also get sick when I see blatant leftist propaganda. Race mixing is one of them for sure, but has been around for a while. The newest that makes me check out quite fast is the narrative of Anti white pride/being white is not ok sorta shit. Whoever it is the Jews/Elites/Leftist all are behind it, its all the same type of sickness.

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This, This board moves slowly as it is. This is a decent thread for a good reminder.

Anime is nice, it has ALOT of hit or misses, but generally every year a couple anime come out that are decent with 1 or so being redpilled. The rest is trash. Seriously thou, when will people stop conflating. Anime isn't all ooo joo - IDk the sound they make, Cp looking weeb girls. Its… just been a fair too much recently lmao.

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Yea they did this to Peaky Blinders. Was a good show based on a family of white brothers in 1920s England. I felt like I had finally found a non jewed show with based white guys I could admire. Then suddenly in season 2 they introduce a nigger into the group of brothers who they accept as family, show ruined.

True but you and everyone else here know that's not why their saying it. At the very least, they shouldn't feel the need to fucking say it every 12 seconds.

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The propaganda is becoming more blatant and you can expect it to worm its way into other mediums like a horde of locusts.

I can only hope this spurs creation of even more newer content just to flip off the contaminated medium. Maybe web media ala Newgrounds can get one hell of a resurgence.

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Just remember, it's not about making money for these people. It's about creating a false reality, regardless of cost. The money isn't real to them, they can just create more with (((Hollywood Accounting)). Don't consume their propaganda, but also don't fall into the trap of thinking that "voting with your dollar" is going to do anything. They don't care about "profit" the way they say they do. Money is not the primary motivator here. They just hate non-jews.

Its youtube in a nutshell. Just look at what videos get bumped in their recommended shows as well the ones that get 1 Billion views. All lies and propaganda.

Made even worse when the site was good and it was for the users.

The show is true to the books. Amos isn't the gay, he's just got a fucked up sense of sexuality due to his being raised in a brothel. He doesn't have any actual love interests in the book because he's incapable of bonding with people. The best part is in the book that was written during the 2016 election (spoilers)

There's a whole arc where Holden's parents are prejudice against Naomi for being a belter and they make ham-fisted overtures about xenophobia and being "better than that." I cringed my whole way through.

why are you watching tv to begin with?

When the kinetics start, you are going to have to haul these women and their spawn out in front of their fathers and have their father execute the foul beast himself. That or all of them, him, his wife, his daughter, his son (if he doesn't do it) and the spawn will also have to be culled at the same time.

We are going to face a massive hurdle fighting off cucked and cowed whites whom will rally to our enemies in defense of their own and those they consider 'weak victims'. We are not going to have time to convince anyone of doing anything, its going to have to come down to making them do it under pain of death and worse. While plenty of men here are fed up enough to want to wipe the whores out themselves, it will cause an backend backlash by men whom do not agree with us and whom will hate us for killing their daughter, an additional enemy we don't need to leave behind us while fighting off the hordes and the system both.

Forcing them to bring their own back into the fold seals their fate with our own. It enables them to become patriarchs of their family again, utterly responsible for their own family rather than left to allow them to run free. It holds them as enemy of the system for culling 'innocents' and being racist killers, with only us as their available ally. It ensures they for the first fucking time in their lives man the fuck up for their own flaws and the savage nature of the world if they let their own run rampant again. It also shows an very different side of an man to their family when they watch him kill to save their lives. And if the father fails, perhaps the son can step up and become greater, enabling within him far more pride than most would expect.

The females stained by subhuman filth will have to be relegated to broodmares. Property owned by their father and whomever their patriarch hands them off to. And while many would like them to be completely wiped out, we need women to breed the next generation of whites, and this war is going to kill vast numbers of us off one way or another. And there are not nearly enough decent whites left of decent white men to marry off with.

What our enemies have forced to become needed is an abomination. Tragic for so many innocent souls. Never forget to dehumanize yourself, what comes is brutal. Either that, or watch our race, our species die out.

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this is correct and its a HUGE hurdle that softie "right wing" people need to get over. they cant accept the fact that the money really doesnt matter after learning that ONLY money matter all of their lives.
The (((ad agencies))) and (((hollywood))) keep losing money by being "woke", why would they do this over and over and not go bankrupt or learn their lesson? Because there is a black budget for when they lose momey by promoting anti white propaganda. Take the Burger King "pink tax" propaganda they were pushing about a year ago. Men overwhelmingly responded negatively, and women really just didnt give a shit either way. There is no way they didnt know from their (((focus groups))) that would flop, they arent stupid. I think they get money from Soros type black budgets or maybe even tax breaks to run these campaings every once in a while to normalize marxist bullshit. If they dont keep up a constant barrage of propanga, new goyim entering the real world from childhood wont be blue pilled hard enough to be good cattle.

"Watching" rather than living your own life is what a cuckold does.

I heard it was good, tried to watch 2 or 3 eps before giving up. Same with pic related.

I don't understand what appeal these shows have with normies. The scripts are predictable as fuck, the acting is bad, there is forced and unrealistic poz at every turn. They aren't funny, interesting or insightful at all.

At least GOT was semi-realistic and had interesting plot lines in the first few seasons.

Attached: shit acting shit scripts shit sfx.jpg (1920x1080, 505.99K)

there's a nigger in that capeshit image you posted, retard.

How about the kike they hold up as anti-hero? I was skkkeptical when he went from the villian to the 'ero

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I'm mestizo unfortunately and he's telling the god damn truth, a few of us understand our white culture is far superior to our mongrel cultures. But as a whole they do not get it. Half white Half mexican with a constitution and bible always on hand with an aryan women to breed this bullshit out of me. Good luck my half aryan brothers and God Speed.