Stephan Ernst, the Aryan Avenger edition.
Stephan Ernst, the Aryan Avenger edition.
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Anyone could please provide similar "reportages" about muzzie terror attacks that killed westerners?
I can see plenty of pictures of the victims, details about their lives, all the solidarity stuff and so on.
Is any of you able to provide any similar treatment for the western victims of islamic terror attacks that have been going on in Europe these years?
Archive of previous thread
There were some, but extremely rare and few in between. If I remember correctly, after the attack on Ariana Grande concert some British tabloid published something similar. Will try to check for it.
But of course, that doesn't change the fact that if not for the internet (and Brenton) for example Ebba would be completely memory holed. The implication is clear - white people are less valuable and do not need remembrance.
Saint Bowers was objectively better.
Bowers was good, but Saint Tarrant was better.
There are many video edits put up here, mostly Christchurch/Tarrant related:
I think about St. Bowers as about the man who just stoically did his job and did it good. St. Tarrant on the other hand went on the whole campaign, fucked with media like no one before and single-handedly created probably the best "marketing" for the mass retaliation ever. He was afaik first guy who live-streamed the whole thing. And not only that, he wrote great manifesto, awesome soundtrack and rest of the stuff this user said . Last difference is that I think that Bowers acted more on impulse, while Tarrant planned the whole thing to the last detail. Granted, not as autistic detail as Breivik, but planned it nonetheless.
I wish we had a Breivik every week.
I think somebody posted Robert Bowers’s info somewhere, if you donate to his commissary account with a prepaid card nobody will even be able to trace that back to you
don't you have your personal infos linked to a prepaid card?
Not if you pay for it with cash retard
Hows the day in the office? You need to crawl to mr. Shekelgruber's ass more to get these bonuses.
I guess at the moment I cannot recall this type of prepaid, sorry.
uhm, just like hitler was a transalien lesbian with a short dick who jerked off thinking about his mom, amirite?
What did his cucked family do to stop white ethnic/racial replacement? Nothing.
not sure if this is any help to you
Link to Robert Bowers commissary account
They better watch out for muzzies looking for a quick revenge.
this is a compendium and it is not even a mainstream outlet. I was referring to the treatment western victims had on MSM compared to the treatment given to the 50 Christchurch vermins.
ok, was thinking you could use it to find specific attacks and look up the victims and see how the media reported on it. i will have a look through before i leave for work
You're fucking blatant and shouldn't be paid. Get yourself together. This is completely out of touch with the reality of the people here, who are so non-violent and inactive by any means that there are hundreds of messages complaining that no one is doing anything. People are civil and just sick of you, you're a parasite so you can't hold a government together on your own. The government you work for is literally just going to collapse, because it's a fucking joke.
Brenton Tarrant is not a hero by any means. A real hero will not be violent but educate people about the persecution our race experiences and use their influence to affect policy or they'll inspire people to organize and inspire and teach others.
You dumb nigger you're living in an echochamber and all the intellectuals belong to us. No intelligent person can tolerate your garbage kike/commie narrative unless they themselves are also a kike and see how they benefit from its subversion of other people, as all your inferior genes led you to always resort to cheating, lying, stealing, spying, racketeering, organized crime, etc. to get what you want.
This is a seething hebe. Save us a time in the future and neck yourself today. Pacifism is a tool of the Jewry, always was.
99,9% of historically acclaimed figures and heroes were way way more violent than any of us today, St. Tarrant included. Stop trying this hard you dumb cuckold.
Brenton is a hero that will be remembered for a very long time for his noble sacrifice, while you are an insignificant slave that pathetically begs your masters for the privilege of continued existence while denouncing anyone who dares to take concrete action against traitors and invaders because you fear your masters will be angry at you in response. There is no peaceful solution. You can't stop ethnic, cultural, racial replacement with a petition. You can't vote yourself out of white genocide. Fuck off.
I still get a boner when I hear it
Dead brown christians in an unrelated country do not count as Tarrant family members.
what a fucking loser
left can't meme and can't into manifestos too
Your are so right so many levels but at the same time so wrong. One can not existe without the other.
The struggle needs people like Brenton Terrant but also people who can talk and redpill others
Lol the antifa dude's manifesto looks like something an edgy white teen wrote during one of his awkward phases in life.
What is even the score now? Chad natsoc league 51 (St. Tarrant) 1 and some fingers (Disciple Earnest), 1 politician (Ernst). That makes it what, 53? And left has -1? Kek.
Breivik 77, Bowers 11
Is there any flash files for BT?
Literally a muslim, lol.
Filter and report.
But sure, make him the archetypal nazi. Converting to Islam can be the new special way to become Saint Nazi.
Dude, if shilling is telling hard truths to you wimps, we should all be shills.
Of course, we are all muslims, didn't you know?
You literally pulled this demented crap out of your ass, you complete spastic. Not only you have absolutely zero (0) proofs, you also shill it in every single thread. Kill yourself you dumb turd.
You know, the left actually tried to use you broken weaklings as a garbage disposal for used-up sex toys whose activist potential was wasted, roght? No of course you don’t. Far right ideology is subservient bullshit followed by death cultists who don’t know what it’s like to want to live forever.
Take your meds and go back to leftypol.
Actual western culture - the bastion that you spineless tribalist slaves malign as merely “white” - is pacifist.
Any retard can throw a tantrum, but none of you have the strength to face a hostile reality.
Go to a shrink, loser. Learn to value integrity.
Are there no mods here to remove that anti-white faggot?
I spent two months talking about death ounce dynamics and I was shilling it the day he did that.
are you mentaly ill?
We have strenght. Don't worry about that. Problem is goverement that protect you and your shitskins. As your tactical boomer show, you are not exactly fit for real fight. Only to smash someone head in crowd and run away. Than hope media will let you go.
Deathbounce. Oppressed people breed. Natalists are SLAVES. Humans don’t breed in prosperoty. They breed when beaten. The high-reproduction populations live in lies, diseases, and war narratives. Islamists have the oppression dildo up their asses making them horny, just like white trailer trash and black ghetto trash. Liberated humans do more life-affirming things than breeding.
Taking drugs, cutting your own balls and eating soy is not exactly life-affirming stuff.
Africa is extremely beset by sickness and filth. Less than ever, but still extremely. So what happens? They breed constantly. Because natalists don’t know how to stop submitting themselves to the worst conditions on the planet.
Islamic countries actually on average do not suck as much as African countries on average. So how can they hold up their birth rates? Same as you broken losers try to do to the undead wights you’re so set on ruining with psychotic bigotry: Islamic leaders tell the breeding slaves of Islam that they’re under existential threat.
Sending fifty people to Allah has no demographic reduction impact. It’s pure deathbounce; it inspires well more than fifty births, because humans WORSHIP death, and religiouals humans worship death especially.
Meanwhile, what sets Islam apart from other nations?
A religious requirement to lie.
Too weak for truth, too submissive to live. Die on your knees in your beloved war, reject.
Transformative biotech will have us all living forever if enough people are defiant of weaklings like you. Have you not noticed how little opposition it has taken to rape your movement out of civilization?
You people aren’t smart enough to live in a world where people are even a little tricky. You worship a Muslim!
Of course you noticed your own weakness. You spineless wonders in your submission to ancient tribalism and bootlicking willingness to suck the cocks of white nigger criminals whine constantly about how your dicks got ripped off and stomped on by the omnipotent alliance of Jews, Trannies, and men who eat soy. That’s what it took to drive your “race” towards extinction.
Such strength. Such truth. Such genious.
Filther schizos, shills and back to memes goys.
did he really have a stand off whit the cops?
Oops look at that post count drop! Weaklings. Absolutely spineless.
Have you noticed yet what absolutely wrecks your shit? What enemies are ansolutely unyieldingly too strong for the fart right to survive against? Jews, transsexuals, and men who eat soy. Those are your masters, driving your “race” into extinction. The reason why nobody likes right wing extremists is literally that nobody else is as weak.
Posting truth on this level gets scrubbed out to protect your precious feewings.
Tarrant was a muslim. He converted in Pakistan in exchange for certain services and certain debts. He took out a few decadent, westernized muslims and helped bolster Islam’s perpetual war narrative.
Islam considers lying to defend the faith sacred. He’s never going to admit what his actual motive was.
Source: trust me bro, I promise I don't suffer from severe schizophrenia, really.
Can someone post his manifesto? I overflew it once but actuall I want to read it now.
Someone also translated it to german(posted, JIC), there were multiple languages but these are the only two I saved. Enjoy
This is translation megathread:
Dozens of finished translations, so check it out, quite possibly in your own language as well, if you are not native English speaker.
Forgot to add, quality wise everyone back then praised German and Czech translations.
Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon Jews use to exterminate Whites
Why don't the mods ban this anti-white spamming faggot already?
Kill yourself you worthless cuck.
Original manifesto and translations can be found in the boards /translation and /brentontarrant
They can but all it take is to hope IP and then you can post again.
The shills are really going at it in this thread
Yes, they are always there, even more on cuckchan.
Have not seen this one posted in a long time so here it is again. I am not the creator
The left has a lot more mass shootings than that, the media just covers them up and memory holes them. Remember that Bernie bro who shot a fucking congressman and some others a couple years back?
Oh, you think by attempting to debate and reason with subhuman filth who possess no logic, nor self reflection, and instead have resorted to mockery, insult, misrepresentation, outright lies, propaganda, and finally censorship after losing said debate, rather than hearing the fucking facts as to how, and why they are the destructive degenerate driving force PURPOSELY DESIGNED to destroy high Aryan societies around the world for a Global Cabal of subversive vermin, bent on some ancient grudge to genocide "Whites" off the face of the Earth, is "weakness", then, by all means, we'll go ahead and try the only thing you've left for us to show "strength", shall we?
You've mistaken our Patience, and Silence with "weakness".
Thank you.
Good fucking luck with that, commie shit smear.
We're coming.
I read an article claiming that Breivik not only has a "girfriend" who he communicates with consistently, but that he also received hundreds of letters from women and young girls.
Will we ever see Brenton in a suit during trial like Breivik?
really good job, you should do a ton more
Yes, May 4th next year.
>implying corporate supporting (((Antifa)))) is our friend
Oh wow you did a great job. Keep up the great work.
You should have matched it so that when that guy was running towards the saint, the "nobody likes you when you run and hide" should have been played
Goddamn mate, you are seriously talented. Saved as your other works.
Remember this video? I thought it was pretty cool when I came out.
"Christchurch - The Tipping Point"