Trump's Notes Leaked

Trump's notes today at his half assed cuck for Israel speech show that he spelled AlQaeda "Alcaida" and People "peopel".

He's really that stupid.

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A thread died for this.

Kill yourself Moshe

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He spelled "people" properly, he just wrote it with a retarded tiny "l" and a massive, equally retarded "e".

It's pretty tinfoily, but maybe he's under some kind of mind control? Remember that weird Bill Clinton video?

just some more covfefe to trigger the libtards. turns out, the God Emperor knows exactly what he's doing and he was spelling AL CIA DA correctly while everyone else was spelling it wrong.

Attached: al-cia-da_sofrep.gif (400x300 106.82 KB, 20.32K)

people is spelled correctly though you dumb nigger.

Let's assume Trump is illiterate

You know what that means? He fucking made it as the President of the United States of America. Liberals with their $150,000 USD debt and highly educated? Why aren't they president? Get fucked

Kikes pick the president.

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… No? The people vote him in


Attached: vote golem.png (645x773, 29.93K)

You fucking loser.

You first glowdark.

Hey shill, did you ever notice how when Trump talks about people hating on Jews/Israel he uses "Israel" instead of "Jews"? I wonder what this could mean! Go back and tell your masters you have failed.

Do people really get obsessed with this shit?

Votes won't matter after Trump is crowned emperor.

Lol you will be killed, yid-lover

Getting his message promoted away from twatter. Q planned this.
We iz Q an shieet

orang men bed

Because they're trying to brand anti-zionism as antisemitism.

If I was a "yid-lover", I'd be the one defending the person who Sheldon Adelson's wife is comparing to Queen Esther.

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Go back to watching CNN, boomer retard.

Kek, he's a living meme of himself.

Kek, reminds me of the SCP typewriter with human teeth instead of typebars. Had different sets of them & whatever you typed using a particular set would be spoken by the target. They ascribed it to having been used on Truman & Chamberlain.

No, jews choose.
Votes don't count.

please die ban-evading tor-fag shill


I bet that kikes picked him because he is so dumb that they know that he will do whatever they want.

Al-Qaeda is written ‎.
You can write it how the fuck you want in english. Alcaida is just as wrong as Al-Qaeda (it should be something like Al'ka'ida).

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All Trump threads are worthless. This ons's no exception.

This is phonetic script used in teleprompters for accuracy.
You dnc nigs are stupid.

Don't get so salty shill. You should join us. Otherwise the next eternity of the God Emperor's reign will be extremely painful. For you.

That just looks like sleep deprivation.

What is wrong with a phonetical spelling in someone's notes? It's not English homework.

So he cannot spell Al Qeerada

You might actually be the biggest retard.

At least there was no note about "African-American Unemployment".

There's a clear difference between the two; the former never attacked Israel at all while the latter did so accidentally & issued an apology.

And now instead of talking about Epstein, everyone will talk about scribbled spelling errors. The dance goes on, nothing changes.

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We don’t care about the ZOG emperor. This isn’t a fucking thread. What good does it do? Go back to reddit.

lol, torpedo

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This is the only user who gets it.
Screencap this post.

Sometimes it seems like I'm the only one who remembers how nearly this entire site came together and celebrated when he was elected and I am left wondering how nearly 50% of the posts about him here now are negative. Then I think, oh yea. Newfags and actual kike shills have come here in droves since 2016. He is gonna win 2020 by the way. You would have to be an actual retard to believe otherwise.

oh wow possible typos and handwriting issues this is worth a thread
kill yourselves mods, for allowing this trash but banning people for violating no rules but posting a trigger word you don't like.

So did resetera take over 8/pol/ or what?

That's the only kind of 88D chess I could see being real. For the time being, being a retard and a "racist" isn't as bad as being a pedophile, of course, that will change soon enough.

He still your president and will continue to be your president after 2020

So what's the real meaning of his other "creative spellings"?

That's why you're a little armchair revolutionary marxist in your mom's basement and he's a multi-billionaire. When will you dumb fucking leftists realize that being indoctrinated into a specific belief system doesn't make you automatically more intelligent than everyone else? Contrary, it makes you dumber than the average person.


Imagine being such a nigger that you mock a man for being illiterate yet can't even read the word "people". That said, Trump is going to clean up in 2020 whether you like it or not, because Democrats have gone all-in on brown victimhood and rabid anti-whiteness. There's no longer even a pretense from Democrats that White people have a seat at the table in the "new America". The future is brown, and Whitey had better get used to becoming a 2nd-class citizen ready to serve his new brown overlords. While well-meaning White moderates could be suckered into putting a nigger in the White House in the name of "progress", they won't vote for this. There are some broken nutjobs that will vote themselves into enslavement, but most regular White folk will just quietly punish them for it at the voting booth, just like Australia did over the environment nuttiness in this years' election. The 2020 election is a sealed deal.

Later and later is coming the time where he chooses to fuck off with the kikes.. Thank fuck imkikey is gone, otherwise this thread would be filled with shills. All that meme warfare for what was essentially just another Israeli puppet. Could have had shillary instead to be fair, so it was the lesser of two evils but still.

Zig Forums is dead. Nothing but losers who will do nothing and schizophrenics.


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No. TRS and Stormweenies did
