Zig Forums completely delisted from Google

Just noticed I can't google search Zig Forums anymore. I could yesterday so this is recent. I normally would search "8ch pol" now that just pulls up Jewnalist articles so I have tried variations of "Zig Forums" without reference to pol. Still nothing.

This just me?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Finally. Shit got worse they put us on their jewgle index to begin with – easier for newfags and shills to find the site.

Yeah not saying it's a bad thing persay; just noticed because it literally let me search with that term just yesterday.

Whew, got here just in time.


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I remember reading something about Faceberg's """"community managers"""" who were tasked with removing bad-goy wrongthink were beginning to be compromised from contact, either being suicidal or coming around to the ideas and having to replaced all the time. Maybe they were having a similar problem with their shills?

"You're here forever" is a phrase for a reason.



Why dont you do something useful and search for photos of the dead e-thot Bianca Devins that are being scrubbed from the internet.

Please tell me what gun the unregulated big tech creeps held to your head to force you to patronize their crappy platform?

It still works on Cuck Cuck Go.

duckduckgo.com/?q=Zig Forums&t=h_&ia=web

You fucks are so tiresome.
No one is holding a gun to my head using the telephone company either, but what's the alternative, shit stain?
Homing Pigeons?
They're extinct, nigger.
Stop being such a mindless faggot from now on, please.

Weird, I get >>>/baphomet/.

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keep it in the meta thread you niglet

Redpills are very strong medicine, especially when backed up by hard evidence that is refutable only through pilpul kikery and flat out LIES!
They cant put hardcore lefties on this. They would make the actions taken painfully obvious to everyone. No they pick fairly middle of the road folks given specific modus operandi to accomplish the task at hand. However, these are just the kind of folks who are extra sensitive to redpillings effects. It would not surprise if their employees are dropping out like flies for this very reason. Must be a real shit show! I swear I'd love a glimpse behind the scenes!!


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you must both, be new, and have a learning disability

The only faggots using your globo-homo mod stickied aids threads are globo-homo mods and their pozzed aids useful idiot cuckchan redditard fuckfaces that they invited. fuck that turkroach too.

Fucking faggots

This is old news it’s been like that for months maybe on to years

Good. Now the site will die completely and kikemonkey will lose.

It was de-listed early 2015, Aprils fools time as far as I remember. It only became normalfag findable again around mid-terms.

You're thinking of Passenger Pigeons. Homing pigeons are alive and well and can be used to transmit IP datagrams. Please see the Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 1149.


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Been that way for months though.

Do we keep getting relisted? I swear we've "been delisted" at least 4 times since 2014

Use startpage you boomer homo.

Fuck off.

this is bait

It aint though, startpage fetches jewgles shit without leaving any data, I know. jewgle is shit but the results are usually on point.

but the OP's complaint that Zig Forums wasn't listed on google anymore. it wouldn't be, then, listed on startpage either, so your comment doesn't assuage his concerns

Are you really this retarded, or purposely derailing with obvious retardation?
Can never tell anymore. The entire world is peopled with retards now.

Startpage shows 8ch.

lemme test. just google "Zig Forums"?


i just checked. it’s delisted, but you can find news & the wiki page on it.

i don't see the actual site coming up on either, but i have tried in years, since i'm not a newfag and directly type in the url. i thought we were delisted for good in 2015 at the latest

whew. That's a relief. Thanks, user.

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I'm at a loss here, I think user's mom must have checked Turn on safe search to protect him.

G-d forbid new people could got redpilled, now we can yell in our containment place all we want!

this place was never for newfags. its been explicitly NatSoc from the beginning. You didn't come here to get redpilled, but for higher training. We organized here to create memes for general distribution

this isn't cuck/pol/

Kinda explains the lower ip's then.

You outed your self kike.
Also if you want to go to a place filled with redpills than go on cuck/pol/ or any other place than just here, because this isn't necessarily the board for it, maybe with another board, but not this one.

Is to demonize the site, but like anyone on here would care.

Fuck off.

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The Cops Want to Know What’s Happening on Zig Forums
motherjones.com/politics/2019/04/Zig Forums-canary/

that's bad news. i don't want more people here and specifically de-listing 8ch will throttle the streisand effect from 0 to OY VEY. get ready for the flood.

Surely, there has to be some mercenary right-leaning traitor that is happy to divulge our stuff for money?

It’s only (you) russians anywy.


Was funny when 8ch was in the first links for searches of recent mass shootings but it brought too many newfags.

(You’re) fault Stefan.

Excellent news

Italyanon here.
Zig Forums is banned here and cannot be reached without either use a proxy, a VPN or change your DNS, but even before that jewgle didn't show up results searching for it.
I thought it was already like that everywhere else in the world, at least regarding the jewgle search.


I never said the contrary, but OP said he could serch it on jewgle before, I thought it already was like that in the rest of the world too.

It was, then it wasn't, and now it is again.

Do your polize make a habit of playing with missles in the streets?
Seems a bit dangerous, no?

I really don't know what to think of that missile stuff.

Italy isn't somewhere I would relate with idle censorship.
Even in firewalled England it is still available, this, the BBC News page and reportyourneighbour.gov are the only three sites I can access.


The official excuse to ban 8ch was pedopornography.

Good. Need to make sure this site remains edgy and inaccessible otherwise fucking normies will overrun it. Bad enough a buffet of glowniggers are comfortable here

fuck ugl

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uh it's been delisted from google for years, but look at all these newfags

I can attest to this. Remember the Christchurch Shooting ofc you guys do. I tried to find the thread on 8ch with Google but they only showed news headers = profit. One search on Duckduckgo and I found it.
Even when I searched copy and pasting the title of the thread I still couldn't find it on Google.

The site was de-indexed years ago you quintuple nigger.
Why are 60IQ threads with 5 sentence OPs allowed again?

LOL when I first found Zig Forums it was on the deepweb. While I lurked the first year I still had no idea that there was a clearnet site. And I had never heard of 4chan either.
I was never into"social media" as I had a job and family.

It's been like that for years.

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Should have included todays date.

Sign of the times.

When this board consists of 30% chinks, 10% kikes and 5% niggers and 40% underageb& newfaggots, it's not easy for the remaining 15% of upstanding europeans (of blood) to keep a decent board.

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It is not about us Satan. Nobody new will find Zig Forums anymore.