Stop Paying Taxes

If white men in America stop paying taxes, the whole system falls apart. No more welfare leeches, no more billions of dollars sent to Africans in the form of charity, no 3rd world population boom. Even redpilled white Americans are sealing their own fate for the sake of an "honest day's work". Whites are literally funding the system which is intentionally destroying them. Don't file.

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Most people have it deducted from their paycheck before they receive it. Also they can print as much as they need to keep the niggers from chimpin.

Or the FEDS are just increasing inflation….?

So how do I get a job then? Sage for slide thread.

The IRS is a private corporation for a British Family.
It will be abolished by September and the entire code reset.
New flat tax rate will be 23% across the board.
Save this and call me Anonstrodamus.

Won't happen. Most Americans are synthetic jews and proud to be a Golem.

This. Only thing you can realistically do is claim exemption on the form you fill out at the start of a job, and claiming straight exemption gets flagged. Virtually guarantees an audit, especially if there's no subsequent EOY filing.
You could theoretically fly under the radar claiming like 4 dependents (5 is exemption) & then never filing; paying the least possible without drawing attention, but you're betting on slipping through the cracks there.

How will you find a girl and have a family if you're a NEET paying no taxes?

Does the OP know what a tax lien is?

He will when he's homeless.


How will you convince a woman to give up HVAC, plumbing, and electricity to live with you n the desert?

Duct tape & a small wooden box in the sun works wonders to break stubbornness, I've heard.

Any reliable non-fed methods?

In many cases, not paying taxes can hurt the ZOG. Simply making up shit and lying through your teeth to them can also hurt them. Why not cheat them, as long as they end up giving you something, instead of you giving them anything?
More practical advice, for young revolutionary White Nationalists: go to college, learn a useful skill for the revolution (study some kind of engineering that can help you make explosives, learn computer programming, something useful to a revolutionary army). Take out all the loans you need to, and never pay them back anything. Get the ZOG to pay you to learn how to build explosives to blow up their buildings.

Have a giant fucking cock and ram it into her ass any time she speaks.

How did your father keep your mother in line?

You can literally request that your boss treat you as a subcontractor or comissioned employee. Pays you in cash, and you're responsible for reporting it.

Even if you do actually get forced to do taxes, just invent expenses. Keep every receipt, scan it in, and claim its for your "business".

Being ignorant of tax law is fatal.

This guy should be a board hero here

This guy is far more radical than Kazynski

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You can't make this up

By being a NEET who'd go out drinking all night & coming home at 4am playing Inspector fucking Clouseau, grilling her on how every speck of dust he could see absolutely HAD to have been left by the sekrit boyfriend she had over while he was out getting drunk.
So she'd work a 10-12 hour Woolworth's shift & then stay up virtually all night snorting coke & cleaning everything to prove her faithfulness.


Will you do the same to keep your woman in line?

No, fuck you nigger.
Every user should work to support the system as little as possible, and that includes dodging as many taxes as you can
I know everyone's going to call me a cuck for saying this, but when you decide you want to give up your status as a law abiding citizen, you have to go all out. If you don't, we'll lose a perfectly good soldier for our cause over a couple hundred dollars.

Nah, it was a hilarious failure. The drunken NEETness was too much on top of the control mechanism & eventually made her take her kids & leave.
My own experiences have convinced me the only workable path without a 9-12" cock is the duct tape & confinement method. If she can never speak to anyone else, there's nobody to pollute her head with all this "rights" bullshit.

After a decade.

What if Islam could have kept her in line?

Islam is "easy mode"; any woman can be kept in line when you wife her at 9 & raise her to be easy to keep in line.

Is Islam more reliable than your method?

The answer is to go nowhere and do nothing (Both boomers and NEETs already have this down).

Islam IS my method, but with lolis & cunnys.

we should all basically register a business for 50 bucks or something like that and then claim our computer/internet fees as expenses, in the very least

There’s lots of tax loopholes in real estate and corporate filed entities. Most people on here are just W2 employees so that doesn’t apply. So if you want to shelter money get into real estate and hire a good accountant.
wtf is going on

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Based and cokepilled

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Literally? OMG WOW

If you’re a contractor you have to give your “client” a 1099, so you’re not off the radar. And if the majority of your 1099 income is from one single place, the IRS will reclassify you as a W2 employee and bill you for the difference. Also unless you work for someone who shares your goal of evading taxes, they will not agree to it in the first place.

Yeah, right.

Where would the 23% figure come from?

I told you to save the post. I have no other way of proving it to you but to wait until Sept (planned) possibly Oct
When it happens, you will know I was srs.
Do not pay any owed taxes. You will be wasting your money.
Born in 1969, he would've been 15 years old when Kari Swenson was rescued…

I didn’t ask you to provide proof, I simply asked where the very specific figure of 23% comes from, but now that you are already flip-flopping on the date it will occur, I won’t bother trying to get more info from you.

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Whites need to stop being wagecucks and start their own businesses, supporting one another.

"foreign aid" and "welfare" are actually pretty small expenditures, unless you count granny's social security check and your parents' subsidized/regulated housing loan. All you're doing is telling people to get v&. How about going straight to the heart of the issue – WHERE THE MONEY IS BEING SPENT – and saying

This guy is a lying kike. Pic related.

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Actually, what someone need to do is sue the Fed Gov for "disparate impact." The niggers shill for "disparate impact" because they cannot keep up no matter the advantages they have been given, so they demand that all OUTCOMES be evenly distributed; turn their own shit against them. Taxes have a DISPARATE IMPACT on the whites who have to pay for the Free Shit Army shitskin flood.

Niggers, user. Niggers and spics. That's where most of the welfare money is going. Into paying sheboons to pop out more nigglets.

user you "have to" file or you get complaints in letter form until you do and if there are past due taxes you get fees for late file and late pay. The first time they will let it go if you are nice and ask.

What you should do is either neet it out forever and file a $0 tax form every year or run own business and make sure you make no profit, just like g&e and other companes that "pay no taxes". Also better if you have to pay that you do not have income but long-term investment (bitcin, realestate, art, or autos).



Muh 23% tax rate will occur at this date - okay maybe later actually.
Muh ICE raids will begin this past Sunday - okay maybe later actually.

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Stupid boomer faggot didn't even git rid of the obamacare payment the fucking nigger.

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Yeah but the demoralization propaganda that splinters them into a thousand varieties of beta cuck is kinda hard to get around. White men in America can't agree on anything. Even if they could agree that their society is anti-white, most would think that's JUST, and the many of the few that didn't would be against breaking anything but "peaceful protest" i.e. hope and pray while the media labels you white supremacists anyway.

Yes if only 5% of them rebelled in the way you are suggesting, it may have a crippling effect on the system, but still thousands of those protesters will be arrested and sent to prison, lives ruined and branded by the media as bigots for not wanting to pay gibs or some BS. How would they organize anyway? White families have lost almost all connection with their neighbors except through churches which are totally cucked as you know.

As far as I can tell, the betrayal of Judah is being leveled against Jesus again, as it was countless times in the past. The white race will not even put up a fight as it is crucified into extinction. Maybe its ghost will rise 3 days later, but the rest of the war is not to be fought by white men, at least not in America the Land of the Safe and Comfortable.

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I have never seen a thread more kiked and fed.
You are merely proving your persecution of our people.


your employer still reports the amount of money they give YOU the employee, so lying about it is going to get you into shit.

I was reading through "rich dad & poor dad" and this is exactly what he wanted us to do as well. Get financial education, figure out how to avoid taxes entirely. But part of it was also not giving the system any money in the form of liabilities. Things that detract from your money pool. And the way he phrased it, it feels like there are possibly quite a lot of ways to get out of taxes with more education. Perhaps actual tax avoidance can be done if we pooled our desire to circumvent them together. Since to do so just requires reading, and study, perhaps some asking around as well? Being aware of whatever programs there are, or are coming.

Can anyone teach me how to get an income without getting a job? I don't wish to file my taxes either.

read a book niggerfaggot, actually, many books, I think that starting from nothing it would take a few months of reading to get to competent levels.

From what I know Americans have to pay 10% capital gains tax (more or less depending on how you file your taxes).. I have a suggestion for you to invest your money for a steady income by investing in overseas stocks where you don't have to pay taxes. If you're interested, email me at [email protected].

Of course if you're skeptical and don't wish to do so then don't do it.

since the government is garbage and supports niggers with our tax money, and we cannot do more naughty things, threads like these should be nearly fucking stickied. No one of us should pay any fucking taxes to this garbage system. Though perhaps the poster above me may be scamming, more education is still needed. Have a bump

I always do that no problem

gas the kikes, race war now.

none of you faggots even knows what a tax is.
none of u pay "taxes" u pay at most service fees.
want to cut most of your "taxes" out? - cms1763 the form to leave social security, when they're born don't sign up your children for it either.
and for u homosexual shills and soy faggots HERE'S THE GOVERNMENT'S OWN SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. u dumb dumb dumb niggers need to read instead of just thinking you know anything.

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Will I lose my disablity benefits if I sign? I work part time

You still pay taxes smartass.

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yes, if they come from Medicare/ Medicare or another social security program, the state pfml is a Medicare buy in from what ive found, so it is optional but u have to get rid of social security. private insurance and state aid still works, just nothing linked to ss

yea try not being a dependent faggot.

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Great. Hyper-inflation = government implosion.

This is true tbh.
Though I would not recommend kidnapping or other federal crimes.

lol if only you knew how bad it will really get

Maybe you cannot completely stop paying taxes without risking jailtime, but you can take all measures possible to reduce your tax rate to 25% - 50% of what it should be under the law.

homeless user here
whats a tax lien?

do both. neetbux into crypto until you're ready for minecraft

Holy shit



This x100
Read "Enjoy The Decline" by Aaron Clarey. Doesn't get into whites helping each other (he's libertarian or at least pretends to be). Generally idea is get out of the rat race ASAP, reduce your spending as much as possible, build a business to increase your hourly wage but work as few hours as possible. Take advantage of welfare. He advocates not having kids but that's dumb, have kids. This stuff won't happen overnight but make it a long term goal. Move next to other white people. Work for yourself as much as possible since it can not be taxed (IE perform as many services as you can for yourself).

If whites stop making $200k working for a law firm in a globohomo city to commute to a halfway decent suburb and instead start living on less than $30K while popping out kids and being on welfare, the system fails. Whites are a net positive to the government over their lifetimes while blacks and hispanics are a burden.

This. Gonna abuse the welfare system myself like Varg. Pop out an army of White babies, collect checks, grow food & do some light freelancer shit for cash when it's needed. Live out innawoods. Shit will be cash af. Got my wife on board already.

This. As a bonus buy a bankrupt property, fix it up (huge tax free capitale gains). Grow most of your own food. If you live near ocean, buy a boat and go fishing, otherwise hunting (hunting is alot of fun, great exercise, and free food). When your really young you need to make some money to buy that land and get the wife, but you want out of ratrace as soon as possible. Even a quarter acre of vegetables goes a long way. No point in raising grains as they are very cheap. Buy an older vehicle, and learn some basic mechanics, anything pre-90's is pretty easy to upkeep.

My biggest yearly expenses are property taxes and mortage. Luckily I have a small rental unit attached to my land. My wife and I earn very little "income", but we grow almost all our own food, fix our own vehicles. oh and one other thing … install a wood stove, wood is cheap (often free, even in cities), and home heating can easily amount to 6k a year.

If you refuse to pay the taxes you owe the government will just jail you or seize your assets. Not worth it. But you can avoid heaps of taxes legally, and you absolutely should, theres no shame whatsoever in that. If something breaks, learn how to fix it.

There was a time when men where far more self reliant, they didnt go to the doctor for every hangnail, they didnt buy aspirin when they had a headache, they didnt call a plumber every time a drain backed up. Sure you'll fuck it up the first few times and its never as easy as you think, but its never as hard either! All the stuff around you was built by people. Take your time, learn to tinker, and you will suprise yourself with your ingenuity before long.

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Based. 2014 Fed budget proves spics and niggers are largest parasitic drain due to sheer numbers.

Baste nigger.

Don't make yourself a target either: MINIMALIZE. Try to have as low a TAXABLE income as you can. Entrepreneurship can help.

AnCap / Libertarianism isn't worth prison.

"go to prison niggers!"

When you agree with Morgan Friedman memes.

That guy's "Curse of the High IQ" and "Bachelor Pad Economics" are also incredible reads (or audiobooks in my case). Each one would've saved me my 20s.

You don't have to be tax free, only be less taxed than the common idiot. Also you don't have to lie about your income, only your EXPENSES. The average person cant deduct travel costs, car, utilities, or telecommunications from their paycheck.

You people are supposed to be the master race?


Start a business, operate out of house,declare car as company vehicle, declare tax deductions on both.

Yes, I am the Master.

Medical is completely free if you are poor and in a blue state. If you are a wage slave paying for others free insurance your deductible could be $5,000 or more. This article explains it well

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Are they actually good? I assumed they were cringe

Warning - the fed glowniggers will fuck you if you're propagating schemes that tell people to not pay taxes. Just google what happened to the sort of people that wesley snipes paid to tell him he didn't need to pay taxes.
That is, they not only bodyslam the guy who doesn't pay taxes (snipes) they use things like RICO to go after people charging money to tell people, "don't pay taxes"
Feds love this shit because just like them catching you with a short-barreled rifle or shotgun, or any gun if you've got a felony, tax laws allow them to put away people like Al Capone - people they can't get on any other charge.
So please don't be stupid. Always follow jew-created laws and be a shabbos goy.

I don’t pay taxes in russia. Move here anons