Just posted this on 4/pol/ but copying here for infinteanons as well.
Hello Zig Forums, it's been awhile since I last posted here but I just had an idea and wanted to run it by you 300IQ geniuses.
So as you all know most ops born here have been vital in fighting the culture war. From IOTBW to OK Gesture and beyond.
One point I'd like to make before putting my idea forward, it's about the echos. It's a TRS meme IIRC? Regardless it's a great one and I love it but it's one of the few instances where they eventually and successfully turned the memetic energy against us. Jews (and non Jews) started voluntarily wearing the echoes around their Twitter handles. Ironically the original point was to identify them so they sort of played into it but I would say they've turned it into a badge of honor much like the MAGA hat for Civnats and that is counter to our overall goals. The meme was Jew-jitsued, if you will.
Ok so forget the past let's talk about the future. It's been so easy to convince leftists that simple things like an Ok gesture or a hashtag is a symbol of white supremacy. What if we took something Jewish and co-opted it? Would they buy it? I'm not sure what it could be…maybe we all eat Matzah balls or something? I dunno. And no I'm not a Jew trying to convince you to buy Jewish products or some bullshit I just think it would be hilarious if we could somehow take something of theirs and make it ours.
What thing we co-opt and how it's done I leave in your capable hands anons. Or if it's a shit idea go ahead and tell me that too.
another russian slide thread. Nice try Popov. I don’t think there’s a single user left anyways. Boards been dominated by yuris since March
Lucas Parker
Same autist from the other thread or a bot? IDGAF where the meme "really" came from. I'm talking about a new idea.
Chase Moore
Seriously? Why would Russians invade Zig Forums?
Daniel Cruz
You're posting on one! Congrats!
James Hernandez
Maybe we could adopt circumcisions as our new child labels. Just kidding user. I do like your train of thought, though. Maybe start an “open boarders, Israel” since they’re so hellbent on getting all of the west to do so. Call them racists for not allowing Muslims in mass, like they say we won’t. Hell the left might even join in on that notion.
Owen Carter
Wierd shit going on lately and my guess is it's to prep us for some Russia related news in the near future. This website is clearly a Zio-Trump psyops, which helped the kike loving orange faggot get elected.
Angel Scott
Whats up Greg
Henry Kelly
The echoes are ours too, not from (((TRS.))) Everything comes from this Russian Bot Farm.
Jordan Evans
Let's make bagels and lox a symbol of white supremacy!
…Actually, I really like bagels with cream cheese and lox. And capers.
Daniel Powell
Okay, but if you want a serious response, everyone should start openly studying Kabbalah, especially the Hermetic Qabalah (basically our heritage's reclamation of the teaching) That'll REALLY piss off Jews.
Christian Butler
Check out the Essential Kabbalah by Daniel C Matt and a Garden of Pomegranates by Israel Regardie
Ayden Hill
I have no idea what you're talking about actually.
Eli Bennett
Let's all start larping as kikes and tell people how all goyim are created to serve us and how globohomo is our agenda to make it happen. Also how Israel should be a pure ethnostate and that non-Jews have no place in it and should be killed.
We can jew shitskins and other nonwhites hard while doing it for added immersion and some shekels
Liam Rivera
Why don't we all become good Israeli patriots and fly the flag of Israel all over; especially in public spaces outside of pro-Israel institutions. No ill-intent, no defacing the flag of our trusted ally, just finding open flagpoles and putting it up. If anyone questions you just do your best boomer impersonation.
The goal of this would be to get people to question why our institutions are so oddly pro-Israel and to create a backdrop that reinforces our memes. As a plus the left wouldn't really be able to spin it, just imagine the headlines. "FLYING ISRAELI FLAG IS ANTISEMETIC!"
Isaiah Kelly
They'd just be extremely butthurt and iconoclastic about it.
Austin Martinez
Jews literally mark their children forever at eight days after birth. I don't think they care.
Michael Allen
Jonathan Cook
Thomas Foster
Checked A thread died for this. Go back to reddit kid..
Cameron Phillips
I feel like we've been doing that for years. Or, at least, I've seen people do it for years. Doesn't seem to be very effective.
Interesting thought. It reminds me of the Zig Forums armed protest outside the Fed building a few years back. With that said Jews don't like to be named or spotlighted. Putting up Israeli flags will probably just be called Anti Semitism whether it makes sense or not and normies will always eat that shit up because they're unthinking drones.
I could only imagine kike rage if that were to succeed.