Statistically speaking, Americans will switch jobs every 2.2yrs on average.
Trump started in 2017 and it's been near 3yrs of his "greatest economy ever."
I think people are missing the target with all the rapid fire going on. The target being cheap labor.
If the strock market today is 3x's what it was when Trump first took office and you are not worth 3x's the amount, the money has disproportionately flowed to the top. Who today is worth 3x's what they were in 2016? (speak up)
Ok, so first and foremost, Communism is bullshit but it's especially shitty for a billionaire in Real Estate holdings as real property gets confiscated and redistributed (confiscated absolute, redistributed no absolute) among the people. Our interest aligned with Trump because of this. I was happy to support him because I'm not a nigger and I can see if the interests of a person align with my interest, I stand to benefit from him achieving his goal.
But here we are. I am not in any position better financially, no, I am much worse off financially in 2019 than I was in 2016. I went from having my own little business to having no business and no work.
"Greatest economy ever" (pic related)
What I see with my eyes and what I can deduce from those observations.
Non-whites (ie: non-citizens as they haven't fought for their rights⦠yet) are willing to live several families to a single unit home and eat shit-tier food. Piling stinky animals into a cage and feeding them slop is not my ideal America!
Trump works for Trump. Cheap labor is the goal. "racist evil nahzees" are bad because they demand a higher standard of living beyond an inflated stock market and deflated peasant class.
The options: Some ant-American shit-tier communist nigger that will sell the land to juden to come in and Holodomor2.0 White America because they want Trumps (and others) stuff. In this, they discount the 100 million armed American army that will not budge and will die fighting.
Trump - Slow boil continuing the soft-erosion of gun rights because they continue to lock up pedophiles that they allowed to operate. You gotta stack em up to knock em down! Bump stocks = Check! Silencers = next! Language in bills = Very easily interpretable to mean all firearms.
We're in a pot and the water is slowly rising in tempurature. We have to seroiusly put our brain power together and THINK, is acceleration our ONLY path?
Let's discuss. Please leave out the Siege BS. I only want to discuss what is legitimate and in-line with OUR interest. The sons of the founders! What path is best for us?