How Epstein Groomed His "Number One Girl"
Prince Andrew's humiliation as 'sex slave' files of pedo pal to be released
More Epstein info comes out
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Epstein looks a bit like a chad, plus he is a very rich and influential man. It doesn't take much "slavery" to make women do certain things for money and status. I'm not defending a kike, but going full muh poor innocent wimmins like a feminist cuck when dealing with prostitution is not helping either. She could have said no at any time and walk out. All of them could.
Daily reminder that Jewish hive is a matriarchy and that all men are easily disposable drones. When we see some kikess matriarch get arrested I'll start considering this bullshit.
Sage for pilpul slide thread
sage for sage
Daily reminder that there are far too many scum on here who are more concerned about projecting their own sexual frustrations and peddling MGTOW bullshit than actually condemning, let alone combatting the Jewish threat
Fuckin' awesome.
I've hated for years how morning tv talk/news shows cover every ridiculous social outing of the royal family. Fuck these people.
You're a whiny, spineless faggot, who is too fucking stupid to know when to act on your enemies and their weaknesses and mistakes. The Left does it if you blow your nose wrong, you ignorant "NAZI!!". Why won't you?
"I wanted to put a bullet in the head of every Panda that wouldn't fuck to save its species." -T. Durden
At least you understand.
I wonder how many of us are ready to fight and destroy what should have been eliminated decades ago? I know there are a lot of people who feel like I do where I live. We need to band together.
The time for action was yesterday.
There is some truth to this, but don't forget that these girls are not protected by the culture is in shambles, and are therefore easily manipulated. Sure, there's a clear amount of hypocrisy in all of this, and some of them could have said no, but our fathers and grandfathers could have said no too when the kikes went for our hearts, layer after layer. Women will always be the easiest victims.
I'd find it easier to blame traitorous boomers than young impressionable girls.
Some of their women reach comfy positions of power but most of Jewish women are treated just like tools too and men retain most of the real power. They clearly defend their culture from within the circles of their families, but these are not exposed positions that require playing political and financial games
Execute the whole royal family. Pack of fucking sickos. There is place for them in the 21st century.
You have multiple threads for this shit.
I don't think you know what that word means.
horse face
ugly jew nose
inability to close his mouth over his fangs
maligned ears
sloping cranium
he looks like an ugly fucking jew. Oh, that's because that's exactly what he is!
Are you fucking blind? He looks like a literal kike, fugly and inbred. They really are a cursed race.
I wonder if you thought Prince Andrew pictured in OP was Epstein? While an improvement on Jeffrey (since he's not a kike), he's a degenerate. In any case, you deserve to swing.
Yes goy take action! Call me at 555-5FBI and let's meet up
Nice try Rabbi Shekelstein
This has all been publicly available. The only new information is that the court has demanded the documents be released, and we already have a thread for that.
Be careful downloading these images of Bill Clinton, Epstein, and Rachel Chandler. They could have nasty stuff encrypted in them. I archived them for convienience.
Women are never the victim. Women are to be used and discarded at any man's will.
The sick thing about Prince Andrew is that since he is the spawn of a demon, he will never be touched.
When I think of grooming a young woman, I get this image in my mind of me brushing her fluffy fragrant untrimmed muff with the softest baby brush money can buy
Will this mean the end of teh Royal famblie? Hunh?
Six million hours in GIMP
She looks more muscular than him and is about as tall. I don't see why she couldn't have dominated him and turned him into a slave. Also men are naturally submissive to women when under the influence of hormones.
Sexual slavery of men is as old as time itself. It's called by many names including prostitution.
Oh so they decided to spend money on defending this guy? It must be really, really bad. Holy fuck, your boss is going to fuck-me-in-the-ass prison for the rest of his life and you're probably going to be treated as an accessory.
It really sucks to be you right now.
I see the deep state only finds justice for political enemies. Touché deep state, but this doesn't exonerate the hundred other pedos involved.
also pic related
stfu you sex slave
Chris Hansen is much needed. Please Repeatedly Report Epstein to for maximum damage. Can a shit show be made out of this anons?
By the time he ascends to the throne at least two thirds of his "British" subjects won't mind pedophilia at all.
We should use this as Causus Belli to annex England and reveal that we've been planning the Fourth Reich all along.
That's truly romantic.
Andrew was never going to be king. Charles is next in line, followed by his sons, and then his son's sons.
A 'king ralph' situation is the best bongs can hope for…
Yes and not only that but you're going to collect her pussy hairs in your brush. These are precious momentoes to be treasured.
Just a reminder, according to the MIGApedo damage control narrative, Ehud Barak would have done nothing wrong, and was simply a potential "material witness" like Trump and Dershowitz, and any other explanation for why their names are circled in the black book - and witness is not specified - is fake news.
Using this against Epstein makes sense but someone at the beginning of her peak child bearing years is not a child. The unfortunate part here is not that a white man was having sex with her but that it wasn't in the confines of marriage. 16 is the legal age of consent in most places for a reason.
CDAN is blowing up with all their old Epstein blinds. Pretty amazing to see even those leftists, neverTrumpers, and Hollywood fangirls digging on this stuff instead of Kardashian gossip.
Russian connection. KGB weren't bumbling politicians they were doers. Very efficient, very lethal, very strategic. The Skripal poisoning seemed like a slip to me.
Now that's a big ol' think.
How Epstein Groomed His "Number One Girl"
Prince Andrew's humiliation as 'sex slave' files of pedo pal to be released
This is what every jew thinks
It was only applied to Epstein. Prince Andrew is a degenerate for using sex slaves and compromising himself to Israeli intelligence. 16 is indeed a correct age of consent, but not for the reasons you think. Men are supposed to marry at a young age, instead of spending their time getting wasted in the bar. A 16 year old should ideally be paired off with a young man, not someone in his 50s.
very telling, shlomo
This is what's wrong with monarchies. Prince Andrew will escape justice purely because of his family. The cops won't even consider charging him.
I think the synagogues are involved!
Lern youtube-dl (
go get em tiger!
is this the one that married a sheboon?
No. That's Harry.
Here. Andrew is one of the Queen's sons. He's very, very far down in the line of succession.
It's like 5 years per CP pic, so whole "sets" are like 500 years.
But hey! If a (((chosen one))) rapes underage girls he only gets 40 years?
Also isn't rape a class A felony? Meaning 25 - life?
don't neglect the wiminz in your online trysts. pretty sure Duchess Sara and Hillary have some paths crossing up in Canada.
Prince Andrew dipped his wick and probably paid to have the accusations deemed ludicrous
all this crap about lewd comments on youtube is just a distraction from the real issue: elites that run their lives virtually above the law with favors payoffs and fellow pedo friends in high places coalitions
oh thank god. william is next. sheboon queen averted for the time being
They should do 5 years per key frame in a video as well.
pandas don't know about or give a shit about their species. they don't mate in captivity.
right now the moar CLEVER group is buttfucking you. And you can either take that dick the easy way or you can bitch and moan and get it the hard way.
Yes. Well next it'd be Charles, then William, and since William is a chad, he already has 3 kids. All of these people are in front of Harry and his Sheboon wife. As long as Prince George marries a nice English girl, it'll stay white for quite some time.
It's probably 1 file and file type isn't distinct.
oh right, well I just assume the queen mum will outlive georgeyporgey and it'll go to one of the younguns one day, just didn't know which
whether it is 1kb of marsha blobko titty or the michael jackson 99TB little boy deluxe edition 3D tunces VIP archive….almost everyone in prison has children. These mother fuckers are going to turn up dead with a really quick dismissal for being cadavres. ESPECIALLY if they know any info about their fellow elites not yet imprisoned.
or how about just day of the rope for pedos
oh wait i'm retard, i was thinking charles. right. charles, william, george. sorry, been drinking a little. yeah that'll be alright
Fuck off nigger.
He raped 14 year old girls. While pedos are in line, kikes are first and 14 years doesn't make one a pedo.
But (((you're))) trying to D&C.
on april 25 of each year we should all wear blue t-shirts with crossed rifles and it could say "KYS"
"14 isn't pedo" tell that to the judge, your synagogue, the boss if you have one and talk about it at a family get together. hebes are also scum
It's literally not pedo you dumb nigger.
I mean I can't tell that to a judge because I'm not into statutory rape.
Additionally the relevant laws say NOTHING about which phile it is. Hebe, telio, pedo etc. The laws are categorized by age. Under 18, under 13, under 8. I'm not sure if there's one fore anything lower than 8 though.
I've posted some of this here before, and elsewhere. Gonna greentext it cause I can get longwinded and post walls of texts sometimes.
>Brian brought us the beetles through mi6, (((hey judes)))
=post your epstein family values redpills=
man, you are like so uptight with your moralfagging >>>Zig Forums
man, you are like so liberal with your shilling >>>/oven/
George isn't white, he's a jew.
Princess Diana’s mother, Frances Shand Kydd was born Frances Ruth Roche, a Rothschild. Diana is actually the biological daughter of Sir James Goldsmith, also a Jew.
Carole, the mother of Prince William’s wife, Kate, is the daughter of Ronald and Dorothy Goldsmith, Jews.
Wrong genealogical chart, this is the right one.
Dianna was born to
They are not Jewish.
The Sachs Berg lineage of the Queen wasn't enough?
Literally the Jewish family that first infiltrated the peerage 100s of years ago. The name is derived from "dispensor" they were hired bartenders.
Kate's parents are Dorothy Harrison and Ronald Goldsmith. Is there any evidence to show Dorothy converted? It doesn't seem like she's a jew either.
Sorry, I meant Carole, Kate's mother.
It has to come from the mother though.
On Frances Ruth Roche.
Followed her maternal line back through a few Ruths to Eliza Kewark an Armenian Jew.
you can't convert DNA
Jews accept the children of converted mothers as jews. Yes, that is obviously weaker than a genetic jew, but Since Dorothy Harrison doesn't sound like a jewish name, unless she converted when she married Ronald Goldsmith, then Carole Goldsmith (Kate's mother) is not a matrilineal jew.
Not jewish.
Jew blood is jew blood. The only people who make that argument are kikes in denial, who convince themselves they're human because it's their dad who's a yid.
pure coincidence
That's just another very traditional Germanic surname stolen by "displaced persons" and used to cloak their true identities as they invaded Christendom. This is actually why Goldberg is the more common kiked version of the surname, as -smith variation implies a skilled tradesman… which we all know kikes don't do any work.
< relevant
numbers not working
b/c they think they're gonna "get Drumph" kekekekkk
gonna be some serious cogdis habbening