I just watched it, and there is no questioning modern jews use the holocaust for leverage.
What explanation does Zig Forums have for this behaviour?
I think the suspicious guy who said they have to make a problem because they need a job, got it right.
The same charge holds for Christians, who are Jews++. For me it boils down to tribalism; there has to be a clear way of discerning outsiders from the ingroup.
If you're willing to use the word wickedness, you're probably willing to use the word righteousness, and then you're no better than righteous holocaust survivors, who leverage guilt for profit.
That's what they want you to think. Did you miss the part about poker bluffing?
Usury, be it with money or drugs, certainly is bad for humans, although as my former employer stated: It's their choice.
Christians are the same, in my experience. The only discernable difference is mercy, which most don't posess anyways.
Learn history, you ignoramus.
Yes, and so will any rational human being. I have yet to meet a Christian who backs off when there's profit to be made.
True story.
Higher rates of mental illness seems plausible to me, who as a scandinavian atheist, has suffered from being a depressed dissenter all my life. I know what it's like to be in the outgroup.
Dehumanizing people marks you as a psychopath. Seek mental health assistance, would be my advice.
Only keeping the religious people who understands mercy, seems like a sustainable practice to me. Too bad its teachings is being drowned in schizo nonsense.
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