Do nothing goyim! Don't you know that everything is a honeypot? If you do anything at all that would be bad. Good goyim must always keep their wrongthink to themselves and never dare take real world actions.
You support Brenton Tarrant? You want to kill people? You don't have the authority to do anything. Join the Canadian Armed Forces then! Then it is okay. Where does their authority come from? All authority comes from God you say? Sure, whatever. The government doesn't have the authority of god anymore because the nation is godless? b-but killing people is wrong. Yeah that's right, love your enemies, like it says in the Bible. What's that? Ecclesiastes 3 says that? Well that's Old Testament. Ignore that. Hyperbole? No hyperbole in the Bible… just take everything literally like me and forget the nuances of interpretation. Listen man, this is wrong, we're a nation of immigrants. What, John A. MacDonald intended this nation for Europeans only? No you're wrong it was for the English only and you're not English. You can't take matters into your own hands. The American Revolution… but that was back then, the world is different now.
Well at least I know to write him off as a hopeless case but fuck am I sad right now. I got interrupted from finishing the whole conversation with him and just had to get a word in to tie things up just so he doesn't freak out. These people are useless. They live in a thought bubble in their own community that is accidentally white only because of their cultishness where any slight difference of doctrine causes you to be shunned. They never expose themselves to anything that offends themselves and so never learn shit.
I hate do nothings. I hate people that have a merchant morality, whose morality is entirely dictated by whatever it takes to remain comfortable, while they ignore that if they don't take action now they will end up truly helpless and living at the mercy of an enemy that gives no mercy. The enemy is not abroad. The enemy is in our own borders. They have zero moral issues with the government doing whatever it wants and getting away with it but apply a ridiculous moral standard to non-state actors who'd try to fight the real enemy.