Tranny wins weightlifting gold. Women lose their shit
Tranny wins weightlifting gold. Women lose their shit
Cry more, femoids and commies. Equality is a lie.
Gotta say, while I utterly despise transfaggotry, this is awesome. This is your own progressive nonsense coming to bite you in the arse, you stupid feminist bitches. It's not so sweet being on the receiving end, now, is it.
wow that's really racist
The subpar men are better than women at everything
I hope that a tranny soccer team takes the womens cup
Trannies are crazy. It has that crazy strength. Unfair!
Oy vey look at these transphobic nazi women!
He looks a lot like David Cameron.
I guess this is how Female Sports dies.
They've been pushing for this for years. They can live with it for a while until the trannies inevitably get gassed later on.
I've never seen it.
Good. I hope men keep winning women's sports because maybe that will wake people the fuck up about this transgender nonsense.
Not going to happen. It's nihilistically funny. On the one hand women are starting to realize their stupidity for decades (centuries really) is catching up with them and they're freaking out realizing its only going to get worse for them. On the other hand these tranny faggots are literally dragging our souls down further by their mere existence going unpunished.
The sad reality is that the Cuban Missile Crisis didn't kill us all before we could be born into this shithole of an existence.
I'm going to change my gender soon, wish me luck as I get Wymyn bux!
All you have to do to qualify is tank your testosterone levels somehow, and you’re in.
How long will it be before the women’s competitions are all just mentally ill men competing against one another with nary a woman in sight?
stunning and brave
This. I'd love to enter women's boxing personally. Just be a 6'2 wrecking machine, call myself "Emily" and not even do HRT "because gender isn't biology or hormones shitlords". Rack up a ton of one-punch kills until the sheer disgust of the general public ends the whole sorry spectacle.
wrestler would be better
Didn't this tranny loose an elbow?
Subpar is a gigantic understatement. My mates at the gym can do more than 200 overhead and we're all complete fucking nobodies.
Like that would stop him in women's sports?
That webm makes me sad.
And you're not the only one.
about* physical combat*
i gotta learn to proofread.
It shouldn't make you sad it should make you hopeful. That's what we are going to bring back.
Stand up and speak up against the jews who make a mockery out of humanity and nature. Call out jewish crimes all across the earth, speak truth and don't fear the consequences. Expose jewish lies, reject jewish debt, question everything jews told you. Break out of all the groups they divided you into, fight against the hedonistic materialism that is trying to destroy you, and stop the jewish death cult in it's tracks, because they are to deranged to ever stop on their own.
More like
Its a real good red pill in multiple ways
I'll do you worse, and from (((Hollywood))) no less.
Women shouldn't be lifting weights anyway.
memetic gold too
Women wanted this, not men. Now they want men to fix it for them though, huh?
Are these haters getting banned for their tweets on twitter for their hatred and bigotry? I thought anti trans stuff was a no no there.
This old line again?
Women follow the strong horse, the dominant narrative. Blaming women for this is like blaming your dog for running off and getting hit by a car, when in fact you were being a shitty master. And with you I mean men poisoned by judaism.
Ok sweety. Calm down. We'll clean up your mess. AGAIN.
Men should larp as the trannies and play in the women sports to trigger them much as they can to collect the salty tears.
no, really, women don't do things on their own
they were made to do that by their men, who were manipulated by kikes
men will have to clean up the mess again, but the terminal responsibility for "women's crimes" lies elsewhere
I'm not blaming women. We all know who's behind this. It's just darkly humorous that women are the ones who champion these sorts of things and yet they're almost always the ones most harmed.
Going to come down to Pelvic Bone X-ray and DNA Testing.
Either Merge Sex/Ages/Height/Weight/Etc. together in All Sports, or Separate into infinite categories.
Men now have a bevy of sluts to pick from and can sleep around with no social consequences. Women have to compete for chad's affection. STDs and single motherhood skyrocket.
Women are assaulted at music events, raped in broad daylight, are too afraid to even leave their house without a male figure.
Defeating toxic masculinity?
Women in cities now have to choose between various shades of soyboy. Numale pansexuals who think cuckoldry is woke and play narrative-driven videogames all day because they blog about nerd shit for a living.
sage for doubleposting
Nobody was watching it anyway.
It's not a redpill that men are physically stronger than women. Everybody knows this.
Why would I care for female autistic screaching anyway?
That which hurts women ultimately hurts society. A strong traditional sense of family helps both.
In weightlifting…but who really gives a fuck about that.
You low iq nigger, how many women engaged in sport on that level do you think are feminist? This hurts the wrong women.
Feminists have cats. Women have lives. This destroys hard labor, dedication and pride in the wrong women, the strong women.
You absolute giant faggot.
Fair enough.
perhaps the terms of the social contract haven't been made clear to the many clueless about traditional roles and relationships
meme the traditional social contract between men and women?
Considering all sports are rigged now due to jewish ownership of teams being ubiquitous,. I would say not long at all
Dont forget rubbing yourself gross like all over them.
I think they're slowly learning mainly through how unattractive and abrasive the online progressives are. A funny idea that popped up a year or two ago was to draw waifus and stronk womyn in loving nuclear-family relationships and see if fandoms sperg out. Not sure how that turned out but I see the controversies over the Japanese drawing a dark-skinned pokemon gym leader as white promising.
The propaganda for traditional families is natural and inherent in people, so you don't have to push it, just nudge. Make the spastic anti-family nuts play their cards first, like "being blonde and happy means you're a nazi".
In ANYTHING athletic, mechanical, mathematical, logical, scientific, etc etc etc……
This should be our attitude, not “oh no poor women, the democrats are the real sexists!”.
And like all women they will virtue signal for such marxism. Torpedo was right.
Men aren't equal to each other. The idea that women are equal to men is absurd
Exactly this!
Shame, punish, and ostracize any commie dipshits who push this shit. They have no scruples, so pointing out their hypocrisy doesn't work. They want to win, and will anything they can. Lying, cheating, and stealing is acceptable, so busting them on this front is nothing.
Anons need to understand. They use public shaming tactics against us (that rarely work unless it effects our reputation enough to keep a job, or business running) because they are hiveminded, groupthink, automatons. They expose their greatest weakness in all of their projected attacks.
Shame these idiots. Point and laugh at them i front of their peers. Ignore those that vehemently vie for your attention just to make some jerkwad SJW point. Create paranoia among their in-group pod thinking.
Isolating a few stragglers from the herd is death for a herd animal.
Know your prey, and hunt accordingly.
Our greatest weapon
i always find this shit fucking hilarious. the entire reason for separating men and women's sports leagues simply doesn't matter if it causes some mentally ill and statistically insignificant part of the population some grief. it's never effeminate ladyboys barely eking out a win, either. it's gigantic motherfuckers absolutely demolishing the competition, setting new records and humiliating everybody involved. Nobody wants this shit either, but if they speak out about it, they can say goodbye to their careers and accomplishments they've worked for
My first redpill was an image like this with 'NEVER AGAIN' across it. Really hit hard.
Just discriminate against all the actual female competitors instead, to not make the gay kid angry
The POS cant even be assed to shave its pits?
remember how we accuse china of cheating in the olympics by having young girls pose as adults in gymnastics?
how long before other nations accuse us of putting men in women's competitions? probably at the same time anyone actually gives a flying fuck about women's competitions
I swear to God he's just pretending to be a tranny just for the lulz and to smackdown some Muslim bitches.
Images like these are very powerful today, especially contrasted with the establishment viewpoint of "this is literally violence, anything but this".
what the fuck is that?
Seeing LGBT leftism eat itself is a beautiful sight
Women are the strong horse now you retard, everything in society is catered towards them an their wants. You're going to have to accept we have a Jewish problem, a Women problem and a traitor problem. Not one, not two but three.
Lots. Not in the proportion you'd find them among the whining, overweight, pink-armpit haired, uni-bar-dwelling degenerate crowd, but a significant proportion nonetheless. Sportswomen are frequently the face of feminist vagina-power campaigns, often some of their most ardent spokespersons. I honestly don't know what rock you're living under to think otherwise. Feminism and women's sport are tightly knit.
the jewish problem put women in charge. most traitors were decieved by jews.
women are not the strong horse. they never will be. they were following the strong horse, which is the same one weak men follow. the media.
real men have been struggling for control since the birth of the radio, and have finally won when the media was decentralized with the male invention of the internet.
the struggle is still going and many women and men are still under control of media influence, but it wont last the more they are exposed.
They are however capable of getting their comeuppance.
Not alllllllllllllllllll women
more like Laurel Hardy amirite
To smack down some muslim bitches??? Well, it's all good then, LOL!!!
How the fuck is that behemoth even a tranny. He looks like a boss fight from a fucking arcade beat-em-up game.
This pattern of thought is very close to what passes for (((media))) these days. By design too. Clown World up to 11.
Horseshit, a tita samoan bitch almost lifted the same amount. Dude is fucking weak.
Feels breddy gud.
Women were always training shit tests. They aren't innocent angels. They would do same without jews.
you're not even equal to yourself on different days
—JL Borges, "Ulrikke"
Too much to unpack here.
this is the future those cunts fought for. deal with it
'Women' now equals trannies, and excludes actualy females?
Nuke every city in america.
reported for sexism
I hate myself for a lot of reasons, but if there's a god i would like to thank him for not making me this delusional
this has to be a joke, but its good enough it should be amplified
Powerful digits.
Dis user has been reading Goebbels and is taking it +++
Tony Higgins is a better name.
at 6,5 300lb i'd have to nearly the largest female athlete on earth. I'd make Gabby Garcia look small.
If Hannah Mouncey and Laurel Hubbard had a baby.. oh wait
Tfw men are better at being women than women