The Jews have set the tone for the future. In 30 years, the West will still be grappling with the 'unfairness' of racial differences.
America will either still be in a protracted civil racewar, or recovering from it. The government will not be the "United States" anymore, and which population/ideology it will represent is anybody's guess. At this point, the racemixing anti-White Jews have a better than 50% chance of coming out on top, in which case America ceases to be white at all.
Europe will be coming to grips with the reality of its situation: either the Blacks/Semites and attendant Islamic converts are quarantined in Europe, or Europe itself will cease to exist. To a lesser degree, it will be civil racewar. The anti-White Jews will of course be severely butt-hurt about that. Specifically, France and Sweden will cease to exist as functioning Nations. Germany and the UK will be in open civil racewar. At this point, Islam has a better than 50% chance of coming out on top, in which case Europe ceases to be white at all.
South Africa will either be in its own civil racewar, or recovering from it. That government will not be "South Africa" anymore, and which population/idealogy it will represent is anybody's guess. At this point, the Jewish-backed blacks could very well come out on top, in which case South Africa cease to be White at all.
Australia will be dealing with a huge influx of Chinese, African, and Muslim immigrants. Rather than fighting for it's existence, I suspect that Australia will roll over and die, because that's the most (((moral))) thing to do. This is thanks to the strength of Australia's Masonic community.
As for the purveyors of all of this racial conflict, the most moral Jews, Israel will not expand much beyond it's present boundaries as it dreams. There will not be an Ersatz Israel. It will either still be fighting its neighbors for more space, or it will be destroyed… unless it forges an even more open alliance with the Saudis and Turks. In any case, Islam is the clear winner here, mostly because it's immoral to fight back against Semitic expansion. Unless there is severe (- SEVERE -) violent geopolitical pushback, the (Judeo-…) Islamic power will go on to dominate the globe for the next many centuries, with no theoretical end to their position on the horizon.
Without Western Civilization in the lead, the progress of mankind will be markedly diminished. The Chinese will take on the role of driving global engineering and technical innovation, and we all know what kind of overbearing (Communist) government they have. The cultural openness of the West will not even be remembered.
In the longer term, White Nations may all cease to exist entirely, or they may just fracture and shrink to the size of micronations. To be certain, the Jews will not allow ANY White Nations to hold any power. They will play us off against each other, as they have done again and again throughout history. This because of 'muh racism'. Eventually, in several centuries, racial differences will lose their importance. Without an enemy to fight, the Jewish race will also fade away into non-existence.