American kids would much rather be YouTubers than astronauts

On the eve of the Apollo 11 anniversary, LEGO asked The Harris Poll to survey a total of 3,000 children in the United States, China, and the United Kingdom about their attitudes toward and knowledge of space. The results reveal that, at least for Western countries, kids today are more interested in YouTube than spaceflight.

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Thanks, you fucking kikes.

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Who cares, 99% of fags out in the world are losers who don't give a shit about anything

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That's because we have too many brown and black kids now. They don't have the intellect to fathom space travel or contemplate physics.


Whilst this is a horrific statistic; it does show just how far humanity as a whole has fallen. It is more easy than ever before to rise above the masses and become a noble. Simply leaving your skin in its natural condition and not tearing it apart with piercings or desecrating it with tattoos already marks one out as superior to about 50% of the population. A healthy body again raises you above another 20% or so; and a sharp mind will see you appear as a mountain among weeds.

Many of us will be denied financial opportunities and a host of other things; but it will be plain as day to all with eyes that we exist as the superior breed, and as the masses continue to degenerate we shall easily rise to take our rightful place. It is sad to see our brothers lost to the incessant, maddening whispers of jewish media; but we must also see this as an opportunity for us to rise in a way that few could before.

But this cant be the only reason of this . Look there on current situation in Japan where there are not Jewish media or brown/ black minorities in society.

Even there most of young people are not interested in anything else than social media , Youtube and video games.

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Good, now just get them into Bitchute and Soph

It's retards like you that are part of the problem. Some retarded 14 year old kid isn't the one you're supposed to be listening to or taking advice from and if you do then you might be the dumbest faggot on planet earth. Little kids don't know shit about the world, the world is built by adults and putting kids on a pedastle and parading them around as if their some fucking grand scholar or some shit while you neglect men of honor is why we're dying out. Using children as a tool to push your shit propaganda is disgusting and goes against all human civilization