Bicamereal mind

How many of you have heard the theory of the Bicamereal Mind?
For those who don't know it, it is basically this….
Consciousness is a CULTURAL invention and basically a tool, like any other for humans, and not something that inherently sprung up out of human evolution.
The idea that human consciousness, as we know it and practice it, is something spawned as early as 1000 B.C. and that before then we were basically operating like animals.
My own spin on this is that we operated akin to ants..only on a LARGER scale.

The thing about this theory, since it's not an evolutionary theory but a cultural and perhaps, more importantly, a linguistic one…there is a chance that "consciousness" is not taught the same in every culture…or perhaps that maybe people in the same culture have the same sort of consciousness experience that you do.
This could have loads of implications when it comes to politics, especially when it comes to the tribal nature of political parties.

My proposal, perhaps some people are LESS conscious than others and are simply going along with their tribe because certain "gods" give them reason to?

Attached: there-is-no-spoon-there-is-also-no-hallucination.png (2040x1200 49.07 KB, 1.04M)

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Consciousness is not what separates us from the animals. Neither is culture to a large extent.
It's our highly developed language which allowed for abstract thinking and the passing of that thinking across generations, your "conscious" mind is nothing more than a logic filter, seeing if your unconscious thoughts make sense in your languages logical framework, that's why you "think" in a language.
Most people are less conscious, didn't you see the study that gooks have no internal monologue?
But if you start thinking of yourself as just your internal monologue you have lost connection to the rest of being alive, you are still an animal.
And free will doesn't exist.

Define consciousness and levels thereof. Fact of the matter is the IQ is absolutely different between "tribes". I've known people with very high IQs who were great at learning, but total shit at thinking. And there's a massive difference between the two. You don't qualify as a thinker because you lack the "conscious" to apply logic to some bullshit you just "learned".

Consciousness is enternal, and your theory is kike drivel.

I'd wager it has something to do with IQ. Most of pol is higher than average IQ, and I seem to remember a lot of people in in those threads saying they also didn't think with language because it was too slow of a process (including me). I can think in language, but grouping certain chains of logic (truth) into certain feelings and being able to compare those feelings to others quickly is why I'm personally able to figure out solutions to a lot of things very quickly. Hard to explain, but it's like quickly remembering why something wouldn't or would work in a chain in logic. Suddenly reasoning appears in your brain and you're like, "oh yeah, that's why."

consciousness is basics to everything. There is nothing else. There is only mind and this reality is our dream. We came here to grow through experience. When we die, we will remember our true self that is total of all lifes we have lived.There is nothing you can observe beyond consciousness so it is definitely most fundamental to existence.

Close your eyes, that is where you are always been, all that you feel, hear, smell is your dream that you have decided to experience. These rules that we live by, that makes duality, matter, our matrix.. is created by our higher consciousness.

The brain is a wet Quantum computer. When you hear stuff from other people, it's because your minds have become partially entangled.

think i read there's racial and linguistic influences on measurable brain functions(?), meaning we don't perceive the world the same

consciousness is infinity, nothing, there cant be nothing beyond it. Everything is imagined by it.

As for the tribal stuff. Tribalism is the only logical conclusion to reality.