How to discuss Jew hatred of Whites

Successfully without the White Nationalist mental illness for the Jews.


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Good thread among others on that Reddit. More of that and the Jews will
have to answer for their crimes against Whites.

Not reading your progressive shithole site you fucking Jew.

Alright cool. I'll just post a link to this thread on your Reddit threat to hurt your credibility. Hang yourself, cocksucker

This place is dead

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And you wonder why no one likes WN assholes.


Attached: Screenshot-2019-7-19 r conspiracy - Why do so many wealthy upper-middle class American Jews hate white people so much .png (1130x9847, 1.54M)

I don't know how to use that shithole site

Attached: Screenshot-2019-7-19 r conspiracy - Why do so many wealthy upper-middle class American Jews hate white people so much (1).png (1130x11679, 1.55M)

Discuss Loxism instead

Gotta admit, I'm pretty happy with the replies overall.
We should go and act like filthy jews and tell them all white people are disgusting shitbags that will eat the bootheel of israel because we control their government and there's nothing they can do about it.

Well, we didn't ask to play this game. I have left so many times and you assholes just keep harassing me irl. Shit I left and moved across the country, you still send fags after me.

Just accept it, you freaks started this shit.

Nobody hates white people more than other white people.


by talking about gypsies

That Reddit must scare the living shit out of you Schlomo.

Normal Whites discussing a race war against Jews.

(((normal whites)))

You mean (((White Nationalists)))

Nope we are talking (((normal whites)))

The same retard has been coming here shilling this for 6 months at least now. Lmao. No one is buying it you filthy kike. 1488.

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OY VEY lol

I know right, Jews are really running out of things to say, it's hilarious LMFAO

They seem to do a better job than this shithole site.