Incoming: (Its all coming back to me now)
Dyncorp is not only doing police contracts and contracts for maintaining aircraft but it's turned into something much different
I showed yesterday how the Bush administration leads to Dyncorp and how the Trump administration leads to Dyncorp
It started out looking at the use of [Dyncorps'] contracts regarding vaccines, they have a 500M virus and vaccine development program.
But then it turned out there are all these countries where Dyncorp was training police officers to attack and gang rape girls and boys
The last part of this investigation involved organ harvesting. We thought it was just Stingers and Sarin gas. As we get deeper into this, it gets more macabre.
I didn't mean to say Paul Farmer was harvesting organs from people. It's that Farmer is simply 'making use' of dead people in disaster and conflict areas: he's not the one making decisions on who would be dying. ("these are the enemies and prisoners" justification / revenge motive)
Compartmentalization recap
Farmer is going to relate directly to the Cleveland clinic and the [Cleveland Clinic] doctors that were vacationing in Iran that were Detained by Trump's new policy in NY.
CC is probably one of the top transplant clinics in the world; George puts up prices of the organs– 262k for a kidney, lungs 200k, etc; bone marrow is most valuable at 23k per gram–I used many sources for these prices, even if they are off by 50k it's close enough
He puts up an Operation cartoon man infographic of harvestable organs entitled, "What is your body worth?"…They don't see people as people but as a bottom line for harvestables.
Hillary donation/revenge motive justification/pay-for-flay. This [speaks to] Hillary's [/US intelligence's] need for so much health information–to find out everything about a person so they know how much people are ["organworth"] – this 'monomaniacal quest for health information'
The Paul Farmer relationship to Hillary goes back 25 yrs, back to sending rice to Haiti in 1982
The Top Economic Advisor for Trump is Steve Feinberg, the owner of Dyncorp through Service Capital
Cleveland Clinic has a south Florida location, about an hour from Trump, and next month they are going to their celebration at Mar-a-lago club [in Palm Beach, near Jupiter and Trump Golf Club also.] Trump, Bush and Hillary are all intertwined.
Paul Farmer recap; Kagame recap; Doug Coe breakfast invitation of Kagame recap; momma head chop recap; Lukas Lundin and Kagame corpse disposal recap; 15000 Syrian children organ/sex trafficking recap
Hotel Rwanda film was billboarding (putting a good face on) Kagame
There are reports in 50 countries that bodies have been found with their hearts removed, and everywhere Paul Farmer goes, there seems to be dealmaking in organ market; Paul Farmer is very closely connected to John Podesta; and Podesta has vulgar art projects where people eat the heart out of a human shaped cake in public rituals;
Nemcova toasting the leader of Haiti runs an ngo org called 'happy hearts', which George thinks is "comfort furniture for the mind"…the name 'happy hearts' is a occult wink and double entendre…the 'heart is in a happy place now' being taken from a prisoner or enemy
"Heart Recipient" PAM podesta email Pam Fleischaker–which means 'flesh taker', "rape pillage and plunder" is the motto of Fleishaker corporation
Revenge Motive / Gary Webb, Michael Rupert recap
4 gangs and lots of deaths but no bodies. LA could be an area of organ harvesting in addition to Chicago–"I know Chicago is"
Religious groups feel righteous about harassing people
If 100,000 organs annually are being produced and only 5-8000 donors, I don't get it.
WillowCrisp-Winokur recap,
A third-party, non-governmental organization is doing sex-sting operations with no oversight from law enforcement {{THIS SHOULD ALARM YOU}}
"I believe the money to run operation underground railroad is coming from BoozAllenHamilton (futher:BAH) passed through DHS with a DHS block grant of some type." {{This is worded strangely. For clarity, I think he's saying DHS is paying BAH to (pay another contractor or subcontractors?) run op underground railroad}}
US Naval Hospital Ship "Comfort" that goes to Haiti every year–"Operation Continuing Promise" – they come on shore, make mobile tents, and they bring people out for operations.