Feds on image boards and subversion

We know FBI were on Zig Forums looking for Piano boy and posting bait. Demanding IPs of any one who replied to the thread. This implies a government presence here in some form.

Soon after /b2/ appeared from no where and has constant /hebe/ style posting. Lack of moderation and BO support means we now have a board allowing what counts as CP in most of Europe as the top board on the site. An easy excuse to slap restrictions on the website. If I was looking to shut down this avenue of discussion I would make sure to link it with the worst things I can. We all know the glowies use CP as a plant to shut people away. What if they were using 8ch as a method to plant "soft" CP on people's caches and history so when they come knocking you're listed as a child abuser not a political rebel? Much easier to ignore a man labeled pedophile than racist. Racists are just "dumb" but pedophiles are pure evil and deserve to be killed.

The website culture has become more paranoid or more intense D&C depending on how you look at it. Memes like Reddit posting, claiming everyone is a goon if they disagree with you and promotion of questionable material like on /b2/ or lolicon lead to a fractured userbase. Those who embrace White culture against those who embrace Asian culture but want to be racist like the white culture guys are. (((Media companies))) like Netflix are now pushing into the Asian entertainment industry and promoting it in Western countries, using it as a vector to warp white nationalism from what I can tell. We know they play both sides so if you can't subvert white nationalists through Western media why not buy up the Japanese media instead and use that to subvert them? Based honorary Aryans Japanese can have Trannies (dick girls/traps), homosexuals and cuckolding as a core part of their industry and white nationalists won't reject it. It;s the classic tactic like with Superman and Captain America, present as your enemy then slowly warp your enemies perspective through children's media.

I'm reminded a lot of the Silk Road stuff the feds did to catch those people using TOR. A lot of the disruptive posting we're seeing sounds how they would plant trust issues between members to get them to rat each other out. The way people shout Goon, Reddit or Cuckchan at the slightest disagreement alienates people and drives them off. If you're a white nationalist but don't like anime you're a Goon. If you space a post correctly you're reddit, if you disagree with an infograph you belong on 4chan where you're even easier to track and monitor with more censorship.

There will be glowies in the thread. Ignore them. Remember a kike cries out when you call him a kike and when he strikes you. Discuss the topic at hand don't let them disrupt it.

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Stupid people who didn't disable javascript, yes.

How's the weather in Langley?

Better call him a glownigger before i get called one

Feds have been trying to take down and take over Zig Forums since we moved from 4cuck in late 13'.

Today they try and take over the userbase by promoting christcuckery, (((brenton terrant))) and (((alt right memes))). So far they havent been sucessful and most of the userbase has driven them off but the mods are in on their inflation and openly work with the feds.

We really need a new website without the redditfaggotry of 'creating your own board' which has never helped us by migrating to a new BO or a new board, thats never happened on pol ever. What we need is a website built exlusivly for Zig Forums content and nothing else that is entirely safe and anonymous where dissenters can share ideas without censorship, deletion, subversion, shilling and the endless fucking spam the feds throw on us here.

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Calling a man clearly from here and who actively did something against the invaders a kike is the exact type of D&C I mean. We've seen plenty of times that the feds can't use the memes in organic ways and Terrant clearly did.

thats because shapeshifters flooded this place with crossposters and migrants
8ch will never be the same again after Brenton


Before Brenton this place went to shit and is why it gets called Nu/pol/. Kampfy banned any faggot worth talking to and left only /v/ tier posters.

Only one fucking jew plays the nu card, yid.

The subversion is visibly failing & more of the same old shit only in tempura batter wont really change that. Not that they wont try it anyway.
If simple shut down was what they wanted they could have done that at almost any time without much effort.
They are trying to understand & control not simply shut it down. We're a test bed, but the problem is that the forces they are attempting to control are deep, powerful & OLD. They live in the hind brain, they don’t care & they are waking up.
Nothing can prevent war now. Nothing.
Honest paranoid is good, btw.

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