Until (((they))) can stack the deck against the good people with infinite ra6e niggers from other countries.
Oh, wait, that's exactly what they already did to Germany, wasn't it?
So, for those of you salivating over the whole idea of a civil war in the USA, it ain't gonna happen.
A) Burgers love their burgers. They won't rebel as long as they have their burgers and porn.
B) The people who could kick it off are all owned by the same bunch that INSTALLED all the transvestite negro women as top brass in the military.
C) Media and disinfo. There would be one, unified anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual, anti-male narrative, and all of the Mockingbird Media would be chanting it in unison, while using NBCW against the whitest areas of the country, then claiming it was Muh Russians.
D)ream on, dreamers. It ain't never going to happen.
Muh Civil War Part II. In Part I, niggers were voiceless slaves and the country was white. Now? Women and children rule over you, and you are Rayciss For Being White.
Good fucking luck. What's your fucking military doing about the fucking invasion on the Southern border? Providing free food, clothing, medical care, and housing.
Motherfucking brilliant. Glowing like a thousand supernovas brilliant.
Only God can steer this rolling outhouse pit uphill. So far it is headed straight for hell.
Do you REALLY think the rest of the world will be told the truth of what is going on in America?
Fucking hell no. What will be told them is that there are six hundred and sixty six million Jews being gassed, ovened, skinned, lampshaded, ra6ed, masturbated, and having their testicles beaten until they die, even the women.
Do you really think the fucking Euros are going to be told that niggers being paid to breed like overfed rats at a garbage dump is they niggers are "underprivileged?"
No. They are going to be told whatever The Most Viable Line of Bullshit is that will Rally Them Unto Wrathful Righteous Indignation to stomp out the disgusting ignorant Americains once and for all.
Fantasize on, gun-clingers. How many shots have you fired so far? None. Why? Because the people and the resources needed to fight and WIN a civil war are all ass-fucking little boys in dungeons in High Places.
You tell me YOU tell ME under what fantastical circumstances you actually think that, unlike racially homogenous Germany and Japan, YOU, Niggerbeanmuttistan, YOU will somehow unify and prevail.
Go ahead. Lay it all out for me. Convince me you are going to quit being ass-raped. I know you aren't going to, because, in your heart of hearts, you KNOW that it is just not going to take place.
You know those same neighbors you have that have the rainbow stickers on their car and whose son you have to tell to quit trying to get your son to dress in girls' clothes are going to turn you in to the Homosexual Authority for re-education the moment their AIDS-tainted shit hits the fan.
You know those teachers at the school have ALL the non-correct-thinking children's parents noted.
I'm not saying there is no hope. What I am saying is that the fantasy of some glorious scum-defeating Civil War II is not looking very likely. Your enemies are not foreign or even geographically separate from you. They are right in the same neighborhood.
Nah. There has to be a way forward other than that fantasy. Literally every army in the entire WORLD has been taught to hate America. Who do you think WON'T jump in to ra6e every last white infant in America?
Nope. You are more alone than you know, just as Saint Adolph was, though he didn't know just how utterly debased and depraved England and the rest of the world had become. He fought Weimar IN Germany. Imagine his shock to find that it was the whole world OTHER than Germany.
Do you really fantasize that the entire world will NOT be rallied to ra6e and murder you all?
You know, the same America that thumped its Bible also lined up 47-deep behing the 82 commies to ra6e every last girl in Berlin, and 99.9 percent of the boys, because they were so Morally Outraged about the five Jews that lost some windows, er the 666 sextillion Jews that had been gassed, burned, ra6ed, masturbated, skinned, and then had their gold filling removed before escaping to tell their story.
I can explaing the Moral Outrage in one sentence: "I get to ra6e children if I win."
Don't expect a world that is far more brainwashed to hate America for the last 70 years than formerly-largely-German-Christian-White-America was to hate Germany in three years to stand by while there is even ONE white American child left to ra6e.
Civil war? Ha. It will turn into World Ra6e III and it will be done IN America.