It's Not Okay To Be White

We all know how the original "It's Okay To Be White" campaign went: exactly as predicted. The media blew a gasket covering the "racist, bigoted White Supremacist" slogan; the Buzzfeeds of the world tripped over themselves producing glossy media expressing how evil, how absolutely unjust it was, to suggest that it's okay to be a certain skin color. They made it absolutely clear: IT'S NOT OKAY TO BE WHITE.

So, now it's time for Round 2. The same message, the same format, with a simple negation. "It's Not Okay To Be White."

What will the left and the media's reaction be this time? My predictions:

• First and foremost, they'll go to the source, which is this thread, and declare it a smoking gun that proves the campaign is in fact a product of Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Racists, because it started here.

• Then we'll have the Buzzfeed approach: "NOBODY is saying it's not okay to be white. What we're saying is that white people benefit from a system of codified, entrenched White Supremacy that dates back to their callous slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, KKK, and these systems persist to this day and continue to disenfranchise and oppress POC."

• My favorite reaction will be that of the non-aligned white normie, who will be confronted with a dilemma in his mind: as he is white, does he side with a statement of overt racism that signals him out as "not okay?" When he imagines who created the poster/slogan, does he envision a radical transfemme POC who is justifiably lashing out against the machine of White Supremacist Oppression, or does he picture some basement-dwelling fat lonely white loser trying to counter-signal? If he pictures the latter, and rejects the slogan "It's Not Okay To Be White," does this mean that he is in fact embracing the opposite, which is that "It's Okay To Be White?"

Either way, the end result is the same: leftist infighting, which is one of our best bets to waking normal whites up to the fact that their governments and institutions not only don't care about them, but are in fact celebrating their demise.

Get posting, goys.

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I thought there wasn't a "phase 2". Or am I remembering wrong?

I don't remember one initially, but this is a solid basis for another run.

Checked, you're not mis-remembering, but we have to tweak our tactics based on the data collected from the first volley. The media apparatus and its sycophants has already painted "It's Okay To Be White" as an explicitly outlawed concept. So, we take the message that they wish they could say openly (and some already do) – that it's NOT okay to be white – and share it around.

It's their belief, why on Earth would they be bothered by us embracing it?

At the end of the day, it's a nice way to redpill some normies. During the aftermath, some disaffected whites will wind up joining us.

Media will not do anything and because those show up people don't do anything about them and idea of whites deserving genocided gets normalised a few steps further. No OP, you suck a shotgun that's loaded and pull its trigger too. post pics and do it live

There isn’t. This is a paid shill.

You absolute faggot

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What do you think will be the average white person's reaction to a statement explicitly stating that their existence is not okay? There are lots of new white parents out there raising white newborn babies. They're going to see a direct threat to their children and conclude, "Welp, I guess the whole white genocide thing turned out to be real, and was not a conspiracy theory. Guess I should kill myself and my family before they do."

That's how regular white folks will interpret it…?

I do it for free, but I'm honestly flattered. Thank you.

go ahead and do this, but more productive will be to develop a framework for redpilling and recruit agents at large universities to infect the populace