It would seem that every single goddamned time a White man snaps in Kike-run Clown World, it is labeled a false flag by some retarded fucking boomers, who don't want things to heat up before they die. Boomers should get the fuck off this board, or, at the very fucking least, stop being pacifist faggots who think everything will work itself out eventually.
It does not work that way, cuck.
If we were anything like our ancestors a mere century ago, cities like LA, New York, and DC would've been razed to the ground by now.
You retards literally believe that being a meek, pacifist cucked male is being a smart White man. "The meek will inherit the Earth" is a kike meme made to keep Whites docile. If White terrorism was as bad as the media said, the Jews would've been dragged out of their ivory towers, each Jew chained to two cars by the arms and legs, and ripped in half for all the public to see. Gassing is too good for these creatures at this point.
I'm sick of seeing you retards in every Tarrant thread. Whenever I see you, I'm like: "The Boomers are coming! The Boomers are coming! My board! My board!