One of the greatest successes of our enemy was convincing us that evil exists in a vacuum, and that it is something wholly separate from 'goodness'. Evil does not and cannot exist by itself; creation was an inherently good thing, with creation being necessitated by purpose. Evil without exception is CORRUPTION. It is taking what was good and taking away its purpose. When sex becomes about pleasure instead of reproduction, it is evil. When eating becomes about enjoyment instead of nourishment, it is evil. When sleeping becomes about avoiding work as opposed to resting so that you can work in the future; it is evil.
This was an aspect of evil fully understood by our ancestors that has been completely lost on modern generations, even going to the point that some people do not even believe in a concept of evil and instead view everything as 'shades of grey'. This is a gross misunderstanding of reality and an absolute insult to nature.
All things were made with a purpose. All things can be corrupted. Even National Socialism can be corrupted. Even love for family can be corrupted, for instance incest. All things can be twisted out of their natural position and into something wrong. As such we must always be vigilant against corruption threats; because such threats will often mask themselves in a veneer of 'fairness' or 'goodness' like the civil rights movement or women's suffrage.
Without the understanding that it is the corruption of something good that is evil; people will never agree with book burning. However, if we can introduce into their conscious that books and other sources of knowledge are supposed to enlighten people, arm them with skills and make their lives happier, easier, more productive; then it becomes VERY easy to oppose degenerate books like this.
Once that shift in the social conscious is made, we can easily show via the detrimental effects of degeneracy that such things are bad. Even before addressing the obvious purpose of specific things and acts; we have a wealth of information regarding how their deviant lifestyles cause depression and suicide at rates unfathomable to our predecessors. We can easily prove (with very few exceptions, and with those few we can say "know them by their fruits" and point to such things as depression/suicide/malnourishment/etc) what the intended purpose of a specific act or thing is; and with that knowledge we can portray it as 'good'. We can then portray any deviation from that as 'evil'. It's a whole new way to frame the 'slippery slope' debate that fully shuts down any deviant seeking to undo our righteous foundations.
We can then also start pushing the intended purposes of various things and actions as 'good' and 'right'. With this framework, it is easy to show that 'birds of a feather flock together'; allowing us an easy way in to pushing national homogeneity, opposing immigration; as well as gluttony, faggotry, usury, and every imaginable sort of hedonism and degeneracy.
I really do think this is the most important alteration to the social conscious that we can push. Evil is corruption; and EVERYTHING can be corrupted. Even such nice things as love and mercy can be corrupted into being faggotry/pedophilia and the toleration of evil.
Nature = Good.
Changing the natural purpose of something = Corruption.
Corruption = Evil.
And corruption is evil because it damages our chances at survival and prosperity. This also reinforces a logical and rational understanding of reality, further dumping on the evil of subjectivity.