Why are white people so civilized and non violent?

Honestly, this isn't even to troll or bait anyone. But white people are clearly on another level of existence than other races. There are virtually no white criminals. No white Yakuza, no white Triads, no white cartels. For all the talk of east Asians being smart and having low crime rates their countries are still shitholes and there has been tons of war and genocide in Asian countries over the last 40-50 years. Meanwhile there hasn't been a major war or conflict in Europe since WW2.

What is the Germanic or nordic equivalent of the Yakuza? If countries like Germany, Norway and Sweden didn't have Muslims they would have lower crime rates than Japan by far.

The worst white neiborhood in the US still has less crime and violence than the best black neighborhood. Every place in the US (and elsewhere) that has low crime is a majority white. Are white people just biologically less prone to criminality and violence?

Attached: Dr.-David-White-and-Family.jpg (1000x667, 96.23K)

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It doesn't work like that when they are all living in America

Whites have become niggerized thanks to the media and kikes

LMAO Nice b8 m8


Because any other race isn’t even technically human op
You know this

This is literally a copy-pasta from /b2/

/b2/ runs this site now

Attached: awetrwt.PNG (777x138, 6.95K)

Rule 4.

Nice until they are not. Whites understand future paths and patterns, they plan and calculate and know the risks involved in action vs non action. They judge based upon others being like they are. Emotional outbursts are a failure of a white to an situation, whites understand it is better to be cold, calculating and utterly cruel when necessary but to avoid that at all costs to hinder another white from doing the same. Whites are THE top tier predator on this planet, and have decided to domesticate themselves willfully in order to live an more prosperous life rather than what comes when the fire rises.

This guy is a bid of a fag with his love of popular culture and the yids movie/show propaganda, but hes dead on with this one:

Nobody else is like you in any way. Please don't confuse rash ignorant criminal action of the subhuman with your noble soul, a soul carved in history by violence and quests for dominion over the very earth and heavens subhumans cannot comprehend.

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