Hi guys, I've been noticing something. These days tatoos are everywhere...

Hi guys, I've been noticing something. These days tatoos are everywhere, but back in the day they were not something people took. Tatoos were a brotherhood or a branding thing. Sailors, prisoners, soldiers in combat, and gangs took one.

I remember that some German high rankin officer in the concentration camps were studying tatooos, and their symbolism with Jewish prisoners and communists. Russian prisons have strict symbolism in tatoos for example.

So I just happened to notice that in old vintage porn from 70's and 80's girls have tatoos. It's always one small tatoo in the lover back / butt or breast. Scorpion seems to be pretty common. These days butterfly is common.

So what do you think Zig Forums? Are those girls branded? We know porn industry is run by Jewish criminals, hollywood was run by jewish criminals. Could we identify human trafficing by branding?

Attached: scorpion.png (178x84, 23.89K)

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Tattoos are bumper stickers for people.

You don't put a bumper sicker on a Corvette, you put it on a beat up Honda that's being passed down through the family. Likewise you'll never see a tattoo on someone with high self-esteem.

Of course pr0n whores and antifa soyboys have them.

“There's something really the matter with most people who wear tattoos. There's at least some terrible story. I know from experience that there's always something terribly flawed about people who are tattooed, above some little something that Johnny had done in the Navy, even though that's a bad sign…It's terrible. Psychologically it's crazy. Most people who are tattooed, it's the sign of some feeling of inferiority, they're trying to establish some macho identification for themselves.”

Attached: quote-it-s-odd-about-tattoos-i-ve-talked-to-several-hundred-men-convicted-of-homicide-multiple-truman-capote-154-6-0662.jpg (850x400, 73.24K)


The nose ring is to stop the animals from rooting.

Pigs and cows like to use their snouts to dig into the ground so they can eat roots. You can understand why a farmer would not want that happening - the pigs and cows would literally ruin entire crops and cause a farm to fail.

So you pierce the pigs and cows snouts and put a big ol' ring in it. Now it hurts like a fucker to root around because rooting jams this piece of metal into their dumb animal faces.

Bonus is you can clack a jiggler to it and lead the animals by rope.

But yeah, whenever a see a human with a pig ring, all I can think is "there's a fat animal that likes to jam it's nose into things it has no business in, and will ruin everything."

Pig ring.

Personally I hate the twin silver nose drips…even by grade 1 a normal child should be clean and hygenic enough to not walk around with snot dripping off his nose. Totally disgusting to see a grown girl with nose drips.

Attached: s-l300.jpg (289x300, 12.27K)

Body modification should be punished with death.

I just cannot stand tattoos. It really pisses me off actually when I see white girls with nice legs and a fucking permanent portrait graffitied on them. In the early 2000s, the "tramp stamp" was becoming a thing. Now girls seem to have no problems with full sleeve and even neck/face tattoos.

I'm seeing it too user. It's a projection of how they want to be perceived. Think the girl with some cliche on their wrist, or a logo or something (Wonder Woman comes to mind). I see that as a deep sense of inferiority that they are attempting to project that image onto others and how they're perceived. So in this particular case a girl with a Wonder Woman tattoo is actually subccnsciously aware of their own failings but hope to hell other people see things differently.

Same with guys who get those stupid Kiwi tribal Tatts; they haven't done anything that would even form a primitive justification for getting them, but they are projecting the idea that they are some "don't fuck with me" badass vibe. Then of course we have to account for sheeple being sheeple.

I have a magnet implanted in my finger which gives me an extra sensory input for magnetism.

It's invisible.