ICE targeted thousands in raids, but so far has only arrested 35
Imaging my shawk! It's almost like it was designed to fail in the first place. Tired of winning yet?
I really wanted to bump the original hype thread to slam the MIGApedes on this board, but its off the catalog already: >>13492821
Just a reminder that Trump is all talk. He can't even do civic nationalism correctly.
It was all a re-election spectacle, hence why he broadcast it over twitter himself. Of course now he'll scream at how all the reports of the raids being fucking nothing is all fake new at the next rallies. Yeah, it's not like Trump himself didn't do that himself or anything. "We're going to deport millions folks".
Jesus fucking christ. Is another Zig Forums harbour gonna happen?
Ryder Roberts
The moderator team/janitors are now primarily people who came from r/t_D. They have people who monitor /ptg/ 24 hours a day to make sure no one tries to derail their thread or shit on Trump.
Julian Garcia
Sounds exactly what kampfy would do. Not like the mods here are any better for worse or better.
Mason Myers
A mod deleted this thread citing "reddit thread topic spam". I have no idea what the fuck that means, but news of the 35/2000 number was reported in every major outlet. Seems pretty relevant unless you're some MIGApede faggot who can't tolerate any information that doesn't glorify Trump.
Andrew Lee
This shit will only get worse the closer we get to the election. The board is pretty dead though compared to this time last cycle due to the bannings and degradation of the board.
I thought mueller was supposed to expose the deep state my fellow pede? Don't tell me you faggots have already dropped that narrative?
Xavier Gomez
Robert Flores
Joseph Cooper
The best part is you faggots have nothing now. Dilate discord nigger;impeachment fucking never ever, and another 4 years to stack onto his presidency. What will your tactics be then?
Meet me behind the Walmart, and say that to my face faggot
you mean the absolute state of dilating discord trannies?
Landon Torres
The absolute state of MIGApedes.
Jacob Wilson
Q predicted this
Camden Wood
That's someone that needs some serious psychiatric help and probably a number of surgeries and a shitload of antibiotics.>>13532204
Cameron Taylor
fuck u bigot now go wax his dick
Ayden Garcia
Yeah I figured you would sperg out once your narrative crumbled. Its happened so many times now I've lost count. Well hey, I guess its good you faggots finally made some new fake screenshots as opposed to the ones you spammed when zogald bombed syria back in 2017. Did kushner send you some hotpockets?
Lincoln Price
bump because this thread triggers the trumpniggers
Nathaniel Kelly
What are you going to do when he gets re-elected? Post about Russia, and Moarpenis?
Caleb Davis
The better question is what is he going to do. Maybe amnesty? War with Iran? Por que no los dos.
Luke Baker
I just want the Trump everyone was afraid of, instead of potato Trump, who can't even get a handful of legal deportations completed.
Carson Sullivan
Wait for inevitably insane leftist backlash when he leaves office in 2025. The democrats are already demanding reparations. Civil war is already an inevitability, its just a matter of time.
Ryder Walker
Ah so you don't know yet. Considering 46% of you will die before the age of 40, you might not even be around!
Biggest issue is the house, and lack of compliance from coastal states acting as sanctuary states. Make sure you're in contact with your local I.C.E official if you want a show.
Parker Long
Apparently the Mueller meeting this morning blackpilled faggots from reddit to resetera;even twitter. It won't be a civil war. It's going to be a universal black pill suppository.
David Cooper
The ICE raids worked as intended, you fucking shill!
I voted for him. Fuck, I spoke for him in the Iowa caucus when no one else would. I'm not going to sit here and be content with the table scraps disgusting kikes are willing to throw my way. And the fact that you are is pathetic.
Logan Brown
Someone should have told Trump his biggest enemies would be those he betrayed.
Justin Carter
No, them being teased repeatedly is going to radicalize them. While you sit here votecucking. The left knows exactly what they are doing, they are sharpening their axes while you slumber.
Cooper Sanchez
Shut the fuck up, you kike shill. It's obvious you're one of those "I used to be a Trump supporter" d&c faggot. I thought all of you left, I guess not!
Colton Jones
There you go. Now use that anger for something instead of getting mad at those who tell you you've been lied to.
Henry Gutierrez
Keep crying kike!
Caleb Ward
(checked) didn't the roach get btfo in the last thread? kind of weird every time he's found shitting up a thread the thread disappears in a few hours to cover his tracks.
Kayden Diaz
That's nice nigger;still voting for him next election :^)
Owen Reyes
I would never advocate anyone to go to those cancerous sites, but if you want a laugh you really should pull up the Mueller topic on any of those platforms, and see for yourself.
Jose Ward
I already debunked all of that with the pic I posted. You're being lied to by disinformation shills in this boards.
The same people that are telling you immigration is a bad thing in the US are the same one: Calling Saint Tarrant a "dishonest faggot", or our Knight Commander Breivik a "kike mason", or even Aryan Hero McVeigh a "FBI glownigger". None of these are true. Stop falling for cheap tricks tearing you apart from Zig Forums's official heroes.
Zachary Thomas
I don't give a fuck who you vote for. I really don't. But don't pretend that you're doing something by casting your vote for that orange Stalin. It's fun to sit here and laugh at the delusional leftists who expected Mueller to "get him," I'll admit that. It's much less fun to sit here and laugh at people like you who think that you're accomplishing anything, but I'll still do it. It's just a sad laugh.
Joseph Scott
Brievik did nothing wrong, but Tarrant is a glownigger
David Gonzalez
This is the most delusional thing I've ever read. So Trump? Trump told us immigration was bad in 2016. Now he's telling us immigration is good, so immigration is good. You've been sucked into a cult of personality, and it's depressing to watch.
Wyatt Howard
Not working, get a new line from your supervisor
Dominic King
holy shit could you use any other textbook shill insults. get gassed you fucking niggerkike.
Michael Clark
Wait this was serious? I legitimately thought this was sarcasm. Bruh.
Ryan James
Trump fixed immigration last weekend. Funny you didn't addressed my picture.
Ayden Phillips
Legally immigrating is fine. Illegally invading a country, and taking residence IS a problem.
Justin King
That wasn't me, I just found that picture in the dark web.
Ryan Roberts
Why are you lying? The (you) is right fucking there, it's clearly an Zig Forums post, and the typing style is clearly the same. Almost no one here posts in all bold, but you do it in that ss and right here
Step your game up.
Angel White
Cameron Ortiz
tl;dr break it down faggot
Gabriel Richardson
The stuff I find in the dark web rubs on me.
Ethan Davis
Yeah god forbid we create a system that actually works for people who need it.
Zig Forums here, what do you propose we do instead?
Complaining about Trump doesn't fix shit.
Charles Murphy
/thread I recommend anons to report this thread, do it for Knight Commander Breivik and our Zionist brothers!
Jonathan Hughes
This is a /b2/nigger.
Cooper Bennett
hop into a fucking oven. i will still nuke israel before i fist fuck the nigger in his mouth.
Josiah Ross
You didn't even bother to rename it. The filename is still that of a screenshot.
But that isn't what legal immigration is in this country. And you know it, you lying fucking kike. Legal immigration is the driving force behind demographic change in this country, not illegal immigration.
Samuel Bailey
You know the funny thing is I was going to say that "people" like you are too fucking stupid to read more than a few sentences, but I figured it would be too predictable. Well the short version is you're a dumb niggerbrained demoralized faggot that has been psyoped into responding to certain stimuli and "people" like you carry a mind virus that you attempt to spread to others like a poz loving faggot handing out GRIDS.
Logan Murphy
Brave Aryans like Knight Commander Breivik and Saint Tarrant will appear and stop you.
Liam Green
That's how the file was on the deep web. Don't blame me for things out of my control.
Mason Walker
Zig Forums has always supported legal immigration, these shills are the same one attacking Knight Commander Breivik and Saint Tarrant!
Ethan Sanders
Carlos is a white name.
Lucas Carter
that's exactly what legal immigration is you stupid fuck. browns keep invading, because the waitlist is something crazy like 5-7 years, BECAUSE we have so many browns. legitimate white entrepreneurs are getting fucked, because we do have a system being abused by dems where they purposely flood the country with low iq welfare whores to sap your tax dollars as an excuse to raise taxes to siphon off your ass, and everyone else you know, and love. Fixing the system, and deporting em' all is the first solution.
Colton Roberts
He's the DACAryan shitposter, just ignore him.
Kevin Fisher
Yet I got you to type it for me in a nice little convenient post. Thanks slavey :^)
Hunter Hall
Don't you have a radioactive thread to patrol right now?
Robert Scott
Degenerate masochist cuckold.
Gavin Hernandez
Of course a slavey would have poor reading comprehension
amonia+bleach incense bath;will refuel your chakras back
Joseph Gomez
it's /b2/
Daniel Martin
Reminder, they always project.
David Bennett
What? Yes, I agree that white immigrants are getting fucked, but I don't see how that makes legal immigration as it exists today any more in our interest. You're just proving my point, hell you even agree that the system is broken. Read up on the (((Hart-Cellar Act))) and shit like diversity quotas. That's what legal immigration is today, and what it has been for 50 goddamn years. Saying that legal immigration is fine is a cuckservative talking point to try and wiggle out of being called racist by people who hate you. Legal immigration is not fine, it's fucking broken, and a full on repeal of that 1965 immigration act would only be the first step in fixing our demographic decline. It is the source of shit like birthright citizenship. You might remember that the kike in chief even flirted with the idea of getting rid of birthright citizenship before the mid terms, to excite the base. Of course the moment the midterms were over we never heard another word about it.
I really don't like banning people we disagree with, but damned if he didn't deserve it.
Oliver Perez
It's been the same shit for at least 3 years now.
Anthony Anderson
I don't even mind that he caught the ban, I just wish his posts weren't deleted so that lurkers could see both sides of the argument. That bit where he was talking about the dark web was comedy gold.
Grayson Mitchell
It's in our interest, because we want /ourguys/ to immigrate into the country. Not third world shitskins. The fact that we're passing that new legislature stating if you don't have ID,certificate, and proof of being in the us in the last ten years, along with a state issued socserc is a step, and a major one compared to how things were being handled a month ago.
Cooper James
Right, but legal immigration right now *is* shitskins. That's the issue here. Legal immigration *as it exists right now* is bad for us. Your version of legal immigration is imaginary. If it was real I would agree with you, there would be no problem. I would like our government to declare Boers a people in danger of genocide and allow as many of them in as what wants to come. But that isn't reality. Reality is diversity quotas and Pajeet H1-Bs.
This is, because of big tech, and corporate entities wanting slave labor, however h1-b pajeets cannot code for shit, and it's now becoming a normie meme, along with the generalized understanding that a pajeet team will require a fix-up job from another team, and may even mean scrapping projects all together. They remain for now, because of nepotism, and corpogaylords. We will see what happens;if they don't properly fix legal immigration(what it's really supposed to be) then I will eat my hat,however I'm optimistic;libs wouldn't be nearly as mad about this new legislature if it didn't effect people.
Adrian Moore
*affect but yeah I agree our system is fucking broken;house is making it unbearable
Jacob Nguyen
Dubs of Drumpfcrushing.
Justin Brown
it means that the potato trump was made by and is spammed by redditors. you're fooling no one you scared little queer. it's funny to me how you faggots have gone into absolute meltdown ever since thousands of trump supporters were chanting "send her back" to a brown person. you're fucking scared and everyone sees through your bullshit here
the natsoc threads are worthless spam and literally more than half of the links are dead and nothing is updated and hasn't been updated in years
Dominic Howard
Cool when is she getting sent back?
Jayden Cruz
you know that can't legally happen and you also know that's besides the point. it's ironic that you accuse anyone being part of a cult of personality when you lift all your talking points straight from ecelebs. you're completely mind fucked by fbi bullshit. you have millions of people waking up to what's going on and you push them away and isolate yourself from them because that's exactly what your eceleb buddies told you. why though, why does everything your eceleb buddies touch somehow turn to shit? the fact of the matter is subhuman trash like you isn't part of the movement. you're part of some self contained and isolated jerkoffathon where you think you have more influence than you actually do all the while you become further unhinged.
you're weak minded and easily manipulated. no one wants shit heads like you part of their movement anyway. you're nothing more than an active destriment
Cooper Cooper
Trump's a jew puppet just like the rest of the American politicians.
Connor Turner
Alright so you know she isn't being sent back. At least you aren't completely disconnected from reality
I don't know what to say to that, most e-celebs suck Trump's cock like you do. You seem to have some issues.
Kill yourself, the "movement" is faggot shit. Go listen to some Pierce and unfuck your brain.
What does that have to do with Trump. The fucking guy is the president, the most powerful person in the country, but the only thing you can point to in terms of good news is a chant. Meanwhile he pardons people like Sholom Roboshkin while his own supporters rot in jail. He teases EOs about ending birthright citizenship when he's trying to win elections, but never does a damn thing.
Literally all of this applies to you, and all the other useful idiots whose greatest goal is oWnIn DA LiBs, instead of securing the existence of our people and a future for white children.