How do I deradicalize?

I've been wanting to deradicalize a bit from the far right and spend some time on the other side of the creek, but then I come over here and you faggots post like once every 3 hours. Christ on a bike this shit is slow.
Anyway, caught myself saying nigger out loud spontaneously in a crowded place (I was at fucking MEPS of all places). Don't think anyone noticed but it made me realize I need to cool off before I potentially ruin my life and career from my Zig Forums speaking habits. Though there are aspects of civic and ethnonationalism that I can't really shake and that I haven't found really addressed in the limited leftist youtubers I've been exposed to in my efforts to balance out.
The main thing is European culture, identifying with that history and heritage, and the desire to preserve it, at least the good parts. Capitalism is dogshit in soooooo many fucking ways, but there are huge portions of western culture that I think are good and not invulnerable to change or regression. In their attempts to debunk replacement migration in western countries, the two tubers I've seen (shaun and three arrows) largely just shrug off any sense of western culture or identity, as if it's not at risk at all and never could be ever. And yet such people are perfectly capable of seeing how it is endangered through some sort of fascist uprising by far right people, but a country's population becoming predominantly another ethnicity or cultural background they just don't even seem to consider that that could be the same kind of threat. The whole notion of national identity, or really any identity past the individual, seems to be almost comical to the left. Shaun shows a picture of a group of muslim girls waving the german flag and is just like, "a bunch of children waving the german flag, don't see what's so scary" or something. BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT FUCKING GERMAN. Connection to and reverence for a culture and country goes deeper than waving a fucking flag or speaking the language. This kind of ignorance and seeming contempt for people identifying with their culture, nation, or ethnicity is one of the major obstacles for me in coming back towards the left in any way.
How should I work around this or move forward? My identity with my culture and ancestry is not something I can shrug off. It's like that old zen saying, "glimpsed once and forever." I can't fucking unsee it. And yet it just creates huge pain and anxiety for me because, NO SHIT, things change, and are changing, and that can not be stopped.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cool blog post faget

thanks shit fuck

From my experience, the rights' ideas of "national identity" are always so romanticized. I'm from a scandinavian country, and I couldn't tell you five distinguishing features of my culture that the "native" population would agree are inherent to our culture. Our "medieval culture" was eroded by capitalism long before any muslims set foot in the country (as anything but thralls), and at this point there's no difference between American, British, German and Scandinavian culture. We all watch dumb fuck hollywood movies, we engage in the same dumb fuck consumer culture that they do, and it has nothing to do with immigration. The immigrants quickly learn to become the cultureless consumers that we are. This is the trend of global capitalism, and the only way to start building a new and better proletarian culture is through communism.

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Also, go to >>>Zig Forums or >>>/marx/, this board is trash.

I don't want to move you away but if you want to deradicalize why would you do it by spending time with the opposite radicals?
Get yourself tested for tourette's syndrome.
Secondly if you can't live with those beliefs openly stop believing in them.
You see this whole part of your post?
Absolutely meaningless no one here gives two shits about western culture enough to bother abolishing, I haven't seen a single person on this whole board who ever said anything slightly related to that, lurk more.
Other than that admit capitalism is a terrible system and I guess do something.
For what it's worth I think you're nowhere near as autistically right wing as you think you are, certainly not on Nazi's level you sound like Zig Forums boomers. There's really nothing here anyone can help you with I fully agree with
Go to Zig Forums, you're better off there, make sure you bring the Tankie with you as a favor for us.

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Attached: you have autism.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

here was my take away from christchurch

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Hold on now before I read anything else.
No really listen what the tankie said before and make your way to >>>Zig Forums quick, you're in critical condition.

is there a board that isn't dead as fuck here?