>(((anime porn))) website that hosts CP is being shutdown
Since when have so many degenerate faggots come here? This is a good thing and should be celebrated
Anyone against this is a porn addicted degenerate who is contributing to white genocide
(((anime porn))) website that hosts CP is being shutdown
Other urls found in this thread:
2d porn hurts the kike 3d porn industry
Reported for shitty low effort post with no links. Kys
They've always been here, you need to leave.
oy vey you guys are always talking about child porn.
Shit thread
I don't care whether or not it's CP. It is degenerate and harmful.
Among other things it turns weak willed young men into trannies.
some anons are just too far gone
Here's your (you), boomer.
What would any man on any side of WW2 think of grown men their own age jacking off to cartoon children? Let alone the SS. Keep this shit on cuckchan.
Serving is for weak willed faggots
Exhentai is getting shutdown? Good, porn is the bloodline of kikes and kike worshippers, notice how they go into full red alert mode as soon as porn is attacked.
But being a basement dwelling reject masturbating to cartoons drawn by Japs is truly alpha.
We're not the generation who grew up idolizing crossdressing kabbalists vomiting out nigger music but ok.
go back to half/pol/
What the fuck are you guys serious?! I'm on there right now and I don't see anything about them shutting down
J-just a coincidence goy
Yea and posts are being scrubbed. This is dumb If I were to draw stick figures doing obscene actions, that is now punishible. Hell might as well arrest everybody for thought crime. I bet (((SJWS))) did this.
We plan on hanging degenerates one day, that doesn't make us sjws. In what upside reality do you live in where degeneracy being banned is a bad thing. Kys all of you.
Shills and degenerates flock to these threads.
Oh well shit, hopefully they can find a new hosting platform
If you were to draw stick figures of degenerates being hanged, (like I know you love wanking to) that would be punishible. This is more about preserving rights. No entity is harmed in the making of smut and the Old guard would just leave this as a private matter as it did not infringe on the rights of human individuals. This is plain undemocratic and unamerican. Dont welcome tyranny.
Do you know how much money I save by not being involveed with real women at all? loli 4 lyf just call up the local Highschool senior on tinder if your dick is that dry, with all that extra money all you have to do is take them for a spin on a nice car
fucking this, any time i hear about the chans talked about by normal fags CP is always the go-to boogieman
When is that day coming, people can't even stop trannys from taking over their local library
let BT guide you fren
Ok… well I don't do this and if I did I would be a fucking freak.
There are no rights, only duty. The void that is left after fulfilling your duty to your ethnic community may be considered room for your 'individualism and rights'.
Again with your 'rights'. Creating, spreading and advocating for 'smut' would not be tollerated bt the old guard and it definitly wont be tollerated by the new guard. If you want to be a degenerate, keep it behind closed doors - for your own well being.
>This is plain un(((democratic))) and un(((american))).
At least try to pretend you're not a kike or a shill. We don't want your democracy or your American liberalism. Feel free to fuck off and kill yourself and goes for anyone who agrees with this fucking faggot.
The only ones who ruin this place are normalfags like you OP
Like a website?
They're just mad because none of them can cross the fjords now.
Websites are public domain. Like your bedroom, faggot. DOTR cannot come soon enough. I hope you don't think you have anything to do with the movement.
My "ethnic/cultural" duty is to the Chans and preservation as such. This will affect all imageboards even the one we share now, that allows you to speak of ethnic duty as a right.
>masturbating to any pornography
Good goy, don't find a wife, keep shooting that cum into a tissue and being a slave to your passions!
gross user
People like you ruined the internet
Seething boomer seething, chillax dude
Checked, it's a shame so many Zig Forumsacks will be long knived one day.
You weebs even talk like you're in a cartoon, complete nonsense.
Thats water you dope
It was a mistake letting the rest of the world on the net. If we could only go back to 1994.
I pray that they can free themselves from this addiction before it comes to that. They should be on an upward path, not wallowing in filth. Notice how the good goyim are already spamming this thread with pornography.
Good, the internet sucks. Go outside.
28 years old and an actual real National Socialist. People aren't automatically boomers because they've reject the kikes influence in its entirety.
I should have at least saved them for achival/post apocalyptic barter purposes. Fuck.
don't know whether this board is just feds, newfag zoomers, or women
I thibk when things get better and women pay them attention again, they will put childish things to bed. Anyway I'm out.
You don't deserve to get out, you deserve a bullet.
Lol ok schlomo.
I'm almost positive they will find new hosting they have been around for so long
Amazing, an unironic NPC posting on Zig Forums
According to the /a/ thread Tenboro is calling it quits. So unless someone else takes the reigns things ain't looking so good.
Why the fuck would anyone host their server in Yurop to begin with?
lol fuck off jew
Fuck will I guess theres always nhentai
I don't think so Tim.
Normalfags ruin another good thing about the internet. What a surprise
What am I looking at here
Sorry man I didn't know. Eat before you take your meds ok?
The end of an era.
Tbh as a struggling porn adict myself. Fapping to anime is like the only thing that doesn't make me feel like shit. Of course all porn is bad, but I am glad to have avoided this new age porn industry in which many friends of mine have normalized and even worse. YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKIGN ABOUT. Its pure cancer and fetishizes all things bad corrupting all this good. Thats turely evil and sad. In the end, we live in a shit house soceity, and porn consumption is a byproduct of it. If it has to be, anime and self cams(singles) - which many don't classify as porn are your best bet. With western porn your going to get controlled and propagated. With >MOST< hentai its almost therapeutic and mentally friendly. This of course creates a world in which reality isn't representing either, but atleast its not a toxic break down of your Ego.
Get McAfee to host it, tell it will be for the lulz.
It hosted regular pornographic art and cartoon porn is far less degenerate than 3D porn. At least it has some small artistic value.
… and unfortunately the start of the next. At least without this some of us will be more productive
That seems to confirm what I was saying rather than dismissing it but I know people just love to whoa is me post
See, it promotes a positive message.
The next is gonna be worse then the former. Nothing is going to get any better for a least a few centuries. Rome didn't fall in a day
Real effect of banning sites like this:
1. it drives pedos into the dark web and TOR where they come into contact with real child pornography
2. It removes an outlet for their sexual desires and leads them to committing real life crime
3. nothing at all because except pissing tons of people off because it's legal in almost every other country
GENIUS POLITICAL MOVE pissing people off for purely symbolic act achieving nothing and probably increasing the risk of child sex abuse by criminalizing a private harmless act.
I'm almost certainly an diagnosed paranoid psychotic.
All I have is my outlets and they have been taking them away one by one, the end result is going to be great I imagine. I really don't want to become a criminal but it seems like they made me one.
These anons are correct. Using hentai as a smokers patch for porn addiction is better than using (((mindgeek's))) subsidiary's products.
Either is degenerate and damaging though. Just stop fucking watching porn and jerk off with your fucking imagination. If you don't have the willpower to do even that then ask yourself why you're here.
I've gotten young men irl to quit, and you can see a difference. Best way I can put it is a sense of calm secure energy.
We're all gonna make it, brah.
Schizos can't really be productive unless you count welfare user, sad you only derive joy from the displeasures of others, hope you get laid someday.
You need to go find another thread to roastiepost in.
I sad a tear.
The jews come for everything.
FUCK YOU JEWS! Sadpanda was a great site for archiving all kind of hentai and doujin.
look guys I drew something illegal
who could be behind this post
I feel like it's 1945.
Yeah hentai has some weird categories, but atleast there is some possitive categories. What western porn outside Cam/singles girls is constructive? All the catagories are deconstructive and overwhelming these tags are the most consumed. Its reverse in hentai from what I've seen. Its mostly beta/depressed boy scores. Where as western porn is more likely to promote beta/depressed boy never scores and even worse….
Lolicon is Aryan. The Jews did this.
You should be archiving your anime titties right now instead of posting them here. The stuff hosted in the fjords specifically only has a few hours left.
Camwhoring has turned the majority of normal women from figurative prostitutes into literal prostitutes. Just because you don't have to look at any dicks when you get off to it doesn't mean it's a good thing.
I for one foresaw this as soon as I knew the 2020 olympics where going to be in Japan, whenever I saw something good I always saved it to my local archive for this very reason, my condolences for those that just found out.
You know the reason pedos do this is to confuse people, right? Why do you think they congregated on the /loli/ board?
Camwhores are WORSE than hentai.
It's literally prostitution. Hentai just artist drawing.
By a wide margin, yes. That was my argument.
This thread is the biggest cope…
There is no dichotomy, all porn is vary oinf degrees of degenerate and it's all destructive to the individual and the community.
ITT Pedophile porn addicts blame Jews, the traditional pushers of pedophilia, for banning their cartoon pedo porn pushing them to seek out real CP.
None of you are welcome here, don't even leave, simply kill yourself asap. There is no future for you however the modern scenario plays out.
Here comes the jew shilling their own brand of porn.
No, the loli is still within me. She's in my soul, try to take it, jews.
No schizo, all porn is Jewish porn and it all needs to be destroyed. You will die.
Porn exists before jews and it will exist after jews.
You will not stand against the march of loli rightenous.
Well it is competitive when there are substitutes. I would be more willing to believe you when the directors are Cohen/Kohn instead of Okuda.
haha yeah, don't have white children, masturbate to cartoons and indulge in impossible fantasies.
The jews fear the hentai because it diverts young white men from watching BLACKED.
Not only are you socially retarded but also a schizo, damn some people really have it rough.
This jew will never know the feel of reading HENTAI doujin with your wife.
The cam girl scene is bad, but there are clips of girls out there that just do it right. I wasn't really refering to the cam girl industry which has alot of baiting and fakeness, more to a girl who just clips herself going playboy style.
My pedo porn addiction is ok because this sub-human made it and not this worse sub-human.