Wrong nigger, this is exactly what Capitalism is. Stop confusing Capitalism with Populism. Capitalism isn't what the people want, it's what makes the most money, and what makes the most money is brainwashing and manipulating the populace into doing whatever the fuck you tell them to.
All legacy media, like newspapers and television news stations, are operated at a loss. Reddit is operated at a loss. But they still exist, they're still kept up, the Jewish elite still throw money at them to keep them running and spewing their bullshit. Why?
Because money is a substitute for power, and trading money for power, trading the substitute for the real thing, is a no-brainer. In the words of Nelson Rockefeller, "own nothing but control everything."
Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin, because they both lead to the same end-result: Jewish Oligarchy. Communism isn't an ideology, it's a tactic, a process. The utopia will never manifest but that's fine because it was never meant to. The only purpose Communist revolution ever served was to genocide Europeans, burn down churches, destroy artwork and culture, dismantle Christianity, and hand the smouldering brainwashed wreckage over to wealthy international banking Jews.
Why the fuck do you think George Soros, one of the biggest bankers in the world, the living embodiment of the "Porky The Pig Capitalist" the commies bleat about, is openly throwing money and support at antifa, an international organization of literal commie jackboots? Do you think he's stupid? Do you believe he doesn't understand what he's doing?
No, he knows EXACTLY what he's doing. The one that's confused here is you. Communists hate the working class, their revolutions are all Jewish and the end result is always the Jews seizing control over the assets of nations.
Capitalism and Communism are two different methods to achieve the same end result. If you aren't the enemy of both, then you're an enemy of neither.