After so many years of blackpilling online I decided to engage with real socialists in real life. All of my years of studying Marx and following the working-class struggle had been working towards this moment. Sure, I am a NEET, but I am a proletarian as well. Here is what happened, and here is why we’re fucked as long as anti-white idpol is allowed to run rampant in socialist circles:
Anti-white idpol needs to stop
pretty funny story
OK wait, so how the fuck does the story have anything to do with anti-white idpol?
This was an anti-white attack on me. I came to participate in the worker’s struggle, Stalin (a white man) was slandered before I was driven out for a joke. This is anti-white and fracturing the worker’s movement. I could have been the next Lenin. Why do they do this? Did the bourgeoisie learn of my coming to this meeting and quickly moved to dictate orders to disrupt my success? They’ve tried before
lol'd several times. 10/10.
OP are you slightly retarded?
Not at all, I know the path I must take. If you give into idpol they’ll take you alive. I know my potential and so I walk the path of the great
Since this is clearly a /b/ tier shitpost thread I'll share some of my own stories. It's not like doing so will be any worse than the other thread currently on top of the board
Not sure what you expected from a larper of that caliber.
must've been a tankie
this would be believable if the end of the story didn't seem so off-color. get it?
Your loss
But user, negritude is more important to leftism than class conflict.
skimmed it, saw >soyboy jew, saged, closed tab
Spite bump. Soyboy Jews can’t handle the bantz
This thread again?
fuck off retard
This isn’t a safespace, pussy liberal
Jokes aside, hearing some virtue signaler wail about "representation" in the leadership and flagellate themselves for being hetero-cis white males is incredibly toxic and counterproductive to building solidarity.
Neither is this a place for bitching about idpol, fag.
comrade kim has a message for yall
Anti-white, anti-man, anti-all… Left "Edge" need stop.
Leftists are mentally ill, never forget this
Ok, mister faggot, nice bait now please kill yourself
ok Zig Forums
Stalin was a-ok. All those wanna be marxists that are actually a bunch of fucking tools for the banks and corporations need to go to hell.
< Pharma Megacorp: Buy hormones, cut off your dick
Recycleception. Op logic> just keep recycling we haven’t recycled enough yet.
Who the fuck told you that? Fuck off
That's literally retarded. Ethnic groups existed for ages before "colonialism."
Either made up or literally an autist. Either way, nice story user.
Yeah.. good luck with that.