Who cares about color of skin, whites and Asians could be blue or green for all I care, its about genes, how closely related you are, and what effect those genes have .If a person with any skin colour is not weak, pathetic, stupid, ugly, unintresting and untrustworthy then I don't have anything against this person.
So basically you want to sound edgy but you don't want to actually stray outside the bounds of what the media tells you is socially acceptable.
Julian Anderson
The genetics create the skin colour you nigger brain. You generalise groups no? Because the level playing field/equal opportunity/meritocracy idea in a multicultural context has been tried and it fails because lesser GROUPS have to be raised up or they die and people think along in-group lines thus completely destroying the original intent. The concept only works within the context of a group. You cannot judge people individually, that's an incredibly naive line of thinking that disregards the underlying social forces. Therefore you MUST group people and you must make generalisations, once you do it's all over for niggers, gooks, sand niggers, curry niggers and Jews, as a group these people cannot compare to the white races. All that said, we just want to be left alone so fuck off you progressive faggot and take your lolberg/liberal bs with you. Kys and op is a faggot. Goodnight.
Joseph Johnson
OP is kind of an NPC, basically, if that’s all there is. They don’t have a positive attachment to guide them towards a concept of progress. Idealism is intrinsic to progressivism; there must always be a sincerely-held ideal towards which one is progressing, and against which one resists backsliding.
Just hating everyone is totally hollow. It sounds like internal suffering. It sounds profoundly boring as an experience.
Gavin Ross
Nigger that you are, white society rose above by finding the capacity in people for individualistic compassion. Group-fixated white people crashed even their own wages during 1919 white race riots. Group-fixation is a massive driver of famines throughout the turd world nations.
Robert Martin
The meme that National Socialists is JUST about hate is a meme. The Natsocs of 1930s handnt had their countries over ran by subhumans and so their attitude towards others was indifference. We are just fed up with them, their opportunitarianism, their crime against our people, their ugly faces in our once beautiful countries. Their very being within our boarders is a constant insult to the sovereignty of our race and can only be interpreted as ignorant audacity. We love too much and therefore in contrast we must hate just as passionately. Traitors first, the enemy second, the useful idiots last. I long for the day that the pan European National Socialist movement, birthed by the NSDAP, expanded by the Waffen SS, is raised from the ashes once again, this time laying a decisive blow to our enemies. Sieg heil.
David Barnes
Citations please, you missed the point hard.
Isaiah Wright
You seriously want to defend your broken ideology of submission on the basis that it’s not about hate?
James Baker
Are you going to actually write anything of substance? You don't belong here.
Nicholas Gonzalez
Look at Africa. Racist black people can’t pick vegetables without seeing evil plots in the dirt. They imagine the government, charitable NGOs, Jews, foreign aid programs, and their freaking neighbors are plotting against them. Of these, the only one that’s true is their neighbors. These lovely group-oriented so-not-atomized communal societies mistreat their neighbors and create rational local suspiciousness…
…which, on the global stage, translates to dying of ebola because they think medical aid workers are spreading disease.
Racism is extremely atomistic.
Luke Jenkins
Go back to Africa, nigger.
David Wright
Niggers haven't invented shit but survive and prosper just by creating more and more Black Children. That's all that matters, you can always steal another technology look at what Chinese and Indians are doing right now.
But yeah be a high-minded White person and lose while saying, "oh those stupid non-Whites didn't have railroads, until we gave that to them".
Kevin Baker
Ok mate, good chat. We don't need sub-humans and we don't need you. Sage and filter.
Hudson Cox
Niggers aren’t defined by their skin color. Go look in a mirror. You’re a nigger. Nothing about your appearance gives it away, I’ll bet. TmYou have to know yourself.
Andrew Hughes
The locals here just can’t handle truth.
Adrian Ramirez
Politically correct fuckwits keeping straightforward communication down because they like white niggers better than black niggers…
Race conscious whites are poor shits who live in trashy conditions. Race conscious blacks are poor shits who live in trashy conditions. It isn’t the skin, it’s the kyriotate psychosis of racism itself, the submission to a whirling multitude delusion.
Eli Hernandez
Keep going schlomo, you're on a roll!
Zachary Richardson
you conveniently left out violent crime is there some sort of difference in violent crime between poor trashy white areas and poor trashy black areas?
Asher Lewis
Inventing stuff but allowing this knowledge to be given to all other races in the long term can only mean death. The Tarim Mummies are as White as I am and look what happened to do them. When they showed up the other racial tribes technology was worthless but by the end of the Tarim people in that area the other race has much better equipment as well as a new addiction to Jade which were the mines operated by the Tarim. What happened to there? What will happen here and now?
Racism is a recurrent ideology because it instrumentalizes people. Proud strongtards who won’t obey anything else can’t be unchained from racism. It makes obedient pets of people otherwise defiant. So it gets used, it remains in. Anything that makes the strongtards obedient remains in society.