What is the true reason behind white male rage?
The attacks are becoming more and more frequent.
So frequent in fact that its not safe for people of color to go outside anymore.
The media is right, this is becoming an epidemic and we need to figure out how to fix it.
So how do we fix it Zig Forums?
What is the true reason behind white male rage?
Carter Lewis
Other urls found in this thread:
Nathaniel Davis
Ryan Gomez
Niggers not going outside sounds great to me, faggot
Landon Rodriguez
Jaxon Reed
Joshua James
John Bell
Why is everything always about some obsession with cocks with you people?
Alexander Reed
Q predicted this
Parker Green
Back to >>>/interracial/, pervert
Also obsession with nigger dicks makes you gay.
Jeremiah Brown
Actually, he's saying "yo dick".