Denmark is good. But good luck going off grid out here. It's all flat, all agriculture and no where to hide. You have better chance of going off grid in Norway or even fucking Sweden if you can run the gauntlet of the cities in the south of the country. Germany is really cucked, it's a big country wity beautiful forests to hunker down in but don't have rose tinted glasses for the good old days of Hitler. (((They))) have ensured that Germany suffers hard for the past and it is Sweden levels of cucked right now.
Hunter Kelly
We're working on going to sea and cruising together on boats as a start. We want to try sea farming. At least some real world stuff is happening here.
America is maybe 15% white. Sweden is still at least 50%, but that's changing fast. I like watching their music videos to follow current events. In the vid related you can see literal congoloids prancing around with guns and congolese flags in Malmo
Amerimutt, you got an ancestry tree to prove your European at all?
Joshua Mitchell
Amerimutts are delusional about demographics. They will have 1 white neighborhood surrounded by four black neighborhoods and assume that they are the majority. lol
Nolan Hernandez
How could I? That's disgusting. You pic proves that you're a degenerate.
Nolan Cook
This is what a Jew looks like. I'm not American personally.
Also OP why are all the Balkan countries considered the future of the white race when they're mostly inferriror even if they could be considered white. I have seen Macedonians that look more nigger than some sand niggers.
Luis Wright
You should at least know where your parents and grandparents are from independent of where you were born, you mongrol.
John Cox
Someone's quite optimistic I see
Liam Parker
Why are Ukraine and Moldavia labeled as cucked beyond repair?