Currently, Zig Forums is infested with shills, schizos, jews that try their best to derail ANY kind of activity and discussion on Zig Forums. Fortunately, their tactics are very easy to spot. Unfortunately, Zig Forumsack are very emotional and thus waste their precious time one-upping and giving (You) to shill.
Here's the list of signs of shillposting:
1. Accusation of leddit spacing.
Leddit spacing is a meme created to derail threads. Shills use this meme in order to designate you as the Outsider of the board, despite never offering any counter-argument or discussion.
2. Framing of High post-count.
Shills will switch IP regularly in order to debate with you, if you keep responding to them, they will start to call out your post count, with reasoning being if you post a lot in a thread, you MUST be a shill.
3. Greentext and strawman.
This is the favored tactics used by jamal, the ex-polvol2 of this board. You propose argument, jamal will reply with
Confirmed jew shill!
And if you reply to it, it will do it again and again, sometimes with red text. This pads up the thread and ruins discussion.
4. Accusation of being a zionist jew/kike.
This meanwhile is the favored tactics of moarpheus/east ZOG faggot/muslim shills all abound. If you criticize any shitskins, they will tell you how you are a kike/zionist and that the jews are the number one enemy and you CANNOT criticize or say ANY bad things about muh baste shitskin allies, and if you do, you are zionist/kike/jew.
The way to deal with all the problems above?
Zig Forums has a very good filter option. Use it. Ignore and filter and ONLY engage in meaningful discussion.