My dear race realists

I appreciate that you have managed to comprehend the necessity of Eugenics and disenfranchising and culling of unfit, unevolved human individuals. We are of one mind with you.

However, you clearly lack the self awareness and intellect to understand that it isn't the "race" that has to be the criterion of improvement and cultivation of Human species, but rather - practical qualifications, demonstrated by achievements and overcoming of barriers and bottlenecks - natural and artificial.

Indeed, we have instituted such barriers - and if you find yourself without a family and children - you need to know that you are marked for cleansing. Please, rejoice in the fact that we, in our humility, benevolence and wisdom, allow you to die a natural death and experience great freedom and whatever pleasures of life that are available, opposed to that of your own barbaric "plans" to brutally and foolishly start murdering and brutalizing such lesser men.

Attached: guy-rothschild_1653644c.jpg (460x288, 46.04K)

Ruh roh old Jew man speak bad joojoo

We will kill all of you.

Look at this dude, look at his head!

By all means, try if you want. To the victor the spoils!

I am, however, afraid, that, again, due to you low intellect and self-awareness, you fail to assess the battlefield and realize that you are no more a threat to us than a bull herd to its shepherd.

Your actions betray your words as lies. You would not allocate the resources you do to stopping us if we were not a threat to you.

A shepherd allocates resources to keep his livestock in order. We do the same.

One criticism of race realism I've seen is that anyone who knows about genetics knows that human genes across races are relatively homogeneous. But anyone who knows about genetics knows that small difference goes a long way.

kikes fucked up more than they ever have before. they have put their betters in a scenario where we are all under pressure with our lives on the line and a clear enemy.

Whats with all these 4chan threads?
Did some /ptg/ niggers get banned or something?


For someone who claims to be aware and intelligent, you sure are fucking stupid when it comes to evolutionary theory.

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OP is retarded. Human leaders are historically too stupid to pick vegetables. Smart people aren’t generally permitted into power, because they “get bored” and stop performing.

Treating power as a reward of achievement is dumbassery that appeals to the instincts of subservient humans, but it ignores the fact that political decisionmaking is a skill wildly separate from normal social processing, which only introverts are actually good at. We need sortition, but the VIP set would rather die than live forever umder “the thumb” of their “inferiors” - even though that’s a way only they think, and only because they live in submission to trustless false realities.

Oh, yes. Too smart to win excuse of failure. Quite common for all kinds of losers.

Failure is a failure. If you are too bad to overcome a challenge - you are worse than the one who won, and you deserve nothing but what he decides for you to have.

Today’s VIPs won’t live forever because they’re too paranoid to build a society that advances that quickly and too sad to even want to live forever. They’re taking themselves out like the trash they are, clearing the way for the next generation to fail less. Personally. I think we should keep ‘em alive, torment-free, so we can rub their beaks in our superior benevolence forever.

Lol, face truth, wimp.

You do realize your entire regime depends on one resource we could easily destroy. Your hydraulic despotism is naked and you come here to lecture children but the reality is you are slaves to mechanism and these are free men by spirit. They are actors while you are a slave, they may choose death while you cannot but choose the hollow edifice you call life. Their freedom is their loyalty, your slavery is you have none to give.

Fundamentally the most important thing in power is trust. That’s why they cultivate bullshit second rate hedonisms that common folk won’t submit themselves to and then take pretty little pictures of each other. That’s why they take drugs and throw parties that never make them actually like each other, haha. Exalting the stupid is the same thing. Stupid people are predictable. So you get your Trumps and your Epsteins in power, because they aren’t challenging to deal with.

I can respect a man that speaks to enemies. I suppose, since it's clear to me you are genuine: if I could gather all the birds from the sky and place them in a cage, to serve me simply because I can, then why take the birds from the sky? We all die the same, same with the birds. Why not observe and enjoy the birds, knowing you could cage them, but not? What fulfillment is higher than that?

Yeah it is.

Exactly. Selection along social grounds is worthless. Which is what you've been doing. Its not working out well for you.

And will succeed. You're pathetically small, after all, and we are huge and terrifying.
You exist only by our allowance. As soon as that allowance is rescinded, you cease to exist.

Granted, this is a LARP on your behalf, but still.

Yeah we can. That's why you're so scared. And you ARE scared, let's be honest here.

You have no power but through us.

We'd destroy you as soon as possible. And that's basically what's transpiring around you right now.
If you were smart, you wouldn't come and antagonize that upon which you are entirely reliant and which permits your existence only through an ever-reducing absence of awareness of your deeds.

But you're not smart, which is why you're LARPing as an elite on a Cambodian basket-weaving forum.

That's not what he's saying at all.
As a point of evidence of support for his position, and an example that you (low-IQ that you are) might grasp it, its been approved by the several American courts that police academies can turn away high-IQ applicants exactly BECAUSE they will "get bored and stop performing". That was literally their justification, and it was upheld in court.

What kind of smol-braynd simpleton would think that doesn't apply to government as well?
What's more, in the context of politics, its less about "get bored and stop performing" so much as it is "be aware and start acting contrary to the interests of the elite".
People don't get into modern positions of political power via their ideas or abilities – they get there by being compromised, by those holding the purse-strings having leverage on such an individual. That's the only way you get into power in the modern West.

But the modern West is dying, and when it dies, all the bureaucratic systems in place will degrade. Suddenly, control of the political system is meaningless, influence in finance has little bearing, oversight of media holds no power, and over-representation in credentialistic higher-academia is without impact.

The entire power-system relies on the populace not caring enough to change things, and conditions have been allowed to emerge – rather than being 'created' – which make emergence of idealistic concern and desire to change things on a wide-scale nigh-inevitable.

What has begun cannot be stopped by you or anyone else. Those responsible have brought the outcome they fear most upon themselves, as they always do.
Its almost like being a neurotic shitpile that everyone innately hates makes you – if you're incapable of self-reflection and your "intellect" derives from verbal skill – take actions which will invariably lead to your excision and persecution…

The easier way to be trustworthy is to actually tell the truth. Live in light. But that involves actual benevolence, and hell, it involves actually wanting to live forever in this so-inferior world where people buy shoes with lights in them and do sick, twisted things like loving each other. Fucking lol, the elite suck at life and they know it.

I’m being too harsh, I know. Some truth here, but I overplayed it. Look, a bigger issue is that the VIP set feel like everyone ever is wasting their time, and they rot themselves into sociopaths rather than dropping the stimulation level. They’re people who broke upwards when faced with the challenges of a life where they might otherwise have had to care about people.

And a bigger issue still? The public are gits, too. Nobody wants to deal with everybody. One of the biggest things that drains the will of the elite to live is when people get overt fanbases. Every rich person has a fanbase eventually. Their fanbases are boring, revolting, or creepy to them. They meet so many people that their will to live dies, lol. Nobody is more lonely than an extrovert.

It’s part of why I consider that the perfect ethic involves a lot of walking away. I’m being part of the change I want to see in this world, and I’m trying to teach losers at every level what it’s like to want to live forever. Be distant yet honest, people. Be resilient and true.

This fuckin OP. I've never seen such a larp

Fleshprinting. Exowombs. Disease eradication. Meatvats. Protein scaffolds. Biome factories! Let’s get some meatmoss growing, people! I’m looking forward to seeing mansions that ooze and throb and emit noxious gasses, hahaha!

Yeah but it was fun to react to

You must not have been here very long.
I once caught one of the mods here engaged in a large-scale jewish LARP thread and they go sooooo mad…

This! The Pan-American Union will be the first continent to reach the stars.

Go back to 4chan kiddo.

Bee Tee Dubba Ewe

Not that posting anonymously is
less than perfectly secure, but if y’all want to see someone actually live in a meat mansion and claim it as an
I’d do that, lol. For science! For a few years.

Architecture doesn’t all have to be grey boxes, green and gold, or even sweet pastels forever. Tons of options. Earth is gonna take a walk on the warped side. Believe it!

That's somewhat true:
The Aristocratic people across all races are much more homogeneous than John the cuck and Pedro the immigrant.

Seriously though, whats with all these 4chan threads?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (98x95 479.94 KB, 9.43K)

You're the one that needs to go back, you filthy human trash. I have more in common with the Aristocratic people of the world, than you or whatever loser you look down upon.

We need the people.

Go back to 4chan.

No we don't.

You have to go back.

Currently, we're working to bring users from Latin American chans in the greatest numbers ever. But they have to identify as Aryan!

Oh now I see.

Its because the mods haven't been active in 6 fucking hours. Because they've been too busy making shitty 4chan LARP threads.
Fucking losers.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2597x1492, 311.94K)

They mod a white nationalist board, who's the loser now??????

You are the loser my man.

Reported for (((implying))) against white nationalism.


Hmm… Maybe its time for another experiment…

I am the OP and I am going to spam this thread because I can.
Please take note of the fact that I changed IPs. As you can't be sure its me, I wanted to make clear that its me.

I am OP.
This is my thread.
I can do with it what I want.

And I choose to spam the shit out of it.

Fuck this thread.

This is my thread I can do what I want.

And I want to spam this thread and fuck its shit all up.

Fuck this thread.

This is my thread.

Fuck it.

Fuck it right up.

LIke RIGHT up.

Extremely. Because its mine.

Fuck my thread.

Its mine so I can fuck it if I want.

Because I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.


Attached: UqrAVBS.png (508x393 146.17 KB, 154.32K)

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Stop bumping nigger

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Don't tell me what to do.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

We'll aim for 100.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.
Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.


Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

This is my room.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

And if you want me to listen, use your OP IP and maybe I will.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Im not op faggot im going to leave this shit thread now stop bumping it nigger

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

If you can't be honest with me, who can you be honest with?

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

You don't own nothin', jew.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

Fuck this thread.

Fuck it up.

Because its mine and I say so.

We will kill all jews and all other non-whites. Jews won't survive this generation.

this is the ultimate way to destroy any sense of human community.
these people honestly believe their hired guns(with no familial bond) will protect them when shit gets rough. it will be like that scene in blade runner where the old homosexual gets his eyes gouged.
the only reason you got this far was ironically through inbreeding

so why is Israel a Jewish state supported by Rothschild money?

fuck mods

Well, everyone here knows the answer, doesn't he? Some just refuse to acknowledge the full brunt of it, and the real consequences for oneself, hiding behind "race".

We do not do it out of spite - but out of necessity - and I have to note this once again - with much more humanity, benevolence and foresight than what the locals dream of concerning "race war" and "day of the rope".

The humanity may only progress through natural selection, which was impeded by the technological progress - which means that the filters need to be reintroduced to put humanity back on track.
The Earth has limited resources - which means the population needs to be kept in limit, with those who are most unfit getting least of the resources, as well as disenfranchised and either sterilised or killed.

I'm reporting the spammer for being anti gringo

That's not how to concern troll, retard. Try becoming a Bond villain, I hear they are hiring niggers now.

The Regression to the mean is term in the theory of probability and math statistics, which would probably be worthless to try to explain to you, considering that it requires some Calculus background. Google it if you like.

Well, I am not THAT smart as the pic, but it's not a waste of time for me either. My duty is to monitor and engineer the social media, after all.

Let's start by filtering those with schizophrenia and Gaucher disease.

Zig Forums does not belong to you. You can go away if you do not like it here. Of course, there is nothing you can go that we do not control, except in social exile.

only a mod would be this much of a faggot

You can say that again.

There was never any sort of "community" except for the Clans tied by close relation. Anything else was either a form of brainwashing for easier control, or pragmatic relations.

or white people's creative imagination.


And yet you lack the knowledge and fortitude to wield it!

I too, am Jewish, but I am not the enemy of the Aryan people.

I have always desired to help them, and to unite us. Do NOT speak to my friends this way. Their anger is righteous. They have built glorious civilizations, and other Jews have always lived among them, and quite often, subverted them.

It is not the Jew's place to interfere. Are you in a cult? Do you believe that some god has given you the right to command other men? You do not have that right. It is a cult of falsities, just as it is false to prey on people as if you were a mere parasite.

Jews like me will always advocate for isolationism from other races. I want to live here in Israel. Who fights for Israel? It was not always the Jews, and just because people obey a commander, does not make them slaves. The people who helped to found Israel in modern times are of European blood. The people who fought against National Socialist Germany were not only Jews. They were Europeans.

Europeans and Jews have fought on the same side before, and it's that allegiance that I value. Anyone who sees Aryans as the enemy is wrong. They're wrong. Aryans have always stepped forward to help people of other races, despite the nature of our biological, evolutionary competition.

Trying to claim mastery over other races is the wrong path. And those who walk wrong will find their way into a place where they have no friends and allies. Those who sow discord and unrest will find themselves alone.

Decent Aryans and Jews both know their place in nature. The Jews belong in Israel, and the Aryans belong in Europe. They have their place, and we have ours. This respect will serve to create better friendships. Trying to subvert their way of life and their culture will only breed hatred, as you have seen.

Beware. I have picked my allies. Aryans are my allies, and their grievances are just. If you can't see the simple truth, then you'll reap what you sow.

Which takes a respectable amount of intellect to do successfully.