I too, am Jewish, but I am not the enemy of the Aryan people.
I have always desired to help them, and to unite us. Do NOT speak to my friends this way. Their anger is righteous. They have built glorious civilizations, and other Jews have always lived among them, and quite often, subverted them.
It is not the Jew's place to interfere. Are you in a cult? Do you believe that some god has given you the right to command other men? You do not have that right. It is a cult of falsities, just as it is false to prey on people as if you were a mere parasite.
Jews like me will always advocate for isolationism from other races. I want to live here in Israel. Who fights for Israel? It was not always the Jews, and just because people obey a commander, does not make them slaves. The people who helped to found Israel in modern times are of European blood. The people who fought against National Socialist Germany were not only Jews. They were Europeans.
Europeans and Jews have fought on the same side before, and it's that allegiance that I value. Anyone who sees Aryans as the enemy is wrong. They're wrong. Aryans have always stepped forward to help people of other races, despite the nature of our biological, evolutionary competition.
Trying to claim mastery over other races is the wrong path. And those who walk wrong will find their way into a place where they have no friends and allies. Those who sow discord and unrest will find themselves alone.
Decent Aryans and Jews both know their place in nature. The Jews belong in Israel, and the Aryans belong in Europe. They have their place, and we have ours. This respect will serve to create better friendships. Trying to subvert their way of life and their culture will only breed hatred, as you have seen.
Beware. I have picked my allies. Aryans are my allies, and their grievances are just. If you can't see the simple truth, then you'll reap what you sow.