I came to provide you with two very hard to swallow redpills:
1) TV, computers, cellphones, radio, news, music, pornography and the Internet (especially imageboards) are all data smog that act as addictions and hinder our cognitive performance, too much information and also subversive information that fills our minds with degeneracy is EXACTLY WHAT THE JEWS WANT! Don't believe me? Try going without Zig Forums or porn for a week. Imagine how much time we waste on DATA SMOG that we could have used to improve our lives. We are literally killing our brains and making ourselves more stupid by doing this.
2) Accelerationism helps the Jews because it allows them to persecute us more violently. WE HAVE NOT YET CREATED THE REVOLUTIONARY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDED TO FIGHT THE ENEMY IN THE STREETS. This is why we should be planning to do what Harold Covington and the New Awakening is suggesting, pic related.
Now imagine if we all permanently got rid of data smog in our lives, which would lead to us increasing our IQs by 20-25 points, and instead of ACCELERATIONISM started believing in RESTRAINTISM. By 2030, when the brains of lemmings are fried from data smog and the ZOG has fallen, we will rise up all across the white world and take power into our hands.
Criticize me all you want, call me a shill or a glownigger but deep down you know I'm right.