Tulsi Gabbard has made some waves due to the grounded common sense she brings to the discussion. She doesn't want war.
Does anyone doubt that Tulsi stands for what she says? False-hearted politicians pale in comparison. Obviously, walking corruption the likes of Kamela Harris can't so much as respond to her challenge without labeling her as a Russian troll, which is pretty funny.
So, let's game this out abit, Zig Forums. Let's say Zig Forums helps Tulsi win the Democratic nomination. She's already making surfing some serious political waves. Let's for a a moment say that Democrats reject the pablum being pandered to them, and actual lean towards Tulsi Gabbard. Just assume that for a second: who would the Jew vote for, Zig Forums?
Obviously both Trump and Gabbard pay the necessary homage to Pissrael, even though the Jews are afraid of both of them. Would the Jews split the Democratic party to go against Tulsi? Or would they hate Trump so much that they would back her?
It's a tough call for the Jew. This puts it in a real dilemna: anti-war candidate vs. ant-establishment candidate. For the Jew, perhaps it comes down to how badly they want their next war. They may be able to get Donald Trump to start World War 3 for them, but they probably can't get Tulsi Gabbard to do the same.
As for other stuff, more glaringly open borders vs. anti-immigration, President Trump has demonstrated a lack of substance in enforcing the immigration laws, despite the bombast, so that point is moot, isn't it? We either have an open borders candidate, or an open borders President.
But the (((prospects for war))), Trump can be manipulated, while Tulsi… she just won't go there.