A race of inbred warlike Zionist jew goblins runs America

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH but Rea How did it get this bad? Did the pre-jewed US elite not see this coming on the horizon? Why didn't they just kick the jews out?

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Black dick is expensive lmao, how else do you convinvce public to have way with my and your wife.

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Allow me to explain, the Titanic had all non-jewish nobility on it when it sunk, killing the gentile opposition to their financial rulership. The jews don't play fair, it might simply be wise for us to make our own titanic for THEM to sink on.

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blacks aren't even worth more than a cigarette to other blacks

The earth is that titanic

No, the founding fathers were race cucks themselves so america was always doomed into racial cuckoldry which is easily exploited by kikes.

I really hope none of you are stupid enough to fall for this.


looks at hollywood.

seems like it.

I was just thinking that actually