>Why is every shooter such a retard? They go for literally nothingburger targets. When will they realize that politicians and (((elites))) are the problem?
Genuinely good question. Pity it will be buried by the shills. Let me see if I can answer you.
What we are seeing, and what we have been seeing for some years now, is the tip of a huge iceberg. The conditions under which we live are intolerable to any thinking person, but taking direct action is extremely difficult for a variety of reasons.
The first and most serious reason is that we have been heavily conditioned to not act in the way we must to survive. First, we must see our race, then we must re-learn our history with us as the good guys, and finally we must cross the psychological threshold between blackpill despair and action that brings catharsis and real change to society.
Our schools, media and peers all work against this psychic journey, and it took us all a huge effort of the will to make the trip by ourselves. Easily 99% of Zig Forums is currently inactive, shoot-wise, but we are the most prepared people on the continent for industrial scale genocide, which we will immediately do if somebody gives us the thumbs-up.
The shooters we've seen tend to be sociopathic losers because that's the exact personality that doesn't need permission. The inhibiting education and daily influences from all around us no longer work on them, and the reason the demoralizing propaganda no longer works on them is that they've become deranged. They were the first men to break, and the first symptom was the direct action of murder.
Unfortunately, the shooters' paradox is that the very limitations that make them bad receptacles for conditioning into peaceful extinction also make them generally poor leaders and lame target analysts. They still learn from each other, though. We've seen the seemingly random progression from office and school shootings to churches, liberal get-togethers, and then mosques and a synagogue. The shooters are learning from one another, each one thinking about how he would have done it better, and then doing it. Gradually, they are converging on the real targets; those who deserve every bullet and more.
When a sane, rational, very smart person with a lot to lose (family, career, house, etc.) gets a maintenance job in the Federal Reserve building so he can sabotage the fire suppression system, then he burns the building down and kills 10,000 Jews and their slaves – then we will know the Happening has Happened. When sane and prosperous men join the fight, it means the message of killing the enemy has filtered so deep into the volk consciousness that the conditioning is fully broken.
Looking forward to that day. Until then, it will be pure trial-and-error by nutbars. In their madness, they see through the even more mad lies we've been taught.
Attached: Palmdale_Shooter.png (1064x596, 895.58K)