What will be done under socialism to deal with anonymous internet trolls...

What will be done under socialism to deal with anonymous internet trolls, online harassment of women and fact-free fake-news?

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gulag, gulag, and more gulag

Nothing, because moderators will cease to exist under communism.

Well it won't be socialism, it'll be FALC.
Perps will be put on massive islands on concrete pillars, surrounded by aerial traffic, fast moving flying cars. On the ground juggernauts will be moving at high speed. .
Right wing Internet trolls will have their own island, based on racial lines, and ordered hierarchically.
There'll be one for online hsrrassers of women, misogynists, and creepy low lifes. They'll be 100% realistic sex robots, to pacify them, based on previous historic advertisers on the Adultwork website.
I'll be on that one.
They'll be one for TERFs. It won't be on a concrete island-it'll be far away, the Mediterranean island of Lesbos. It'll be limited to persons with two X chromosomes, It'll be like the wonen-only island in the "Wonder Woman" movie.
Perveyors of fake news will have an concrete island set up like like a 1930s newsroom, with manual typewriters. They'll be vacuum tubes through which bulletins will be sent to the one for right wing Internet trolls.

This. After the Great Purge of all hotpockets, telecom networks in the future will be restructured so as to ensure no hotpocketeers will ever again be possible. A fully anonymous, decentralized, and encrypted network.

To ensure such networks are the only kind that exist, collaborative, automatic datamining, doxing, identity theft, and trolling bots will be used continuously, destroying any publicly accessible pockets of namefaggotry or centralization.

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Fuck off Jew

Nobody cares about Zig Forumsniggers. They are just a bunch of angry, sexually frustrated white little shits too pussy to shit-talk someone on real life. Just let them bitch about "k¡kes" and "niggers" on their incredibly shitty board; they are total failures not worth anyone's attention.

Don't say stupid shit and you won't get called a dumb bitch; simple as that. Also, enough with feminist idpol. It needs to die.

That's why factcheckers exist.

Tyler's tweet will be added to the constitution under socialism.

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The only people I've ever seen whine about trolls, "harassment of women", etc. are liberals who ☘️coincidentally☘️ want to curtail the speech of radicals too. People literally get murdered for their speech around the world. If you're not for anonymity in the public square and political discourse, you are a fascist enabler.

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