Cultural Marxism

I am not a left-leaning person at all, but I am here to ask about something.
After yesterday's Zizek vs JP debate, Zizek mentioned how there is no influence of cultural Marxism in the contemporary world. This got me thinking, what is it that we are observing right now of PC culture then if Zizek thinks it is not cultural Marxism?

A quick Google search says that cultural Marxism is a revolutionary leftist idea that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world, which seems to be inline of what the right describes as leftists creating a parallel of class warfare in identity politics. However, I found this to be very one-sided, so that's why I am here to ask you guys, what do you believe cultural Marxism is? How influential is it in the modern world? How does it relate to individual freedoms? Do you even think individual freedom like freedom of speech to be necessary? I define freedom of speech as having no legal consequences from speech, with the opposite being any form of a secular or not version of blasphemy laws.

I know that cultural Marxism has nothing to do with the concept of class warfare that Marx expresses, but the reason Marxism is linked is because of how it mirrors the class warfare struggle with expressing culture as oppressed vs oppressor.

Attached: jordan-peterson-slavoj-zizek.png (822x462, 447.95K)

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Cultural marxist is the same cultural bolshevism that the nazis spoke of, it's not real, it's a boogeyman that scares the masses claiming it'll hurt them but even if it was real it'll hurt the ruling classes first so part of it's function is making poor people think they have a privilege to lose and that's a really dangerous lie..
The cultural wars that we see today are the internal conflicts of the ruling class, the ruling class is trying to sort out how to address suffering of the working class without losing their control of them, these culture wars are debates of what are poor people allowed and disallowed inside the rule of the rich and not real conflicts in our society.

What are we observing? Describe it; break it down into its component parts. Once you do that, its nature quickly becomes clear.

A quick Google search says that "cultural marxism" is a conspiracy theory created by kooks who worship some imaginary Western identity. That sounds about right.

If there are several red lights on your way to work, it's cultural Marxism. If your girlfriend cheats on you, she's a cultural Marxist. If your shoes gives you blisters, they were made by cultural Marxists. If your penis is small, your mom was a cultural Marxist.

"Cultural Marxism" is an oxymoron.
PC culture is a symptom of bourgeois ideology which assumes that the capitalist system itself is the best thing in the universe and we just need to fix some inequalities within the system for it to be perfect. It serves to distract the working class and deviates their attention from the base structural problems of capitalism to its symptoms instead, for as long as the people are distracted with bullshit non-sense the bourgeois don't have to fear anything. Keep in mind for instance that murrican colleges get generous donations from bourgeois people all the time and they get to influence what gets taught and obviously they'll protect their class interests and one very effective way of doing so is to turn "leftism" into the fucking joke it has become especially in first world nations, so as to turn people away from it to the point where the people will even go against their own self interests out of despise for the madness they see.

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hahaha fuck off back to Twitter radlib.

Thanks for posting the pics.

It's a spooky straw man invented by the John Birch Society in order to smear their more-numerous progressive liberal opponents as having some relation to subversive communists (who were themselves to all be viewed at tools of a foreign state). Marx hated identity politics and expelled feminists and "anti-racists" from the 1st International precisely because they were putting too much evidence on that stuff over class struggle. The word and concept is utter nonsense.

Class war: bosses are only so compelled to exploit workers by the capitalist system
Culture war: ?

Kek. Catholic rightists invented social justice, and Protestants picked it up in the seventies. "Left" liberals coopted it in the eighties and nineties as they were selling organized labor up the river. Social Justice is like Obamacare: conservatards came up with it and only started hating it after the other half of the liberal spectacle decided that they needed it to disguise the fact that they were betraying their existing base. What exactly is "marxist" about any of that?

Same can be said about "political correctness" btw
It was invented by conservatives and it is overwhelmingly done by conservatives. People just don't notice it anymore because they already got used to it conservatives doing it, it's not news.