How did you arrive at your current ideology Zig Forums? It was a long journey for me; it all started when I was in elementary school. I read the communist manifesto shortly after I could read big boy books, and I was that kid who thought he was hot shit for knowing big words like bourgeoisie and dialectical. I was a Tankie Jr. This would all change in middle school. One day I was browsing wikipedia and happened upon that dolphin language experiment where the researcher jerked the subject off. I thought that was hot; one thing led to another and I discovered Posadism. Since then I've realized that our best hope for fixing things on this planet lies in contacting the interstellar left, and I encourage entryism into SETI programs.
How did you arrive at your current ideology Zig Forums...
I'm not even sure what is my current ideology tbh, whatever it is is yet to be written and defined. I didn't arrived yet, I'm in mid flight.
figured out monarchism was cool but liked left-wing economics, I dunno. long story.
I was born an anarchist to be honest.
I was a basic bitch liberal until I took up history and anthropology at the university. At that point, I recognized that every historical model that wasn't at least predicated upon modes of production was spectacular, flaming, fanciful horse shit. That got me reading about modes of production which led to class which led to Marx.
Posadists OUT
Was always some kind of "progressive"/Keynesian since I had a political thought as a teenager. Jumped into image boards around 2005 to shitpost about video games. Eventually gamergate came around and I got caught up trying to make the games media less shitty. Along the way, some of my colleagues kept going on about this "cultural Marxism" meme. It sounded so hilariously like some propaganda-ish straw man right on its face that it finally compelled me to look up what the heck Marxism is. That's all it really took. I value science and empirical theories and Marx had the correct model for how capitalism functions. I still don't know what kind of "Marxist" I am, but I haven't come across any sort of anarchist literature with anywhere near the level of robust logical thought progression as Marx, so that's why I consider myself a socialist.
Really sad and disappointed to be in the company of so many anons who fall for this stupid shit these days. What started from a promise of new hope (8ch) has turned into the biggest disappointment in my entire experience of image board communities.
Having to work got me to hate capitalism, but I was still cucked by ideology so I was a socdem(without knowing the name) who still flirted with lolbertism because some folks I knew were into it. What ended up radicalizing me was when I was going to college part time I ended up getting shuffled into the business/economics program and the sheer amount of bullshit peddled along with getting sober ended up breaking me out of liberalism. Started thinking of myself as a socialist, ended up going anarchist because at the time the folks who called themselves Marxists I had encountered were massive assholes while the anarchists were nice and helpful. Stayed anarchist because I've found most Marxist responses to the issues of the state and reproduction of hierarchy to be unsatisfactory and because I generally agree with the syndicalist strategy while I disagree with the electoral or activist strategy, and because I retained some of my teenage edge to enjoy super-villain colors.
CyberSyn & OGAS.
Reading about how efficient central planning economies can be when coupled with a concerted scientific effort really made me question whether market "efficiency" had any truth beyond "makes more profit".
I used to jump the fence in the playground to skip school. This was in like 2006 so unlike 50 years ago doing that shit got the whole towns police force out looking for you. When I got sent to court for skipping, I handed the judge a shitty middleschool tier letter that said I had the right to not be treated like a slave. Putting the word anarchism to my beliefs took time of course. But I fully believe all kids start out as anarchists, most just get their souls crushed, not me. I also stopped bouncing around the political spectrum once I landed and have been involved in anarchist activism for nearly 4 years now which further confirms that anytime I spent with other ideologies was just experimentation.
I hate to bring this up but
Where did you even get this meme.
GOP are basically Right wing Trotskyists nowadays
What even is that?
This reads like a parody of the theoryless and thoughtless anarchist stereotype.
There's quite a lot of overlap between neocons and former trots, arguably more than any other ex-communist reactionaries.
I don't quite subscribe to any ideology yet. I've been persuaded by the compassion of the left for godless egalitarianism, and my only concern is bringing about human well being. If that has a hierarchical structure or not doesn't matter to me yet. Just browsing for what looks preferable to the semi functioning set of states we currently have. I value privacy of the individual and rights of the collective of laborers, essentially.
Maybe I'll wind up here with the rest of you. Maybe I won't.
An imperialist (white boy) bullied me
Please. Dont start with this paternalistic "all kids are X, then they grow out of it" projection meme. Kids are different from each other as night is from day. Adults just throw them into a "one size fits all" ed program.
Everybody should be constantly learning and developing by reading and taking action and mulling things over. Also, engage and argue with the attitude of trying to find the best ideas.
I don't have any political leanings per se. I was autistically into astronomy when I was little. Then I got interested in learning about geography around seventh grade, then music history, then social studies, geology, and I got into politics by eigth grade although by conspiracy theorist proxy. Then serious politics a few years back.But now I'm burned out from the bullshit of it all. Now I'm turning back to my first love astronomy.
I think my instinct has always been to be against authoritarianism. Between the mild differences among the bourgeois parlamentary parties, the illiterate retardation of most radical left-larpers and the privatized fascism of libertarians, it tooked a long time to for me to realize how to oppose totalitarianism - whether state or corporate totalitarianism.
1. "Not into politics" before 13 years old.
2. Centrist. 13 to 19 years old.
3. Nationalist from 19 from 22 years old (4/pol/ years).
4. Got disillusioned of Zig Forums and the right in general after Trump got in office and start browsing Zig Forums). Got rapidly into Titoism. 23 years old.
5. Titoism is too authoritarian for me now, got into mutualism then just market socialism in general. Also interested by communalism. 23 to 24 years old.
6. Start reading marxist critics of market socialism, and so got into marxism. Still 24 years old.
7. Finally got into Trotskyism. 24 years old to now (25 years old).
What does "Trotskyism" mean to you?
Trotsky ideas and legacy.
Marxists are just underdeveloped Fascists.
You will progress soon enough.
Our Doctrine cannot be resisted.
I look forward to the day you join the real Combat.
Fascism will be all you ever wanted.
The Future is coming.
Inb4 probably the most rediculous transition here.
Was kind of a normie centrist, raised by a conspiracy theorist, so I always had a bit of distrust for government but couldn't really rationalise it.
~16yo after a lot of spiritual pursuits (dabbled in various new age/occult groups online) I ended up turning to Joy of Satan, an (I shit you not) not socialist Satanist churchlike Organisation. Stuck with it for something like half a year to a year, didn't really feel the fashy shit at heart.
~17 started to reach into Anarchism (don't stake me for this one) through right-libertarianism/Ancap thinking, stuck with that for a while. That phase was kind of characterized by this slow transition from "FUCK COMMUNISM" ancap to "Yeah we should probably let communists do their own thing if we're completely honest, capitalist societies can exist apart from them peacefully" (fucking lol)
Eventually I kinda started to pay attention to what Capitalism was doing in the present day in my life and moved towards mutualism/market socialism instead.
Somewhere in there a former Capitalist friend of mine who reformed before me turned to Egoism, and we started to discuss Stirner, Novatore, and some others. I was v interested, did some digging myself, ended up mantling the brand as it were.
Some time later I came in contact with other leftie/postleft positions through dialogue and eventually warmed up to ego-socialism. Consider myself Ancom for simplicity's sake.
Shit was a wild ride.
Any Fascist worthy of his name will always oppose Capitalism.
It's not capital when it's for the good of the nation, comrade.
Wealth cannot be owned or used to the detriment of the nation.
It's slavery when there is no private property. Without ownership, there is no freedom.
Man is more than a means of production. He is the maker of his own destiny.
You will march with us. You will be glad when you do.
The development of private property led inevitably to capitalism you baboon read literally any sociology at all
Any Fascist "worthy" of his name will never oppose Capitalism.
It's capital even when it's for the good of the "nation", comrade.
Wealth is owned or used even for the "nation".
It's slavery when there is private property. Without ownership, there is freedom.
Man is more than a means of production. He is the maker of his own destiny.
You will march with us. You will be glad when you do.
The Communist cannot see the difference between money and capital. He cannot see the difference between private ownership and monopoly.
To him, the man who owns his hut in the woods is little distant from the man who owns all the newspapers. The only difference is one of scale.
The Communist is blinkered. That is why he thinks as he does. He is incapable of thinking outside of his system. His system informs his reality exclusively.
He cannot see that wealth and property are good because natural. From the first flint found property has existed. The right of the one who finds, the one who crafts, the one to whom it is passed and the right of the one to whom he passes it by an exchange mechanism of his choice is natural.
The Communist is against nature. Nature does not fit in his system. His system is not based on the observation of realities, but the desire to overturn them. This is impossible, hence many die.
The wealth of one must never be allowed to have the commonality of men. Hence, the state must step in to oppose harmful monopolies, funds detrimentally used and funds wickedly gained. The people must never be shawn of their natural right to property, but they must be limited in the acquisition and use thereof, so as never to harm the nation or aid its enemies.
Thus, Fascism is not Capitalist. It does not allow money to be the dominant force. It does not allow debt-bondage through usurious loans, nor permit the profit of international bankers.
To the Fascist, who is always a realist, money and property will always exist and should always exist. Likewise, the nation will always exist and should always exist.
We Fascists recognise the realities and work with them. We can thus build a better future.
no pretty much all of us make distinctions
are you just retarded or are you just this desparate to retrofit your ideology to communists
Pathetic dumb baboon nobody just started owning all the newspapers you mongoloid piece of shit. Private property developed into capitalism you subhuman trashling. This is literally in the first like 2 sections of the communist manifesto. Read at least that for starters.
Fascism allows the bourgeoisie (the capitalists) to remain the dominant class so it's capitalism. The relations of productions stay the same.
With this admission that private property does not necessarily mean capitalism, a man of sound mind would conclude that Fascism, which guarantees the natural right to private property, is not necessarily capitalist.
The Communist, dispossessed of mental soundness, is incapable of reaching such a conclusion. They will cry out against Capitalist Fascism, declare that Fascism is Capitalism in decay and suggest that it is the dictatorship of capital, yet this is plain assertion.
Marxists have no truth. All truth belongs to Fascism.
But this admission is wrong, if you think private property does not mean capitalism you don't know what capitalism is.
Get the fuck out of here, Plato looking headass
Sup, proletariat. I don't know where I could ask, so I ask here. I began to learn English and I want to communicate with English speaking builders, designers, engineers, I mean, employment of building industry. Russian AiB has board that dedicated to discussion about work. It has threads that dedicated to different sectors such as construction, education, oil industry, service, etc. I search the same board on 4chan and I don't find it. Do you have the same board on some AiB?
Such as?
Betrayed revolution
Degenerated workers' state
Deformed workers' state
Permanent revolution
Proletarian internationalism
What do these three mean to you?
The historical process that turned the USSR who was at first a workers state into a bureaucracy.
The historical process that turned bourgeois state directly into bureaucracies because they were never workers state, like for example all the East Bloc, except the USSR of course.
In opposition to the two-stage theory and socialism in one country. The USSR to not degenerate into a bureaucracy needed help from the developed countries at the time of Russian Revolution. Then to not fall into autarky, the socialist revolution need to spread as much countries as possible to become worldwide to resist against the attacks of bourgeois states.
Generic lib to labor union parents with a hippy background, read utopian SF in late childhood, then stumbled on An Anarchist FAQ on USENET as a teenager.
Back to Zig Forums retard, Fascism is Talmud for Sassenachim.
None of us even post on Zig Forums
Now you're saying it's Jewish?
The levels you won't stoop..