The new BO is just a crony of the old one an just as bad.
The new BO is just a crony of the old one an just as bad
this is concern trolling autism, fuck off.
Not surprised, seen some other disturbing bans and thread locks already. I guess real change was too much to ask for.
Guess I'll just stay here forever.
The hope was that things had gotten better over there
This. Hopefully the new hotpockets will drive people here/away from r/leftypol/
He removed some wordfilters and hasn't banned DFNS supporters unlike previous BO
discord filtering to fbi is dumb too, what if some poor bastard misclicks? Either way they need to fix the first two before I'll consider returning.
Not seeing the difference
Friendly reminder that you can be banned from Zig Forums for mocking Amazon because Jeff Bezos is a Democrat and that's all Zig Forums actually is.
The board is just controlled opposition, it's always been run by liberal feminists who are afraid of there being an actual leftist movement.
inb4 they ban you for criticizing Israel
That is clearly the result of an autistic mod taking everything literally
You don't get banned for advocating the slaughter of Bezos
Not if you just click a link. I'd think the FBI'd be interested in why a known subversive board on a site best known in the public eye for its terrist manifestos, is visiting them. At least more than they would some random weinerhead visiting discuck.
This, modding gives people the 'tism.
I don't know how the internet works: the post.
>I'd think the FBI'd be interested in the contents of what a known subversive board on a site best known in the public eye for its terrist manifestos visiting their honeypot that functions exclusively through its own proprietary botnet client that logs every trivial UI interaction you perform for analytics, posting text and other content, speaking, and probably logging in through their default account hardlinked to their IRL PowerWord via the proprietary botnet client installed on their PC with user-level privileges, is.
>>>Zig Forums2895434
Okay so it's literally /r/socialism now. Got it.
the ban was legit, that man doesnt know shit about what he's talking about, neither what feminism stands for, theres another board for anti-sjw and the likes of that ignorant, its called Zig Forums, pretending to dismiss such a heterogeneous body of theory such ass feminism in one stupid ass sentence
They are right.
It's better than defending the need for such a heterogeneous body of theory such as feminism in one stupid ass sentence.
back to /trannypol/ tankuck
Feminists don't know what feminism stands for. It's the epitome of a motte-and-bailey position.
Jesus fucking christ. You liberals never give up, do you? This is an anti-idpol board, not r/socialism, faggots. Go back and stay there, masturbating to how beyonce is woke.
It's called Zig Forums not /retardpol/ so I advise you to fuck off.
If you want to link to another thread you can just do two arrows with the post number.
I think we're a lesser evil, to the point that I prefer this place exclusively/can actually get shit said here sometimes. And our filters aren't unfunny partisan masturbation.
Baptizing the corpses of Rosa Luxembourg & Emma Goldman as "feminists" in 3, 2, 1…
kill yourself you fucking retard
Drink bleach
Waste of double dubs.
Lets check
Oh look, its even worse.
Goooood sassanach!
he knows that feminism is anti-egalitarian
Zig Forums is also anti-egalitarian. Where should somebody who supports equality go?
I'm banned but somebody ask BO to name one country where feminism would be better than egalitarianism. Ask him to name one country where male rape victims should not have support, or where men should still be viewed as disposable, or where men should still have the burden of all of their traditionalist responsibilities.
Everywhere needs gender equality and rights for both sexes, not feminism.
Oh, don't worry about feminists reinforcing or at best completely ignoring such practices. Since they're caused by "toxic masculinity", attacks on "the patriarchy" will magically resolve them, just like it didn't in the 1st-world:
in the dustbin of history. no one is ever gonna be truly equal, fuck off with your utopian dreams
also feminism wouldn't work anywhere, and by that I mean be "efficient" not in the sense of it being "implemented". women are hypergamous even within themselves and will strive to eventually silence men, resulting in a might is right society where stronger men (by virtue of having testosterone) will crush them. women can't help but act antisocial and need much more control than males do.
One of the simple lessons to learn is "life is not fair"
pack it up guys, this guy just defeated leftism. Jeff Bezos has $100 billion while his employees are treated like shit but who cares, life isn't fare so Zig Forums shouldn't try to fix anything.
sorry user but if you're looking for a regressive board that wants to maintain the status quo instead of fighting for fairness and equality, try going to Zig Forums or /r/LateStageCapitalism instead, you'll find more of your kind there.
I never said "life can't be improved" I said " life isn't fair"
This but unironically.
The reason why Mr. Bezos has those billions while his employees are treated like shit is because nobody cares, not only that but people actually got convinced through ideology that it is actually fair for Mr. Bezos to be a billionaire and fair that people get treated like shit because Mr. Bezos pulled himself by le bootstraps while his employees are just a bunch of lazy bums. And guess what? it is not possible to convince most people that they are actually wrong for thinking like that because this is the bad ending timeline where people are stupid beyond saving and there's no hope.
Trolls everywhere.
Since was referring to egalitarianism as a characteristic of political activist movements, that would indicate an attempt to change things, rather than an estimation of the status quo, would it not?
We're meant to be politically incorrect here at least.
Yeah I haven't touched leftypol as soon as I saw that ban pop up. In hindsight it was pretty obvious that the board was going to be taken over by a radlib.
what the fuck happened, why did it got so shit, I haven't lurked in years
It was run by a liberal feminist from the start. Some people hoped the new BO would be an actual leftist, but he was handpicked by the old BO.
It's not just /leftwhypol/ either. The "left" has been almost completely hijacked by these people. /r/socialism and /r/latestagecapitalism are also run by feminists. Several "leftwing" communities are nothing more than controlled opposition run by people who are afraid of an actual leftist movement happening.
Round up feminists and put them in re education camps
this is pre-determined it will happen. you become so anarcho-communist you start loving neoconservatives.
He’s a feminist shill too and a Jew
The mods on Zig Forums aren't anarchists.
Forget the workers, tHiNk Of ThE wOmEn.
To be fair, in some places the net effect of feminism would be positive. You could always do better than feminism though.
In the past BO was super chill and had a hands-off approach to moderation, he even used to un-anchor controversial threads to see how discussion would roll out and also unban people that had been baned for bullshit reasons. It was only around 2017 that he started getting poisoned by twitter radlibs and turned into an evil cunt.
Reminder that moderation was different the moment the board came back after Zig Forums recovered from the big hack/attack.
This. Che got super assblasted at joking insult the globals did intentionally restoring Zig Forums in the same batch as /fur/ and /cuteboys/, and immediately stickied a thread exhorting everyone to abandon ship to some retarded namefag site or something.
Regardless of this, like I said on another board, the problem with tanks and anarchists is if they radicalized in one direction, they start agreeing with the establishment (conservatives) if they radicalize in the other they are against it all (idealists) those that stay neutral (agnostic) are used by both sides to absorb bullets.
that's some centrist bullshit
No, it's not political, it's philosophical. Philosophy proper is non-partisan by nature
And furthermore, why would one desire to be a meat shield unless they're delusional?
This has my nomination for the new English 3rd person singular gender-neutral pronoun
just as planned
this whole site is probably a honeytrap, shit's so fucked lol
Usually they're thirsty orbiters
Protip: idpol does not mean "anything that upsets my conservative sensibilities".
These are not only reactionary views but are actually idpol, the very thing that you are supposed to oppose! How fucking retarded can you be??
Back to >>>Zig Forums.
The rest are indeed idpol or reactionary.
I'm not a conservative you retard.
u need to oppose misandry or else you are a conservative
ancap tier deflection
Pro-lifers are religious moralfags and idpolers.
You welcome.
user I–
Is it just me or is the new moderation attitude at Zig Forums actually worse
RIP leftypol once again
Don't you people ever ask yourself the question; are we the baddies?
No we don't because we're not Zig Forums you dipshit.
That solves it, no introspection needed, no difficult questions to answer.
Don't you ever ask yourself the question; am I mentally impaired?
source or fuck off, even Orwell agrees this never fucking happened
do you?
this also tbh
Okay user, how should I wipe my arsehole more efficiently?
Reminder that's still not an actual rule.
Reminder Imkampfy becoming completely unbearable even to the Nazi torture chamber inmates resulted in Zig Forums simply shedding posts/UIPs rather than making viable rapefugee boards
Reminder very soon after that started was 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸coincidentally🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 about the same time Zig Forums halted its rapid ascent up the popular boards list with Che's spergout
Reminder the globals bending over backward to pull Zig Forums's ass out of the fire they lit is totally unprecedented
Recently people moved from /b/ to /b2/ because there was a retarded mod on /b/ who banned almost everyone.
So just to say that there is a precedent of people moving to a rapefugee board because of the people in charge going full retard.
It's a BO rule, though I doubt the Zig Forums BO was breaking it, considering how high up the list it's always been.
I've never actually been banned from Zig Forums, I just left and came here when I observed all the bullshit happening to other posters. Looks like things have actually gotten worse in that time. Guess there's a first time for everything.
told you about trannies dog, i told you
is this ☘️filter☘️ fixed? testan
polite sage for doublepost