Also consider their allies. For Lenin, that can mean Joseph Stalin and the Bolsheviks, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, etc. For Kropotkin, that could mean Republican Catalonia/the CNT-FAI, Rojava, Mikhail Bakunin, Murray Bookchin, Noam Chomsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Emma Goldman, etc.
It's pretty obvious that most here support Kropotkin, since we are not Zig Forums, aka tankiepol.
Daniel Nelson
Are we talking Lenin's ideas or what Lenin actually did because they're pretty fucking different.
Aiden Fisher
I choose Marx.
Oliver Green
Is this a fighting game or something? Kropotkin made numerous mistakes late in life and Lenin was a no-fun fag who established the state that strangled the revolution in the name of saving it.
They're literally opposites though. Mussolini never supported Blanqui. In fact, he probably had a better opinion of people like Proudhon and Bakunin than him.
Blanqui's centralized republicanism and socialism is precisely why Sorel was so dissatisfied with the French left. If the Third Republic wasn't a thing and the concept of a federal republic still viable in France, Sorel wouldn't have made any overtures to Maurras.
Admittedly, I do still do have sympathies towards the French Revolution though, even if I hate the centralized liberal democracy that came out of it. The Spanish Cantonal Revolution is better anyways. (Also, it was the only truly Proudhonist revolution.)
I can't believe no one really asked ME that. Still, Mussolini was hardly unique in being a syndicalist with nationalist leanings. They were all over the place in Italy and France during the 1910s. Edmondo Rossini is the most based Italian Fascist to be honest. D'Annunzio isn' too bad either.