There were already far deeper problems with the SPD and their ilk within the 2nd Internationale by that point, such as their complicity in WWI just a few years earlier. Politicians within those parties had wholly lost touch with their rank and file, and their comrades across the world.
Most of whom were syndicalist. You can get into sortition versus electoral representation versus communal direct democracy, if you want, but socialism is democratic, period.
That is merely a capitalist distortion of the liberal ideal of personal security
>it is currently a tool wielded by the bourgeoisie and only serves their interests
Then why have they always struggled to dismantle it? Why have they always fought against its restraints on them?
That censorship occurs isn't really the issue. The issue is the construction of powerful omnipresent censorship infrastructure in practice, and popular rejection of free expression in culture (including within received "leftist" ideology). Failing to protect the free expression of nazis, or actively participating in it, is de-facto aiding in the erection of a vast apparatus that will seal our doom. Moreover, especially within the left, it is destroying and corrupting the rival edifice of free expression activism, willfully tearing away at the foundational doctrinaire causes of leftism itself, akin to campaigning for religion, dictatorship, war, slavery, and other right wing causes.
No, they require the unflinching, principled support of the masses, who will agitate ceaselessly for their enforcement when they are not law, protect and participate in them when they are law, uphold them amongst ourselves, and absolutely never opportunistically betray our own core ideals.
False dilemma. We can impose the expectation on the state of conforming to rules it agrees to, and use the legally enforced rights resulting from that, while simultaneously performing illegal direct action that is made easier by more favorable laws to press for further reforms in our favor just like porky does.
Pretending that hard won concessions don't exist and haven't made leftism easier and more ambitious in the centuries from totalitarian feudalism to democratic republicanism absolutely is nihilism, verging on delusional schizophrenia.
That is only part of it, shouting down anyone on the "left" who engages in or lauds suppression of free expression for any reason will remove the support Google depends on to justify such misbehavior, but yes, getting consumers to avoid such centralized and readily abused services in favor of sane alternatives is part of it. There are also potential legal remedies that have been used successfully in the past, such the recognition of Google as a monopoly, resulting in the imposition of fairness regulations as a public service, nationalization, or Google being trustbusted to prevent any porky from exercising such unchecked power.
What about when the state begins acting on that concession, and beatdowns of porky cause the piggies to squeal for deregulation against the state, or open borders with states that are already deregulated?
What activism is useful, if not free speech, ESPECIALLY inside leftism itself!? You realize that sort of thinking is where tolerance for the authoritarian "inner party" structure of the Bolsheviks originated, right?
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