Best socialist fiction?

Need some lefty fiction (besides Lê Guin) preferably sci-fi. Whatcha got robots?

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Oops, forgot text:
Also one of my favorite novels purely on the level of a great story, and great SF. As an adjunct, Eric Frank Russel's short story …And Then There Were None, which inspired Voyage to Yesteryear, is highly recommended. It has a stronger LibSyn focus.
Most directly an allegory for resistance against fascism in WWII, it still applies well to pretty much any repressive regime.
A little bit of a Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire feeling to start with, but it expands to cover a broad sweep of phenomena, and its stories are marvelously clever.

Does this count or are you looking for purely science fiction/modern "classic" literature? I presume there are a lot of left fiction books and plays out there from as early as Greece.

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A personal fave classic of the genre

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Good dude but sold out by falling for the feminism meme

Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy (at least the first two books).

The thing it inspired is 1000x better TBH

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Forgive me for enjoying the literary depiction of a literal anarcho-communist revolution on Mars.

The State and Revolution