For the sake of the Third World, Russia must perish.
Eastern Orthodox Russia must die so that the teeming masses of the Third World may live. Control of Russia must be seized from the Moskals and a global refugee zone be established within the former territory of the Russian Federation. The teeming masses of Syrians, Afghans and other assorted ethnicities of the world must have Russia as home. Russia must be converted into a giant refugee camp. In no uncertain terms, I am calling for a new Generalplan Out, but instead of Aryans, it must be populated with the masses of the world yearning to be free.
Why Russia? Threefold:
1) Russia has been the primary supplier of heavy munitions for Assad's Syria and had a role in creating the refugee crisis; 2) The Siberian tundra is about to thaw, thereby opening it to mass population while greenhouse gases burn the global south; 3) Russia is the font of white supremacism, reactionism, the alt-right and is the Ur-traitor to the socialist project of the 20th century and must be punished accordingly.
Firstly, Russia has supplied the heaviest munitions to Assad and in doing so displaced the greatest number of Syrians to Western Europe. Europe's social safety nets are on the brink as refugees flood into Germany, France and Poland. In doing so, nationalistic rhetoric is being fuelled viciously. The FN, AfD, Orban etc benefit from Russian aid in the Syrian Civil War as the tide of refugees politically empowers them. Putin and his allies benefit hugely from this vicious cycle relationship. European unity, the vehicle of social democratic politics is threatened gravely by ethnoseparatists, of which the Moskals are in contact with.
Secondly, the Siberian tundra is about to thaw due to continued global warming. This will unleash a vicious cycle of Siberian methane warming the Earth, further warming it. The Russian state is additionally complicit in funding global warming denial through the support of pseudoscience and denialism in other countries. Most materially, Russia is one of the largest supplier of fossil fuels in Eurasia. If they contribute to climate refugees running around, it makes sense for them to take them in.
Thirdly, Russia is the font of reaction within the West. It is a traditionalist, spiritualist, chauvinistic power that flirts with the global right. Additionally, Russia is the super-traitor to socialism, the country most responsible for the downfall of the USSR, the country of Khruschev that disgraced socialism forever. For this alone, Russia and indeed, ethnic Russians must be punished.
Russia must be opened to the masses of the Third World. New Russians must be allowed to live in the wide, rich black-soil expanses of the Third Rome. Russian households must be billeted to house five, maybe even more refugees. Iraqi's, Afghans and Syrians must find comfort in the co-ethnics of Lana Lokteff and speaking of which, remember that is was the Moskals that opened the festering wound of Afghanistan. This new state, non-Orthodox, non-Christian, can then swiftly fall under the influence of the PRC, for the rebirth of the Soviet Union. The virile seed and manhood of Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis desperately call for a home in Slavic pudendae. Russia must turn into a true rape-state, a real orgy of the otherwise imaginary white genocide. With this new Refugee-State, the borders of Europa will be protected from rising China.
The problem with Generalplan Out was it originally called for the destruction of the Soviet Union, the leading socialist power of the ages and the extermination of a socialist country. Yet there now is no socialist Russia, only an Eastern Orthodox font of reaction responsible for the worst rightist excesses on this world. The Boers, the most vicious rightists seek sanctuary in this land and our domestic right opponents in alliance with Russia.