We were Iceni once.
Ye are the conquered, not the conquerors!
It is not sufficient to repudiate the Norman influences within the settler cultures. The true spirit of the those settler descendants is not even English at heart. We must repudiate the Anglo-Germanic spirit of conquest entirely and turn to our old Celtic and Briton heritage to understand what it means to be an "English"-descended settler.
We must free ourselves of the imperialistic spirit, we must reach to our genealogical elements that have been conquered and subjugated, lost under two thousand years of Germanic and Roman lies. To restore the spiritual integrity of the settler peoples, we must begin to understand that as workers and toilers, unwitting beneficiaries of imperialism, in reality we are spiritually Celtic rather than English. The English bourgeoisie will have to be disposed of as soon as we rid our culture of the Norman elements.
Firstly, we stood and resisted imperialist violence. Secondly, in failing, we still were aware of what should've been our anti-imperialist nature. Thirdly, for nearly two thousand years, our conquered Celtic bodies have been stifled by Roman and Germanic spirit. Today must be the day we return to our old Brythonic freedoms.
Firstly, we remain largely descended from the old population that existed even before the Roman invasions. We had worked our lands for time immemorial. Until then, we were largely free from conquest and empire. Yet our tribe was violated, just as Boudica's daughters were. We were Romanised and thus acquired the Imperial spirit of robbing others' bread and land! We were deceived by the lie of the Paterfamilias, that which now manifests itself as the nuclear family! Along with Carthaginian, Hispano-Celt, Gaul, Belgii, Carthaginian we suffered and our nature were changed for the worse! Yet in being aware of this, we see how wrong it is to take the bread of others, to turn our island-people into imperialist extractions. We must relearn this!
Secondly, even as we changed, the Celtic spirit of resistance, that same spirit we shared with the French (who deep down were still common Alesian Gauls) at Verdun against the invading Germanic hordes, we marshaled that spirit against the chieftains of Angles and Saxons that brought chaos and tragedy to us, through Artorius. We had been irreversibly changed by the Roman conquest, but we still had to fight for what was ours against the Germanic invader, even if they too suffered. Millennia later, even as the English appropriated Artorius, in doing so they affirmed anti-imperialism, subconsciously aware of their true roots.
Thirdly, in view of these distortions of our original Celtic heritage by Roman and Germanic invaders, we must understand that we have changed for the worse - an abused child becoming an abuser! "Empire" derives from "imperium", a Roman word signifying imperial oppression of others. It is not a Brythonic word! "Reich" and "realm" likewise are respectively Germanic and Latinate for concepts of exclusion and authoritarianism. We have been distorted, utterly distorted. We have been severed from our meek Irish, Scottish and Welsh brethren, the old Britons, Iceni turning to path of conquest, with all the feudalism, capitalism and slavery that it implies.
Not only must we Denormanize. We must Deanglicise, Deromanize and once again join with our Irish, Welsh, Scottish Celtic brothers. Whatever tribe we may be then called is up to the future. But we were Iceni once!
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