Socialist in the streets, anarcho-capitalist in the sheets
The weirdest shit is how radlibs will claim to be socialists, but somehow defend authoritarian governments and corporations on every issue. They function as lumpenproles, the dregs of society that have no real concern of class consciousness and will defend private business at any cost. The exchange is simple, the ruling class provides protection/services/goods to the lumpenproles, and the lumpenproles crack down on any real revolutionary people.
The real kicker is the sleight of hand employed by the ruling class to convince said lumpen that they are the real socialists. Self-avowed socialists will celebrate corporate brands for endorsing woke idpol, such as burgerking, Gillette, mastercard, youtube, large banks, etc. Meanwhile, real people campaigning for workers get tarnished. Jeremy Corbyn is attacked both by the capitalist right and left for merely suggesting that the working people of Britain should control the banks, and not the ruling class. The same thing is happening in America, where Bernie is also attacked for not being woke enough.
These radlibs imagine themselves as the vanguard of the revolution, but their actions are always in defense of money's interests. If you ever take to a radlib about the plight of workers in poorer areas, they easily scoff at said workers. They deem those poorer than themselves as rednecks, flyover states, rural retards, chuds, etc. The actual fabric of a revolutionary class is deemed not worthy by liberalism, only trans latinx crippled midgets can be part of the revolution, brought to you by gillette: shave your legs with 5-blade smoothness.
And let's not forget how extremely-online twitter radicals heap praise upon the corrupt, incompetent or repressive leaders of single-party """socialist""" states while disparaging and lashing out at the actual workers in these countries whenever they try to protest or independently organize.
Ian Gomez
There are always 2 sides to the story tho. Don't forget that the guy he "deplatformed" was a multi millionaire backed up by the Koch brothers. Once those ppl are deplatformed porky needs to invent new spooks to distract ppl, which is hard, so deplatforming these ppl would actually bring about opportunities for ppl to wake up in absence of a boogeyman. That's why radlibs never actually succeed in deplatforming bigots, they just win small battles while porky keeps the war going. The right thing to do would be to support radlibs in deplatforming efforts in hopes of getting rid of enough idpol distractions to bring about more class conciousness, cause fighting them is just futile and what porky wants you to do.
William Roberts
Crowder still has donations and merchandising to suckle off of, and he's a war-mongering zionist. Crowder has obviously violated youtube terms of service but kept his account intact, meanwhile people who have never violated youtube ToS got deplatformed, both left and right. Carlos Maza is a distraction from the real censorship, antiwar people both left and right get booted off while a zionist gets a slap on the wrist.
The ruling class wants you to think the debate is about whether or not people have the right to call someone a faggot, but the real issue is Capitalist warmongerers controlling the platform to keep out antiwar voices.
Isaac Miller
And give more power to curb speech to corporations like Google? No.
The right thing to do would be to support nationalizing these shitty companies so they can't control the dialog anymore.
Lincoln Sanchez
lol at going after crowder of all people
Tyler Jenkins
This. Youtube/Twitter/Facebook/Reddit/etc. should be protocols, not websites. That there is centralized moderation at all is indicative of their intentionally flawed architecture.