Honest question, if most types of idpol (beaner nationalism, nigger nationalism, Jewish nationalism), etc.; are openly anti-white, then how can whites who adopt white idpol be considered illogical?
If resources are inherently scarce, and the goal of most shitskin idpol is to gain access to white resources and decrease the political power of whites, then it's literally in whites' interests to oppose them. Also, what makes you think that shilling for 3rd-world Maoist groups and various other commie shitskins doesn't inherently lead to more resources and power being funneled against whites on the global scale?
How many of you are actually proles, and not some upper-middle-class suburbanites who only know about niggers from Jewish TV?
Because supporting identitarian autism will merely beget further autism, as the neologism of huwite idpol disintegrates into its component parts, first ancestry at the linguistic-national level or major religious affiliation, eventually down to individual city-states and tribes and autism-driven race war consumes Europe and its colonies in endless waves of pointless genocides, just as it had for thousands of years before.
Contrariwise, opposing identitarianism puts a final conclusion to all such retardation, huwite or otherwise.
Idpol is inherently illogical, just like your entire post.
Gavin Stewart
Logic is subjective in the age of post-truth
Zachary Watson
lol i saw an interview with zizek where he basically said spelled this out but didn't really outright say it. He basically said that China, Saudi Arabia are the now true exploiters of the world and probably future empires but only socdem petty little Europe is told to put down its guns.
Leo Perry
It's always anarkiddies that make this dumb argument. First of all, whites who are woke on niggers will look at the global population levels and realize that whites should remain in an alliance in order to prevent being totally rekt.
Afrika will literally run out of suitable biomass with all the niggers overpopulating there, and it doesn't matter how much communist or anti-nationalist literature you toss at them because the vast majority of them can't read, and don't give a shit. Human nature is inherently tribalistic and ethnocentric.
That's debateable, since ethnocentrism gives quick benefits ti those who have a population advantage in a given area. You can call it arbitrary, but that doesn't mean it will stop existing overnight, or that niggers will stop being ethnocentric because some white tranny on the internet told them to.
Jaxon Walker
Zizek is a philosopher. He presents idyllic possibilities but doesn't to my knowledge explain how they can be realistically implemented. Especially when entire nations have propaganda networks promoting different philosophies. China, for example, is effectively a Han fascist technocracy, and genocides t*rks in Western China, and "le humanitarians" in the West can't do shit about it because China has nukes and huge economic influence. There's really no reason to assume they'll be egalitarian towards whites.
Carter Taylor
They are not. But nationalism is always retarded. Another kind of false premise. The problem is not lack of resources, the problem is an inefficient economy relying on scarce resources and poor distribution. Everything we need in large quantities can be recreated using green energy and proper recycling. What the fuck is a white resource? Like who? And if you're going to whine (again) about how some capitalist countries are white, therefore if you want to overthrow them then you're anti-white, then go suck a cock. Again, Maoists don't give a fuck about your whiteness. They care about capitalism. Overthrowing your white capitalist masters in favor of a communist economy will benefit whites. I have lived in a muslim ghetto in Scandinavia most of my life.
Parker Morales
Yeah, sure thing nigger.
Resources in white nations, dumbass.
Nonwhites getting into power in the state and corporate leadership literally decreases the political power of white people. Nonwhites carry with them their own ethnocentric and cultural interests that are often opposed to white interests. For instance, a beaner mayor will appoint more police and city officials that shill for illegal immigration; which decreases the value of labor for white proles.
Doubtful, most Maoists are in fact ethnocentric for their own race and just use Marxist rhetoric to gain support. It's called "optics", or not presenting your true intentions to your enemies. China is arguably still heavily influenced by Maoism and they genocide t*rkoids.
That explains why you're an uber-cuck then, Captain Sweden.
Colton Russell
What resources are they after? Everything you own is made in China or India or any other 3rd world country. Only your food is probably not from the developing world because of food tariffs.
Connor Lewis
Shitskins want to make themselves the rulers of white countries via demographic replacement.
Most white nationalists support trade protectionism and oppose outsourcing. Those are actually pro-worker policies that the modern left has abandoned because they went full globo-homo. Now you have Bernie and other leftists Capitalists shilling for global capitalism.
Luke Anderson
*k i k 3 s
Noah Bailey
All this projection is really impossible to argue against. The fact that you want to kill everyone who isn't white does not mean everyone who isn't white wants to kill you. Can you just stop pretending to be a national """"""bolshevik"""""" and fuck back to Zig Forums with your subhuman brethren?
Isaiah Richardson
You're a shameless parasite who lives so comfortably because of the developing world, the developing world doesn't need you, you don't give anything back to the world. You're literally a mouth, a consumer who lives at the expense of the "shitskins" you hate, you still have the gall to play the victim when you're the vampire living on other people's time and labour.
What job could you possibly be doing that would justify you being clothed, fed, amused (toys & electronics) and your home furnished at the expense of low paid sweat shop labourers?
Mason Thomas
All nationalism is shit and ends up reproducing capitalism. I've worked full time for 9 years in various manual labor jobs and most of my coworkers have been jamals, cletuses, or pablos. Comparatively nationalists are disproportionately bourgeois and petit-bourgeois retards whose sole sources of information are recycled memes from the feds or bourgeoisie media.
Aren't you neolibs also supposed to buy into the other half of the propaganda line, that open borders have magically decreased global poverty?
Elijah Perry
Your observation isn't mutually exclusive to the mine, both happen simultaneously. Also a neoliberal wouldn't call this an unfair trade, they would be celebrating it as the efficiency of the global labour market to allocate labour intensive work in the capital poor areas of the world whilst the capital rich areas of the world can engage in more productive labour.
Noah Watson
the niggers aren't getting rich off your wagie ass. niggers are victims of the same class violence as any other member of the proletariat. left idpol and right idpol are being played against each other by porky. more infighting among the working class along idpol lines makes it all the easier for porky to consolidate power.
Jacob Cook
No, of course it's not mutually exclusive with the orthodox neolib interpretation. But Maotist-turd-worldists tend to omit that half, and focus entirely on attempts to guilt trip "labor aristocrats" for daring to succeed in successfully extracting a greater number of reformist concessions from porky at the height of the global unionist movement's power in the protectionist era.
And of course neolibs don't call it an unfair trade, because their worldview is reliant on simultaneously upholding both of those falsehoods: That any benefit whatsoever accrued to the 1st-world's median worker, and that the same is true of the 3rd-world (the latter falsehood itself composed of two subsidiary contentions of dubious veracity: That a great increase occurred to 3rd-world standard of living thanks to open borders, and that all increases to standard of life in the 3rd-world are entirely and necessarily owed to neoliberalism.
Adam Reed
Same OP as these
Adrian Flores
Weren't you, snowniggers, the ones that started the whole (insert skin color/meaningless identity)-nationalism shitshow to begin with? You have no one else to blame but yourselves. Maybe drop the bullshit and focus on economics, because you're merely useful idiots for the bourgeoisie and, while you're bitching about da joos™, "niggers", "spics", "chinks" or any utterly idiotic boogieman, you're getting assfucked by the rich.
The goal of the proletariat isn't to seize power from whites. It's to seize power from the bourgeoisie, regardless of their race. We don't give a fuck that they're white, black, hispanic, asian… whatever. You're bourgeoisie, you're getting the bullet. Simple as that.
The fact that the bourgeoisie merely happens to be white on the anglosphere is absolutely irrelevant. Stop browsing r/socialism.
Nobody here sheds a tear for the white bourgeoisie. Or pretty much any bourgeois sack of shit, regardless of the amount of, or lack thereof, melanin. I'd hang a "shitskin" rich fuck alongside a white bourgeois faggot. We don't hate the bourgeois based on their liberally constructed identity, but rather because they are bourgeois scum.
You're one to talk. Your entire focus is "muh k¡kes", "muh white genocide" and "muh shitskins" rather than class struggle. You have a problem with the jewish bourgeoisie, but you'd certainly enjoy getting teabagged by white bourgeoisie.
Tl;dr: White nationalism is divide and conquer tactic, just as any other form ot ethno-nationalism (read: bourgeois nationalism). You're not combatting idpol; you simply embrace your own kind of idpol.
Thanks for proving my point. The vast majority of Marxism is just a cover for nigger nationalism and rent-seeking from whites.
LOL no, it's been around since at least the Bronze Age, or earlier. Egyptian hieroglyphics describe how superior they were to darker-skinned Central Africans, and how they defeated them in wars.
I never once said that. I'm an actual NazBol and I support worker collectives of whites, not CEOs. Corporations are mostly opposed to nationalism since they would rather have total free trade and open borders in order to maximize profits and decrease the value of labor. That's not saying that the xenophillic anti-white left isn't just as bad for supporting open borders.
The point is idpol can never be erased. You have more in common with Jeb Bush (who complains about idpol) than you do with 90% of the left, and the vast majority of your fellow shitskins. Since whites are a global minority and are being outbred by niggers in our own countries, there is an ever-increasing incentive for us to be ethnocentric.
Imagine believing that the Feds or MSM supports white nationalism when white nationalists get banned from social media, paypal accounts deleted, algorithms modified to keep normies from seeing us, etc.
The Feds, MSM, and porky support mass-immigration because it decreases the value of labor.
Nolan Anderson
Seems like a borderline anti-materialist argument and a feelz-based one. Like I said, the majority of leftists are just xenophiles who have a fetish for coddling niggers. Developed nations create tons of high-end consumer goods that shitskin nations like. Niggers in Africa drive around in Toyota trucks and listen to Western music on the iPhones; while on their way to get their UN-provided welfare gibs.
Ayden Miller
the eternal TANK
Ryder Gutierrez
Not everything revolves around you, something not revolving around you doesn't mean that it is divide and conquer tactic to stop everything revolving from around you.
Noah Diaz
This is the sort of paranoid retardation resulting from the ideologically simplified mind, it can no longer even conceive that not everything that isn't them, isn't a humongous entity.
If that were the (one and only) reason, they would support a work-permit system like the gulf states have.
Nolan White
Nathaniel Walker
its necessary for the states, but no leftist gives a fuck about us and wonders why middle America is getting more reactionary by the day. you're not helping.
Brody Cruz
Matthew Martinez
>I'm well aware that there are parasites who steal income via absentee rent of monopolized property and people who earn their income from wages amounting to a fraction of the full value of their labor. Fix'd 99.999% of stormnigs and their sympathizers are working class, just like 99.999% of those subject to their autistic screeching. Since nearly every misery in your life you care to name comes primarily or entirely from class exploitation, this means anything which weakens solidarity among workers as class warriors serves only to deepen your suffering and lend further treasure to porky. Because the Persian Gulf is a literal pre-capitalist Bronze Age throwback Leaving aside the fact that immigrant unemployment rate is only 1-6 percentage point higher than that of native yuropoors (and barely a fraction of a percentage point different from natives in burgerstan), increasing the size and desperation of the labor pool nonetheless helps drive down compensation and weaken unions, as well as aiding in the destruction of the welfare safety net. Or perhaps that's the same sort of purely rhetorical flimflam as Donald "Great Big Beautiful Door" Trump cutting deportations after Obama? Especially given the fact that pro-immigration figures in the EU are the ones using migrant unemployment as an excuse for policies such as eliminating the minimum wage for migrants.
Everything revolves around me, when it seems like something doesn't revolve around me, this only serves to distract people from the fact that everything revolves around me, so it still revolves around me. Now replace the self-importance in the previous sentence with the object of your ideological sense of self-importance to reveal that the issue of such reasoning begging the question remains. You're confusing the actuality of Europe and mass-immigration to it with a platonic ideal market. The recent wave of mass-immigration is not competing for the same jobs; they aren't suitable for them, neither are they made desperate for them, they're given welfare (with asylum seekers, who make up the bulk, not being allowed to work in some European countries), the labour migration from eastern Europe is not driving down wages either, they're doing work that the people of western europe have economically outgrown (mostly seasonal agricultural work). Why do you consider yourself as the only person capable of actually having an ideology? What sets you apart from all others so that their politics is always merely instrumental?
Jeremiah Butler
For your sustenance, do you primarily rely on the wages/salary leftover scraps that fall from porky's trough? Then congratulations, it's all about you just as much as it's all about me. Oh, great, I thought the one upside of 8/pol/ becoming a Nazi torture chamber circlejerk was that the CATO Institute Randroid lolberts, blindly regurgitating mainstream neolib "economist" propaganda, had all been shoah'd. Guess I was wrong.
Yes, of course they are competing against natives for jobs, in no small part because the cheapness of jobs underpaid and easily abused migrants can do causes more expensive and prestigious jobs to be eliminated by porky. The "old economy/new economy" meme is a naked lie that directly contradicts plummeting real median compensation throughout the 1st-world.
As I said, aside from its small size and temporary nature (you can bet these people are destined for some kind of absurd slave labor ASAP) this helps justify destroying the welfare safety net that traditionally buoyes the power of labor against abusive employers. Also, it's used as a means of sidestepping regulations mandating foreign aid spending, by shifting funds earmarked for foreign aid into domestic welfare for migrants, which both helps a far smaller number of people due to PPP, and causes the situation for internal refugees within the MENA region to become even worse, increasing refugee flows and further stoking the flames of war.
Because I'm not a filthy hypocritical liar
Kayden Edwards
Everything is reducible to something, because it exists. If it is not, it is an attempt to obfuscate this, so it is still reducible.
Did you learn ontology from Stefan Molyneux? Where are they actually competing with natives jobs, and what jobs? "Because zero-sum, extrapolation" is just you repeating that according to your theory they should, again falling for the fallacy of the theory being used as evidence for itself. Who make up the protocols of the old boars of the pigsty that so meticulously craft four dimensional chess pieces, who know what you know; all politicians, all political party members, only the heads of government and EU bigwigs, all CEO's, only those of the largest corporations?
You remind of schizophrenic guy I know, who when convinced that a car driving down the street is a surveillance vehicle listening in, will show news articles reporting on broadened surveillance powers. The paranoia is beginning and end, nothing can contradict it, because everything that does is negated back into it, motive is evidence, lack of evidence is evidence of a cover-up.
Jose Jenkins
Everything revolves around me, when it seems like something doesn't revolve around me, this only serves to distract people from the fact that everything revolves around me, so it still revolves around me. Now replace the self-importance in the previous sentence with the object of your ideological sense of self-importance to reveal that the issue of such reasoning begging the question remains.
Based ethical solipsism
Aiden Hernandez
Race idpol is a work of Anglo-Saxon intellectuals to weaponise coloured people for political purposes (not necessarily "against whites" as the whites control it, but to play a part in power disputes).
Idpol isn't actually going to take resources from White civilisation into civilisations of coloured people, only to move it around within White civilisation.
Third-worldism in the West isn't serious. Third-worldism in the third world will fight the West through economic and military power, not idpol.
Your white redneck cracker Walmart greeter cashier pants shitting scrub controls the race idpol
Gabriel Wilson
I’m not stealing these resources guis I’m just moving them around. It’s different.
Andrew Cook
Idpol is the work of whites, the work of whites, the whites control it, whites, whites,. The REAL THIRD WORLD will destroy the white white west whites who control the white idpol whites
Fuck idpol though
Jose Walker
Military power against the whites
Ryan Russell
Destroy the Anglo Occupied Government
Me? I hate idpol…
Levi Sullivan
Support Bolsonaro against the whites
Wyatt Peterson
Gay thug niggas are the work of the AOG
Jace Walker
Lol You niggas are so confused
Jordan Garcia
Here's a tip to not being the most annoying poster on the board: When you think you're done with a post, take three deep breaths and ask yourself "is there anything more I want to add before posting?"
Noah Hall
Stalin was doing an idpol when he waged war on the Germans.
but you don't consistently oppose identity politics, you cheer on the slaughter of whites farms in South Africa, ignore the rape of white children by middle eastern rape gangs, laugh at assault on whites by blacks, and whine endlessly about police brutality against black. The only red thread in you "anti-id pol" stance is that it is consistently anti-white.
Henry Morris
3 posts with literally zero arguments.
Jason Watson
Hudson Rivera
Contrapoints is literally a guy in drag
Cameron Anderson
Except it's literally true.
Kinda like how 90% of you believe all porkies are the same.
The Gulf States are ran by Islamic monarchists who have an interest in preventing their own cultural subversion. US porkies only care about punts and consumerism.
Ethan Taylor
That guy is an example of what I'm talking about; a nigger using communist iconography and lingo in order to leech off of white nations, and ultimately white proles also.
He got triggered by my threads and is raging all over the board.