Do you know why your women are going for "Tyrone" instead of you? Because "Tyrone" is a bourgeois rich fuck with access to surgeries, wealth and a stable job, something you lack because liberals built the system to benefit them, not you. The system is rigged against the working class. Get rid of the system, you'll be able to "ascend" and get yourself a nice "aryan" lady, because wealth no longer matters on the sexual "marketplace".
Also, most white women only date white men, so the problem is certainly not racemixing. We, socialists, don't want to exterminate the white working class. That's all liberal propaganda.
The only ones currently defending Israel are liberals and MAGAshits. Even leftist SJW retards are calling out Israel (for idiotic reasons, but still calling them out).
Jew is a meaningless tem, just as white/black/whatever. It's all identity politics and socially constructed identities to divide and conquer. Since the beggining of civilization, it has always been about class struggle. The jewish bourgeoisie were slavemasters because they were rich and ruling class, not because they were jewish. Marx and Lenin were jews, but they fought against the bourgeoisie. Marx even called out world jewry (if you must), so did Mikhail Bakunin and Pierre Joseph Proudhon (all of them leftists).
In Lenin's words: "The jewish bourgeoisie are our enemies, not as jews but as bourgeoisie".
It's utterly idiotic to think that someone being born jewish makes him inherently bad. Same goes for race/sex/whatever-socially-constructed-identity: It's absolutely irrelevant.
Neither of those care about the working class. Hitler betrayed the german workers and sold himself to the bourgeoisie. And everyone and their grandmother knows the evils of zionism.
>There is an extreme clear link between both white nationalism and Zionism. Both of them propagate the hatred towards non Jewish/non whites and both of them share the same idea, the only thing that divides them is history, but their DNA is identical, and even history showed that the founders of the KKK were Democrats, who were pretty much consistent of Jewish people. Even the president of Confederacy, was in fact Jewish in origin
Slavery wasn't founded on racism; racism is a consequence of slavery. Slavery is a class issue, not a race one. Other races, including whites and jews, have been enslaved because they were underclass. Right now, both whites, blacks, jews, hispanics… whatever are being enslaved by capitalism. We're all enriching the bourgeoisie by participating in it.
Once again, the problem is capitalism, not race.
Yet another liberal strategy to pit the white working class against the jews It's exactly the same with white nationalism and black lives matter.